Fat Tuesday, Week 9


Welcome to Fat Tuesday:  The “Wow” edition.

If you can recall, and you probably can’t, I promised you last week that this week would be my “wow” week.

I shall not disappoint you.

I lost . . . one pound!


Ok.  So maybe that isn’t as wow-ish as one might hope.  But it is for me!

Let us go over the week’s wins and fails, shall we?

I recorded my Weight Watchers Points about 70% of the time!

Win! (for me)

It was a birthday bonanza over here last week.  I was in the presence of three birthday cakes and numerous containers of ice cream.  And I still lost weight!


I did not do any formal exercise.


However, we have gone into crisis mode with Lucy these days.  It is a long story.  But I did attempt to walk her on a leash about 4 times! 


Trust me.  It was a good workout.  For my arms.


Did you know that you can eat lots of deli turkey and it is only 1 WW point?


Guess who had a plethora of turkey sandwiches for lunch this week?


Did you know that there are some pretty delicious “light” ice creams out there?


And if you add Oreo crumbs, whipped cream, and chocolate syrup, the “light” ice cream is even more delicious?


I have discovered that if I eat an entire bag of my favorite “Homestyle” popcorn, I have consumed 14 points plus.


Not that I can eat an entire bag all by myself.


Nor would I eat an entire bag all by myself.

Big Lie!

I have been “helping” David clear brush and trim trees around our property.  And seeing as how I was exhausted, had an aching back, and had Jell-O arms . . . well . . . I’m going to say I got in some good exericse. 



Alright!  Only 2 more check-ins left.  I think?  Math is hard.  Especially when you need more coffee.

How was your week?

Here are some questions for you:

1)  What are some of your favorite “light” snacks?  I have a feeling my 14 points bag of popcorn should be eliminated.  But it is delicious, so I am making no promises.

2)  How do you keep from dying from boredom while exercising inside?  I can’t stand it.  I would much rather have a power struggle with Lucy and her leash or feign to help David “work” outside than be stuck inside running (ok, walking) in place.

Happy Tuesday!

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23 Responses to Fat Tuesday, Week 9

  1. JoAnn says:

    my favorite light snack is…grapes.
    I love grapes. I think they’re in season now.

    And everything else I like is not light. I feel like I’m not making sense. I need more coffee.
    Who wants to exercise inside?
    I have to go to Costco today with the kids. I may have stayed up way to late being crafty. I may be exhausted and cranky. But? I am out of bread. Sigh. I forget what my point was.

  2. frozen grapes are AMAZING!!! and they are getting cheaper!! i have eaten far too much ice cream and other “quick” stuff my husband has made or bought to have lost any weight, but now that i am starting to feel better, i am hoping to be in the kitchen cooking more!! my husband loves me thoughand he know ice cream makes everything better in the world of ME!! 😀 he tries…..

  3. Melanie says:

    Since fruit no longer counts as points on the new plan, I eat a lot of fresh fruit…. and I love this recipe, which also has protein and can be used as a light meal.

    Pineapple fluff: One can of crushed pineapple, drained, one pkg of FF/SF Jello instant pistachio pudding, one small container or either FF or SF Cool Whip, one 16 oz container of FF cottage cheese. Mix the cottage cheese and dry pudding mix, then add the drained pineapple. fold in the Cool Whip. Super Yum!!

    It is a little expensive, but the very BEST investment I made in exercise and managing to walk my dogs was a collar called a “gentle leader”. It is made to loop over the dog’s nose/mouth and tightens up if they pull you. It naturally teaches them to not pull. My two little dogs used to take me for a drag until I got these miracle collars. And if if it doesn’t work for you, you can return it to the store for a refund. My favorite (and usually only) mode of exercise is walking with the dogs so this was a lifesaver for me. If you get one let me know how it works for you! (melanielehr at gmail.com).

    PS, thanks for your great and hilarious posts… I read them nearly every day but rarely comment (cuz I’m lazy). BAD ME. But know I’m here, appreciating your humor!!

