Fat Tuesday, week 7


Oh, goodness.

Here are some alternate titles I came up with for today’s post:

Fat Tuesday:  Let’s Quit Edition.

Fat Tuesday:  Why are we doing this?

Fat Tuesday:  Brownies Galore!  Share your fattiest brownie recipes immediately!

As you can see, I went with the boring, yet safe, title.

I didn’t gain anything.  I didn’t lose anything.  I didn’t exercise. 

But there is good reason!  I felt sick most of the week.  And only crazies actually exercise when they have a sore throat or a runny nose.

Am I right or am I right?

Herein lies the problem:  I don’t have any motivation.

I have a husband who thinks I am “hot.” 

Dear Lord,

Please help this to not be the one post out of twenty that my parents read.

Thank you.

Come pregnancy, post partum weight loss, belly chubs, homeschooling weight gain, and my intense love for all things chocolate, he always thinks I look “hot.”

He thought I looked hot in this picture:

And in this picture:

Fun Fact:  When I was in junior high, a CUTE boy had this conversation with me . . .

Cute Boy:  Hey, Taylor!  You know what happens when you wear a red shirt?

Me:  What?

Cute Boy:  Everyone runs away and screams “Kool-Aid!”

Get it?  Like I looked like the Kool-Aid man.

So mean. 

But he had a point.

And my husband would probably say I looked cute in this picture:

But he would most likely be lying.

And yes.  That would be after I had the baby.

And I am still battling that tummy.

Oh, the humanity!


So, I am not going to be all that helpful today.  But I checked in and, therefore, you will too!

It’s only fair.

Happy Tuesday!

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20 Responses to Fat Tuesday, week 7

  1. Marla says:

    I have that exact same problem. My husband thinks I am the most beautiful women in the world. And he likes to treat me to steak. All the time. Because he loves me.

    And it’s not exactly something I can complain about either. My life sucks because my husband loves and spoils me. Uh- no.

    In reality, we are lucky to have such great men in our lives.

  2. Christine C says:

    I’m with you.
    I didn’t gain. I didn’t loose. I didn’t exercise.
    Yet, I will trudge on because in my shopping today, I saw bathing suits….. Grrrrr

  3. I ate something naughty like, seven seconds ago. Lost 2 pounds this week, though. But this naughty item will probably find those two pounds and invite them back to my jiggly wiggly parts tonight while I’m sleeping. Sneaky buggers.

  4. JoAnn says:

    Well, I think part of the problem is that you are posting pictures of yourself when you are a gazillion months pregnant (or in recovery). I am 100% positive that you don’t look so…rotund…now…and so enjoy your brownies, or your ice cream, or whatever, and FEEL better.

    Is rotund a word? I just used it. Anyway, good for you for checking in. And also? Brownies don’t get enough praise, they’re always getting hated at, and is that fair? All they’ve ever done is be delicious.

  5. aTXtumbleweed says:

    Wow, you are one lucky woman!! I don’t think my husband has ever said I looked HOT….:-( He did tell me one time, when I bent over in front of him, that my butt looked smaller…does that count???

  6. You can’t quit now! I just started. Also? This is the same husband who thinks peach walls look “fine” and than hangs deer heads on them and thinks that’s an improvement.

    I have to say though, he did marry a very pretty woman, so clearly he has better judgement than we thought. Maybe the rest of us should rethink peach walls.

  7. I am almost 50 years old and my husband still thinks I’m hot….I don’t think he has very good judgement..but hey, if they still love us…who do we need to be beautiful for?? I do still try, although I need to lose a few pounds, but mainly I need to get some muscle where this flab is creeping up. I really wish I would have done it about 15 years ago………..

  8. You look so cute pregnant! How come you didn’t gain weight in your face?
    I bought a key lime pie for Pi Day yesterday and I have eaten two pieces of said pie. Fail! Hubby and I decided we are going to start walking in the evenings. Win!
    We have not walked yet. Fail!
    I am too afraid to step on the scales. Yikes!

  9. Jill says:

    I did not lose any weight this week. I have lost 57 pound since September. Before you hate me, I have to say I have excellent motivation. My oldest son is getting married in July and I refuse to be referred to as “the fat mother”. Sad thought: I still have more pounds to lose if I am going to dodge that title. I go to the gym four times a week. In fact, I went tonight after work. I am now stiff and sore and very cranky. So I will be skinny and beautiful, but no longer fun to be around. Life stinks. : )

  10. Christina says:

    I ate a quarter of a cheesecake today, and drank a half of a liter of Dr. Pepper. The real deal. I’m thinking I haven’t lost any weight this week.
    I bet you look slimmer than you did in those very-pregnant-pics! That is good! 🙂
    Just kidding. (I mean, I know you are slimmer than that!) I think you are beautiful.

  11. Joyce says:

    My mom and a friend are here visiting for a couple of days. We shared cupcakes for lunch. No scale in sight but I am thinking cupcakes do not aid in weight loss. Tomorrow is another day : )

  12. Jean von B says:

    I’m seriously thinking about a bacon double cheeseburger & fries for lunch…..FAIL!!! 🙂

  13. Fun Fact for the after baby picture (or maybe fun story…whatever):

    I was waddling down the hall of the hospital, making my way to the NICU where my premature twins were being kept. I’d just had a c-section 24 hours before, so yes, it was quite the waddle. A man comes by, stops, smiles, and says, “So, I bet you are ready to have that baby!”

    I looked at him, started to cry, and said, “I already had THESE babies and they are in the NICU.”

    Then, I waddled away feeling fatter than I ever had in my life.

    Poor man, he will probably never talk to a pregnant (or possibly not pregnant) woman again.

    I don’t need to mention that I came within 1 lb of breaking a couple of hundred pounds. AND, the twins were born EARLY.

    I was 117 lbs when I got married.

    I felt like a BOAT.

    So there, sisters in tummy-ville.

  14. Beth says:

    Loved the prayer mid-post! 🙂 And I can see how that problem might dampen your enthusiasm for diet and exercise! I don’t know about hot, Taylor, but you are definitely cute!

  15. Gianna says:

    I thought about this yesterday–or God spoke to me (which is probably more true). I want to lose weight like crazy, but my one treat a day and exercising (when I’m not puking) is not going to do it for me.
    I have to start thinking about more than just food. Read actually live my life and not measure it by when I get to eat my treat and be sad when I’m done with my treat for the day.
    Yesterday, we were 4 for 4 in the kids puking ring. As I was running from one puking child to the next and constantly holding my baby because he wouldn’t let me put him down, I kept thinking, “I deserve ice cream today. Oh, yes, I totally do.”
    And then I realized, “I don’t need ice cream. I need to go to sleep.”
    So I put the kids to bed, read some of my book about the Duggars (you know who I’m talking about the family with 19 kids! We got nothing on them with our 4), and went to bed.
    In the long run I am much happier for doing that than indulging in sugar and cream (albiet they are very delicous!)

  16. Andi says:

    Ummm….I ate out every single meal from Saturday to today…Soooooo…

    I mistakenly weighed myself today.

    Oh. They humanity. Up 3 pounds.

    I’m pretending it’s water weight from all of the sodium of diner food.

    But I REFUSE to cook today. We are ending vacation today. And nobody cooks on vacation…

  17. I gained 1.5 pounds. I ate a rather large dessert this weekend that was very gooey, and then followed it up at home with a pint of ice cream. Oh yes. It all tasted wonderfully – and I am reminded of every bite when I’m working it BACK off. Fail.

  18. Michelle Dawn says:

    We have been battling sickness too and it seems all my strength is gone! ugh, come on summer sun! 🙂

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