Pot Coffee and Photo Shoots

Before we go any further, we must discuss the pot coffee.

Reader Shannon commented:

Please explain pot coffee as I’m from a different part of the country and my mom was a hippie.


For shame, Shannon.  For shame.

Pot coffee?

This is pot coffee.


No.  I do not feel as if I must say pot of coffee.  I have always called it pot coffee.  And I stand by my convictions to do so.

I am cool like that.

Let’s move on.

Bimlissa finally came to see me on Friday.  We had a lovely visit.  Before she left, she wanted to get a picture of the two of us.

I can’t say that I blame her.

So, we had to ask the four giggling girls to be in charge of capturing our special moment in time.

First, we gave the girls specific instructions to only take pictures from the neck up.  Under no circumstances were there to be any tummies showing.

But we all know how well four giggling girls listen.

I looked over at Bimlissa.  She was cheating.  She had a baby on her lap.

So.  I summoned one of mine.

True.  My baby is just a little bit older.  But fair is fair.

Now, girls.  Make sure you tell us which camera to look at.

And don’t forget!  Faces only!

I didn’t want to say anything, but my baby was cooperating much better than Bimlissa’s baby.

Yes.  I was wearing slippers.  What of it?

I don’t want to seem boastful, but methinks our girls have a future in photography.

This was the absolute best one:

I kid!  I jest!

This was the best one:

I will have you know that Bimlissa put up numerous pictures on Facebook of all of her friends that she saw on her trip.

Yet, she did not put one of these gems up. 

I fear she is ashamed of me.

I sure showed her.

Happy Monday!

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22 Responses to Pot Coffee and Photo Shoots

  1. Glad you all had a good visit. You will cherish the pictures.

  2. Melissa says:

    I tOld you to email one that was good! You saw my choices, couldn’t put one of those up =) that last one cracks me up! Email it to me please!

  3. Katie says:

    There’s little that’s more fun than kids with cameras!

  4. Erin says:

    Yea for a fun time with a good friend!

  5. I still don’t understand pot coffee. I’m not a coffee drinker, but pot coffee as opposed to what? I’m confused.
    Looks like you had a good time with Bimlissa.

  6. Joyce says:

    Looks like you had a fun visit…you girls are cute!

    I interpreted pot coffee as coffee from a pot as opposed to something like Starbucks. My parents were not hippies.

  7. JoAnn says:

    “Such is life”
    You know what I’m saying?

    Anyway, um, you guys look cute. I think you need another baby, but maybe that’s just the pot coffee talking!

  8. My favorite part of the last picture is the toilet in the background… or would that be a pot?

  9. Jan says:

    Ya’ll are some pretty dern cute girls!

  10. If I were as cute as y’all there would be a lot more pictures of me in existence.

  11. Whoa – how did she make her tongue do that?

    I’m jealous, that’d be an awesome party trick!

  12. Sheena says:

    I totally get pot coffee and I NEED my pot coffee. The end.

  13. Shannon says:

    I didn’t mean to cause trouble on your blog. *hangs head* My brain has been elsewhere lately.

    Hope you had fun with Melissa and I hope she posts the picture after you email it to her.

    And I hope you enjoy your coffee-pot coffee.

  14. Sandy says:

    ohhh…when i read the header i just thought you forgot to put a comma after pot. i must say i feel better now seeing as how kids were involved!

    love the slippers!! if you were at my house i would also be donning a fuzzy robe as well!!! perfect for when the thermostat is set to low AND for hiding that extra winter blubber.

  15. Dawn says:

    Those were fun and the last one with the little red headed cuteness was terrific!

  16. Michelle Dawn says:

    Your girls are hired! I need some pics of my kids 🙂 I love the one at the end where Bimlissa’s daughter is trying to sneak in there and trying to keep it a secret! Happy Monday!

  17. Nathalie says:

    LOVE that last picture!! heehee

    BTW, you ladies are tres gorgeous!!! Your children will be studs and studettes, that’s for sure!

    Oh, and one last thing. Invest in a tripod. Of course, then you’d have to learn how to set the timer on the camera, but it’s worth a shot!

  18. what are you complaining about?? you are gorgeous!! belly and all!!! 🙂

  19. The last one is my favorite. What a fun set of pictures!

  20. Debra D. says:

    LOVE the last picture! Really cute photobomber!

  21. I love how in the first picture Bimlissa and the baby have the same look on their face.

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