    • Martha says:

      I second the recommendation for Gentle Leader. Or another similar brand is called Halti. With those one them I can walk our two 30kg dogs holding both leashes in one hand and push the jogger stroller with the other. I woudn’t dare attempt it with regular collars or chains. Some dogs hate them – our pointer has worn one for 10 years and still hates it, but she pulls like a freight train without it.

  4. Katie B says:

    If you have a Wii, the game Just Dance 2 is awesome and gives you quite a workout. It is alot of great oldie but goodies. I do it with munchkin every day for about half an hour and it gives me a sweat.

  5. Brandi says:

    Forgot one fail !! My son keeps mumbling in his sleep about it too . Poor thing…. He may need therapy!! Tell your Lumber Jack to watch his back !!

  6. MindyLou says:

    I have no good light snack ideas, unless you count celery, and that’s not good. So I’m no help. And there is no way to exercise inside without keeling over from boredom. I know. I’ve tried. It’s a rare form of torture. But I have heard that the just dance thingie on the wii is uber-fun and a good workout, so maybe you could give that a try? Yes, you are welcome for all my amazing tips.

  7. Okay, Edy’s Slow Churned light ice cream is good for light ice cream and you don’t need to doctor it, but I’m sure it’s still lots of points. I don’t know because I don’t do WW. My big trick for a sweet bite is Dove dark chocolates. Sometimes I just need a bit of sweet and these perfect little squares are just enough to satisfy. They are so good too that I don’t feel the need to overindulge. One a day, midday when I need a little “break.” And the kids won’t eat dark chocolate so I don’t have to worry about them trying to take them. I also tell myself that dark chocolate contains important antioxidants, so really eating them in necessary. 🙂

    My trick for wanting to run on my treadmill is downloading a good book to my ipod, and I don’t allow myself to listen to another chapter unless I’m on the treadmill. If I pick a really good one, I find myself running extra just so I can hear what’s next.

  8. Holly says:

    Avacodos are a good and filling snack. =) Not sure if that meets all your requirements.
    Ok, for indoor exercising depending on what you do, you need an i-pod with rocking music to get you all amped up =) Then it becomes really fun. I know, I know….I am a a little crazy. Also, Billy Blanks is a fun indoor exercise. I have dvds……….=)

  9. I agree about the boredom of exercising in house! And then there is always something that gives me an excuse for not going outside on my 20 acres to walk. Too cold, too hot, too windy not enough time…..blah,blah, blah.
    Proud that you lost a pound! Keep up the GOOD work!! 🙂

  10. 1) I think helping LJ with outside work definitely counts as exercise.
    2) I hate exercising inside. Watching TV helps, but not much.
    3) I buy the 100 calorie bags of popcorn. Don’t know how many points they are.
    4) I tried Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches this week. AMAZING. I think I could eat half of one and be satisfied. They’re pricey though so you have to hide them for your family. Or do like I do and buy them store brand ice cream sandwiches and tell them the “mommy kind” are yucky and make faces while eating them.
    5) I put up two recipes for low fat/cal meals today on my blog in honor of Fat Tuesday.

  11. Did you know you burn almost 200 calories by standing up and making dinner? Seriously.
    Heavy cleaning also burns quite a bit – so I’m sure fake cleaning burns up it’s fair share too.
    I like tae bo for inside, because some of the girls on it actually have boobs, which is always encouraging for me instead of looking at sticks – because, let’s face it, after 4 babies in 3 years – my body will never be, nor should it be a stick.
    Favorite snacks that are low calorie…hmmm, berries. And then get some light cool whip and mix it together frozen, so it feels like ice cream.
    But really, what I’ve realized over the last three months is that I do better when I resist “snacking” during the week, and indulge one day a week with a piece of cake or something instead of starting the snacking habit. Snacking is my downfall, and the source of my 40 extra pounds I’ve had to lose.

