Potty Training: Day One.

Oh, yes. The time has come.

The boy must grow up.

Now.  I must admit to you today:  I loathe the potty training.  L-O-A-T-H-E.

On Monday morning, whilst Little Dude was in the bath, I had an epiphany.

Oh, yes.  An epiphany.

Little Dude is not so little anymore.  And as cute as diapers are, I decided it might be best to give the boy a good start in life and teach him how to properly use a toilet.

It’s the least I can do.

So, directly after his bath (and he didn’t splash and make a huge mess and frustrate his mother . . . not), I stuck him on the toilet and wished him the best of luck.

And he peed about a gallon out right then and there.

He can be taught!

And apparently, he can be taught much quicker than his older brother.  Who can forget that nightmare?

Anyways, I am happy to report that on Potty Training:  Day One, Little Dude had five successful eliminations.

And probably about five failures.  But when it comes to potty training, let us perceive the glass as half full, shall we?

So, later on in the evening, my husband FORCED us to all help him fulfill his dream of being a logger and DRAGGED us outside for some intense, manual labor.

The nerve.

His grand, master plan is to trim each and every tree and clear out all the brush and weeds on the entire 20 acres.  I expect we will finish this fun project when Sir Lumberjack retires.  Or until I fake a horrible injury that gets me out of this nonsense.

Whichever comes first.

So, I was weed wacking and hauling brush and yelling at naughty kids and stepping in dog poop.  Good times, good times.  But in all my manual labor, I kinda, sorta forget that all that seperated Little Dude from his plumbing parts was a pair of Buzz Lightyear underwear.

And that’s when I noticed him walking funny . . . almost as if he were a little saddle sore.  So, I rushed him inside, pulled down his pants and saw a horrific amount of poo.

Me:  Dude! 

LD (short for Little Dude . . . keep up!):  What?!

Me:  You poo’d in your pants!

LD (looking shocked):  Oh!  I did?

Me:  Yes!  You are supposed to go poo in the toilet!

LD:  Ohhhhhh!  Poo goes in the tullet (toilet)?  O-TAY!

So.  We can expect that Little Dude shall go poo in the tullet from here on out, seeing as how he was just misinformed as to where the poo should go in the first place.


On a side note, my husband makes fun of me. 

Shocking, I know.

He feels that I don’t have the proper “work” attire that one needs to be a Lumberjill.

I was wearing my Old Navy jeans and North Face jacket.

(I know.  I am such a “brand-name” dropper.  ha!  Get it?  Ok.  That was dumb.)

Anyways, immediately after he worked us all like dogs, he looked on Ebay for me to have my very own Carhartt’s Women’s Work Jacket.


Try to contain your jealousy.

Perhaps I shall get one soon.  And you will all drool over my awesomeness.

Yes.  You will.


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26 Responses to Potty Training: Day One.

  1. JoAnn says:

    i hate potty training. HATE HATE HATE. So, I’ll light an extra candle for you or something.
    For the record I NEVER skim. Sometimes I can’t read, but I totally confessed that I was tired and had not consumed enough coffee. You will know my tired self by my rambling, nonsensical comments.
    I think you must take a pic of your Carharts…eating birthday cake. Wait, no.

    I look forward (seriously) to hearing how the poo goes with LD at your house. There’s nothing like hearing other people’s potty training adventures to make one feel a little happier about buying diapers.

  2. Michelle Dawn says:

    lol at “oh I did?” what sweet innocence
    Yay for almost no diapers in the house!!! 🙂
    Cant wait to see your carhart 🙂 Have a good night!

  3. So let me get this straight~ you just stuck him on the toilet and he WENT??? That has never happened at my house. Potty training over here is a fun way to find out which of my children is the most stubborn. Yay for you, though… it gives me hope.

    And also yay on the Carharts gear, hehehehehe…. although MY husband just came home last weekend and informed me that he signed me up for golfing lessons. Try not to be jealous.

  4. Christina says:

    I also hate potty training. And stepping in dog poo. Have I mentioned that I think you’re amazing?

  5. Joyce says:

    Happy Potty Training!

    And we’re going to need a photo of your outdoor awesomeness : )

  6. Oh, how I hate potty training. I hate the one step forward, two steps back aspect. For instance my little guy currently thinks that if he is standing near the toilet and simply poops on the floor, that is still proper. Sigh. Good luck!

  7. Janie Fox says:

    I have a Carhartt jacket and oh you are gong to be glad you have it…bibs next. These farm/rural boys know their work attire. Throw some boots in the cart and you’ll have it made. No money left, but made. Did I mention how stylish it all is….suck an egg Fashion Police.

  8. LeAnna says:

    I would totally dig a carhartt! It’ll be fabu-lay. Just think, a pair of Red Wing logging boots will be next…
    We’re about 80% thru the potty training ordeal with my 2 year old. FUN TIMES.

