Guess who!

Well, hello!

Yesterday was our “going-to-town” day.  One of our stops was the library.  At one point, Handsome Dude decided he needed to use the restroom.

Unfortunately, I was busy with the other three, so I had to send him on his own.  All by himself.  Without supervision.

Raise your hand if you feel this was a bad idea.


(please imagine that mmmmm-hmmm said all sassy-like.  thank you)

Me:  Dude.  Please don’t pee on the floor.

HD (short for Handsome Dude . . . keep up, people!):  O-TAY!

Me:  And don’t pee on the seat.

HD:  I not!

Me:  And flush the toilet and wash your hands.


Me:  And please, please, don’t yell while you are in there.


So, I foolishly thought I had my bases covered.  You see, dear readers, if I tell him not to pee on the seat, he won’t.  But if I forget, he will.

I went back to helping the other children with their bookish activities.

And then, I notice the librarians laughing and shaking their heads.

It would seem that Handsome Dude now must be reminded that he also must close the door before dropping his pants.

So, the entire library saw his little tushie yesterday.

And what a cute tushie it is!

That boy exhausts me.


In other news, we were surprised by a visit from good friends this week!

And I shall have you guess who is here, because I know it pleases you to play these sorts of games with me.

Clue #1:  She let me “steal” her perfect black sweater.  It even had ruffles.

Clue #2:  I went to high school with her.  But she refused to speak to me there, on account of how much cooler she thought she was than I.  But now, she sees the light.

Clue #3:  Her daughter and my daughters are good friends.  And we surprised them with a little reuinion yesterday:

Here is Daisy Mae opening the door to our surprise visitors!

The girls! 

Notice how red Daisy Mae’s cheeks are . . . she didn’t quite know what to think!

(Lest any of you are confused, we were at the hair dressers.)

And as soon as we got home, my girls got right to work on showing their friend the ways of Ruralville.

And, not to be outdone, their friend has informed them of the following:

1.  She milks cows.  It feels cool.

2.  She sews all the time.

3.  She has made 4, no five, table runners.

4.  And she has made numerous pillow cases.

Dang!  This gal is more of a country gal than I am!

So . . . can you guess which dear friend of mine has come to visit?

Happy Thursday!

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13 Responses to Guess who!

  1. Wichiepoo says:


    Yay, I knew it… or maybe cause I read her Mommy’s blog and knew that she was in town!!!

    I so smart sometimes…

    HD = too cute!!! At least he didn’t pee outside!

    Happy you had a good time!

  2. Wichiepoo says:

    Ok ok, not so smart actually 🙁 , you can see her in the first picture…

  3. Michelle Dawn says:

    Bimlissa! Hope you had a good visit!

  4. Katie says:

    I’m so glad that Bimlissa has come to visit! It’s always so much fun to have your friends with you. (whether you are a little girl or a grown-up one!)

  5. Marla says:

    Taylor, there is a Cabela’s ad on the bottom of your blog. Muhahahah. You really are country now. 🙂

  6. diana at home says:

    Yay, Bimlissa!
    Who has the sweater now and will it be returned? 🙂
    So great for your sweet girls to have a surprise visit from fantastic far-away friends.

    btw, way back when I was being educated, people from my school would not even speak to people from your school because we were ALL so much better than you all. very Christian like, no? … it’s just that we hated playing in your carpeted gym… 😉

  7. Debra says:

    Everyone is saying Bimlissa so I will too. I am laughing out loud at HD’s public antics. Glad you had a great visit. 🙂

  8. Jennifer says:

    You crack me up with the, “O-Tay, and I not!” I can just hear him saying it so adamantly!

  9. JoAnn says:

    you are my new hero. I’ve always been tempted to send my son off alone to the bathroom when we are in a public place, but I’ve chickened out. The picture of DM is hilarious. Her face says it all…what a fun day!

  10. JoAnn says:

    Also, I think we all need to come together to get you out of Number 6 purgatory in the babble blog thing. I voted.

  11. Christina says:

    Love, love her face at the door!!! Perfect moment captured. 🙂

  12. Beth says:

    Enjoy your visit! And HD sounds like a pretty normal boy to me! 🙂

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