  12. I like grapes in light vanilla yogurt. Also sesame oat bran sticks. I love the 100 calorie packs of brownies. I also get those big bags of little bags of baked chips. And I leave all the sun chips behind because yuck, lol, but the rest are good. I dont know anything about points because I dont do that, I just try to keep my calories down, so the stuff I mentioned may not work for you.

  13. Christina says:

    I like to ride our spin bike and watch a movie at the same time. If you watch an action movie, then it motivates you to go faster during the exciting parts. Bonus!

  14. Nathalie says:

    I turned vegan in December and lost 15 pounds in a month. I’ve also completely given up sugar (as in desserts and yes, chocolate).

    My favorite go-to snacks are peanut butter apples – buy the organic peanut butter with no added sugar, mind you, homemade trail mix (tres delish), and bowls of fruit.

    It might sound boring, but I’m telling you…it works.

    And I don’t have time to exercise.

  15. ada says:

    Lots of wins Taylor! Yeah!
    I gained three pounds (not since last week…since Feb), but I’m growing a human so I’m pretty sure that is allowed. ha haaaa
    I get on the treadmill when greys anatomy was on. one hour down…easy peasy.
    I made WW ice cream sandwiches. chocolate graham crackers and cool whip. put the cool whip in the middle, saran wrap and freeze. Delish! Not sure how many points, it has been a while. Now I just dip the crackers in the cool whip when I want something sweet. Sometimes I add strawberries. Even better.

  16. The week I started exercising I gained five pounds. SO LAME.

    That being said, my favorite healthy snack: fruit (like a cut up apple) and cottage cheese with a TEENY bit of honey on it.

    I just discovered the Netflix app for my iPhone will let me watch movies from my intant queu, so I watch movies while i’m on the treadmill. Okay, that’s a lie. I PLAN to watch movies while I’m on the treadmill.

  17. Jen Brown says:

    Oooh, I love WW! I’m going back on it this week. Once I lost 30+ lbs. on it and kept it off for 4 years. When I get into the swing of things, it’s easy to maintain & I love being able to wear my cute jeans. How I miss those jeans! They will fit again, especially with a yummy protein rich sweet breakfast like this:
    1 cup of plain Greek yogurt – 2 pts. (Fage brand is my favorite & it has twice the protein of regular yogurt)
    1 tbsp. honey or agave nectar or pure maple syrup mixed into the yogurt – 1 pt.
    1/2 cup blueberries, strawberries or any kind of berry you like – 1 pt. (pretty sure 1 pt.)
    Layer it like a parfat. It looks so pretty & tastes SO good!
    Have I mentioned I love your blog??? Well, have I mentioned it today? 😉

  18. Michelle Dawn says:

    Nice! Your arms should be buff now. Good job on 1 pound with all that cake! Your mom has some awesome WW recipes, I am sure you know that tho.. have you tried her new cake one? sounds delish 🙂
    Do you have an Ipod for music to keep you pumped while you work out?

  19. Joyce says:

    We have a gentle lead for our dog who, without it is capable of taking your shoulder out of the socket. It is not a muzzle. It just fits around her face and when she starts to pull it turns her head to the side which apparently dogs do not like. It works like a charm and I rarely walk her without it…she’s a bird dog and when she sees a bird (squirrel, fox, possum, rabbit, deer, bear or plastic bag) she must follow the scent.

  20. We were sick over the weekend and ate everything we shouldn’t twice.

  21. Kristy says:

    My favorite snacks are not good for you, but…my favorite low-calorie snacks are probably a cut up apple with peanut butter to dip it in. I also love to do the graham crackers with cool whip in between and then freeze them. So so good and it really does *almost* taste like an ice cream sandwich.

    A group of women at my church started a bible study class about 5 weeks ago that is called Made to Crave. It is by Lysa Terkeurst. It is an amazing study and I would highly recommend it! If you don’t have enough people to do the study, she has a book called Made to Crave that says all the same things. It goes through many different Bible verses that talk about our struggle with food as women. I never knew there were so many women in the bible who struggled with food! It reminds us that over-indulgence is truly a sin and that we were made to crave God, not food. Again, I would highly recommend it!

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