  9. Debra says:

    You are so funny! Good luck on your potty training and lumberjill wear. 😉

  10. Melissa says:

    1. I declare you to be a potty training genius (take note: I have zero experience in this field). All you had to do was TELL him where poo goes and now he will comply, I am sure. See how much easier it could have been with HD?

    2. I would suggest that you make your demand(s) known early about this Carrhart business. Tell LJ you will only wear them if they come in pink or some other outlandishly girlie color.

    3. You have naughty kids? I don’t believe it. They are too cute.

    4. 🙂

  11. Kristy says:

    I successfully potty trained child number 2 a few months ago. I must say that girls seem to be so much easier than boys. I really hope it goes well at your house! My potty training method is very unconventional, but it works well! I just let my kids run around the house naked. They either pee in the floor or they pee in the potty. It makes for a few days of cleaning up messes in the floor, but I really think they get it much quicker because they can actually see the pee coming out. Gross I know. But it works! Good luck!

  12. Don’t knock the Carhartt. Very warm and toasty and durable. I know, I married a red neck who bought me one. I wore it once. As for Little Dude, I am wee impressed. Damn, that was funny.

  13. Potty training my one boy pretty much scarred me for life. You are a brave, brave woman to train two.

  14. Melissa K says:

    Great. Just great.

    Now I’m feeling pressured to come out of my denial, since Little Dude is about a week older than my youngest. But when I talk to mine about using the potty (and go ahead and put him on it), he acts so appalled you’d think I was asking him to jump off the roof.

    Girls are so much easier than boys. Have I not already paid my dues with two?

  15. Erin says:

    And so it begins. Sorry that you’re having to potty train. Again. But it makes for good blogging.
    And think of how great it will be when you are completely done with diapers!
    You can save that money and buy extra coffee creamer.

    Or maybe some dressy Carhartts for special occasions just like LJ has.

  16. Marla says:

    I’m have nightmares about potty training… and I don’t even have kids. My dog was totally hard enough.

    I’m sure his future wife will very much appreciate it in thirty years though. (Thirty because there is no way he will be leaving his momma before then right?!)

    Oh and you won’t have to change diapers soon. Holla, Taylor, holla!

    Marla @ http://www.blueskiesphotoblog.com

  17. Jill says:

    I potty-trained five boys. Not all at once, mind you, but I did it. At least, sort of. I have a sneaking suspicion that every one of them would gladly pee outdoors all the time if I (and polite society) would allow such a thing. Since we don’t live in Ruralville, polite society is sort of important.

    My husband shops for me out of Cabelas catalogs. I try to discourage this wherever possible, but I have discovered that an uber cute pair of earrings will make almost anything look stylish. : )

  18. MindyLou says:

    Hey now. I have a carhartt coat, and it really is warm and cozy and durable and blahbity blahbity blah. I know. Boring. But it is a good one to have so that you don’t care what outside nastiness gets on it. Trust me on this. You don’t want your fancy pants north face coat or stylish jeans to get ruined! And good luck with the potty training. I honestly didn’t think training my son was harder than my daughter, but maybe my memory is wrong. It has been a few years! Good luck and Godspeed!

  19. Is it ok that I am totally putting off potty training until we make a 3 week drive that will take us 4400 miles to our new home? I JUST DON’T WANT TO DO IT!!!!!

    I think kid #4 is the lucky one. I forced #1 to potty train. #2 and #3 really kinda trained themselves with the Potty Power video. #4…poor dude, is just gonna have to wait. Diapers may be expensive, but so is cleaning the inside of your car…ya know?

  20. Deb says:

    I hate potty training with the burning fire of a thousand suns.

    But! I am nearly finished and this will free me up to point and laugh at you!

  21. Rachel says:

    My nephew was completely pee-in-the-potty trained before he was even two years old. But poop-in-the-potty? He was not having it. Finally now, two months short of three years old he is grasping the concept. Strange child refused to poop in his underwear or in the potty so would hold it until in pain. We never did figure out why, but suddenly recently he and the potty and friends so everything is good. Hope your LD doesn’t develop a phobia like my nephew.

    • Rachel says:

      Oh yeah – I’m adopting and due to some delays she will be right about potty-training age when I finally get her home. Don’t know if I’m happy to miss most of the diapers or scared of one of my first mommy tasks being the dreaded potty-training….

  22. Noelle says:

    Those carhart jackets…they’re NOT overrated. I have one that saves my life at least once a week!

  23. Jennifer says:

    I hope he get the hang of it soon! **ahem….

    You crack me up calling it his “unit” in handsome dude’s old post!

  24. yes, we will, because as we ALL know, carhart is the epitomy of the fashion trend here in the year of 2011!! 😉

  25. diana at home says:

    methinks you got some “ranchwear” for Christmas. No? mustabenna dream.

    Do you know that in what used to be known as “primitive” cultures, mommas potty train from birth? When their little buns are naked, the babies pee. We teach our babies to do their business while covered with a diaper. No wonder potty training is confusing. And difficult.
    I do know one woman who has trained two babies at the toilet from birth. It is amazing. Still. I am not up to it.
    Good Luck!

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