Good Times, Fun, And Happiness

A Friday List.

1)  My dearheart friend, Amanda, threw caution to the wind and drove all the way out here to visit me.  Is she not splendid?

2)  We both agreed that cooking dinner this evening did not sound like a fun task.

3)  As a result of this, Amanda gets to go to Red Robin in the big city with the lights and cars and humans.

4)  I shall be cooking dinner.

5)  It was a beautiful day today.  But there does come a time in every gal’s life when she has to wonder: 

When is spring coming?

6)  Combined, Amanda and I have eight children.  We allowed said children to play outside.  And we foolishly believed that all eight children would listen to us and not stand in any mud puddles.

7)  We should know better.

8)  At least Amanda should know better.  She is in her 30’s.  I am only in my 20’s.

For shame, Amanda.  For shame.

9)  All children ended the playdate with soaked socks and soggy bottoms.

10)  What should I make for dinner?

11)  I am contemplating running a 5K.  Dumb or brilliant?

12)  I have zero running/exercise/fitness experience and this event will occur in 4 weeks.

13)  Or, I could just make brownies tonight and give up.

14)  I am also giving up on couponing.  Thank you to everyone who gave me permission to do so.

15)  What did the boy volcano say to the girl volcano?

16)  Do you lava me as much as I lava you?

17)  Ha!  That is clever, you cannot deny it.

18)  The new water heater incident did not cause any sort of tiff whatsoever.  And we all got hot showers this morning.

19)  Therefore, my husband probably doesn’t need to bring me flowers for another year or so.

20)  But, watch out, Lumberjack.  The year 2012 will sneak up on you.  And you shall be romantic, yes you shall.

21)  Let us discuss the COW.  The COW is the Comment of the Week.

It is Erin.  Erin is always hilarious.  I love Erin with an undying, non-creepy, blogging friend sort of love.

But Erin gets it this week because she remembered something on my blog from January of last year.

Her brain is like a sponge!

Erin said:

Is this the same dentist you freaked out with your wet hands while visiting after your 6-year hiatus?

Why, yes!  And you can read all about it here.

Go visit Erin.  She is good times, fun, and happiness.

Happy Friday!


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17 Responses to Good Times, Fun, And Happiness

  1. Melissa says:

    I have run a 5K. Make the brownies.

    I agree with you about Erin. She is one of the funniest people I have never met.

    Have a great weekend! 🙂

  2. Brenda says:

    Couch 2 5K – check it out

    but not so sure about doing it in 4 wks, but then again, you are young, go for it!

  3. Susie Hinson says:

    Do not run a 5K with no preparation/exercise/desire. That’s a recipe for disaster. Eat the brownies! I just love your blog. I laugh every time and praise God that this is not my family-ha. Just kidding. Keep up the good work and God bless your sweet, crazy family!

  4. Kara says:

    1.) Yes to the 5K. They are work, but they are fun. And no one really cares if you have to walk for part of it anyway.
    2.) Yes to giving up on couponing. I was god at it way back when I was 29. Now that I am 30, I know better. 🙂
    3.) Yes to the brownies. Especially if they are from a box.

  5. Christina says:

    Eat the brownies. No question. I am about to have mock cheesecake. It’s really called cheesepie, but that sounds so wrong.

  6. I love your cow… I am seriously considering stealing your idea… you blog diva you..

  7. Marla says:

    I had a big slice of chocolate pie after dinner (fajitas), so I hope you had the brownie. 🙂

  8. Tara says:

    I looked at my hubby (who is laying next to me in bed this Saturday morn, SUPER unheard of for us to be laying here, watching t.v. and checking email at 7:30 a.m.) I’m tempted to go check on my 6 y.o. and 20 mnth old, they must be sick to still be laying around with not one interrruption. As I just typed that…my 6 y.o. came in asking for her a.m. chocolate milk. RATS! It was nice while it lasted…Anyway, back to what I was saying…I looked at my hubby and said if we were volcanoes….u know the rest! He thought I was a dork and told me so! 🙂 He loves me. I then showed him ur blog…he loves u too ‘in a not so freaky blog way’. 🙂 I share you with him alot. We get good laughs. He too would love to live in the sticks. Seven miles from town is far enough for me though. 🙂

  9. I could let you borrow Geoffrey for your training. He’s cheap.

  10. Tayler says:

    I am running a 5K in 4 weeks as well.. and just ran Monday for the first time in probably 5 years. I’m not joking- I HATE running. I am already at 2.5 miles pretty easily though! Let me know if you want me to email you the running routine that my “trainer” gave me! HOLLA!

  11. Nathalie says:

    Kudos to you for evening allowing yourself to give thought to a 5k. I encourage you to look at the C25K program (that’s Couch to 5k, if you don’t understand the lingo). There’s also a Christian version of it. I used it a couple of years ago. While I didn’t finish it (had issues with my shins), it was a lot of fun.

  12. Vicki B says:

    Make pasta! Or at least get happy watching pasta being made. Then open up a packet of spaghetti and boil water.

  13. You have ads!!! I hope you make a million billion dollars!! Yay! =)

  14. MindyLou says:

    So, my two cents worth. Yes, I suppose it’s possible to run a 5K in 4 weeks, but I do not recommend it. I have run a half marathon before, and you really should have more time and training than that, unless you can truely devote a LOT of time to it and be very committed and not distracted. Otherwise, come run day, you will most likely be miserable. Even if you walk some of it. I say wait for the one our lovely town does in May, that’ll give you lots of time to get ready! That’s all! xoxo

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