Old Pictures

I wasn’t feel so grand today, so I decided to try and organize my pictures.

My pictures are still not organized.

I did, however, find some pictures I wanted to share with you all.

Lucky you.

September 2007

Sweet Pea (left) and Daisy Mae (right) on Sweet Pea’s first day of preschool.

This is when we did not live in middle-of-nowhere-ville and we were able to walk to her school.


September 2008

Handsome Dude (6 months) with my mom.

Just look at him.  Can we not all agree that he is uber handsome?

Hence, his code name, Handsome Dude.

The next several pictures are to show you how far my husband has come with the camera.

Please notice how he is not just not smiling, which is what you have all come to expect from my Lumberjack.

But he is actually hiding from the camera.


Things used to be much worse.

Poor Little Dude.  He shall always have a well-meaning big sister squeezing him to death.

Wait?  Where is David?  Has anyone seen David?

He’s so tricky!


Poor Little Dude.  He has never been a fan of my cooking.

Wait a minute . . . is that my husband hiding from the camera again?

Yes.  And there he is again.

So  . . . sneaky, that man in black.

So . . . mysterious.

So . . .


But I digress.

Little Dude.  Cute, cute!

Me and Little Dude.

The weirdest part about looking through all these photos was that my girls have not seemed to really age to me over the past few years.  But when I look back, I see how much they have changed.  And grown!


I need a pause button.

Happy Weekend!

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18 Responses to Old Pictures

  1. JoAnn says:

    Old pictures make me wistful. They grow up so stinking fast. I’m going to go fiddle around with my pictures now. I have 1750 + that I have not printed and put into scrapbooks. I hate life. Oh well. I will overcome. Perhaps.

  2. Marla says:

    What wonderful pictures! Your kids were (and are still) so stinkin’ cute.

  3. Michelle Dawn says:

    Oh my how they have grown! I do the same thing and look at all the old pics, it is fun, yet sad at the same time. They grow soooo fast! Have a good saturday night!

  4. Great pictures! It looks like you used a scanner too, unlike my picture of a picture post!
    And yes, I can’t believe how much the girls have grown!

  5. diana at home says:

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful family (and pretty greenish walls!)

    That LJ has come a long way in the posing for the camera department. However, I seem to recall that he both faced the camera and smiled in your official wedding portrait. How did that happen?!

  6. Nathalie says:

    Yeah, you better pause that button. Before you know it, they’ll be coming home from college during their first Spring Break and reminding you that in three years, they will be planning their weddings (yes, my daughter really did tell me this today, which I wholeheartedly supported her on).

  7. Sandy says:

    tell your david what i tell my david…people don’t notice how much hair you have lost when they can see your face in a picture =o)

  8. Joyce says:

    Such cuteness!! That second picture is too much…he is a handsome dude!

  9. They’re precious. You have a beautiful brood Taylor. Which is amazing considering their father doesn’t have a face.

  10. If you find that pause button can I borrow it for a while? And yes … the change is always more obvious in pictures!

  11. looking through old pics is always bitter-sweet for me…i love to see the kids when they were so little and cute and sweet but it also makes me think about how big they are now (or would be in eli’s case)…i wish they could stay little longer!! your kids are adorable!!

  12. I need a pause button.

    However, I might trade it in for a mute button….

  13. Amber says:

    If I were you I would be worried that LJ was a CIA agent or an international fugitive. Why else would someone be so adverse to having their face shown in pictures?

  14. Jennifer says:

    Those are some seriously adorable children! And yes, Handsome Dude is uber handsome!!

    Your husband is hilarious in those pictures… although, I can see how it might become frustrating for Mama taking pictures!

  15. MindyLou says:

    Memory Lane can be sad and yet so great. I am concerned once again how similar my husband and LJ are. My hubby used to always hide his face or just be completely out of the picture no matter what, but through the years i have guilted him into showing his face. He still doesn’t like it, and very rarely smiles, but at least he’s there!

  16. Christina says:

    Your dudes are so cute! Well, there are two that I can clearly see are cute…one is a bit elusive. My guess is that you think he’s pretty cute. 🙂

  17. Andi says:

    Old pictures…We had wildfires around our place lately. We had to go out of town for a few days, and my husband laughed at me for packing our photo albums. They are the only thing I can’t replace. The rest I can let go of no problem!

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