Soup and LucyFur

A List.

1.  I am tired.

2.  I couldn’t figure out why on earth I was so tired.  And then . . . it hit me.  I have four kids.

3.  There are days when I feel like I got nothing done.  Yet, I ran around and was busy all day long.  Today was one such day.

4.  I think I already ate all my Weight Watchers Points for the week.  This is discouraging.  And foolish seeing as how I have that stupid Fat Tuesday post coming up.

5.  I am never making soup again.

Here is another list.  A list within a list, of all the reasons why I loathe making soup for dinner.

A)  It takes too long.  Sure, it fools you because soup sounds like a simple dinner.  But it is just toying with you.  I believe I used an entire dishwasher load full of dishes to create this easy dinner.

B)  I always feel I must serve something with the soup.  Like salad.  Or cornbread.  Or both.  Therefore, I need plates and bowls. 

C)  Like I have time to set plates and bowls out when setting the table.

D)  Making cornbread also requires vast amounts of dishes.

E)  And then I have to attempt to find the honey in my Pantry of Doom.  This wastes at least five minutes of my life and gives the children ample opportunity to conquer and destroy yet another room of the house.

F)  Cornbread and honey is a winning combination.

G)  My kids are not tidy with the soup.

H)  Nor are they tidy with the cornbread. 

I)  My husband doesn’t really like soup.

J)  I can’t make decent soup.

K)  I hate making soup.

6)  So.  Tonight I decided to make soup for dinner. 

And during that time, I got a phone call for a vacation rental booking.  This is good news for the checking account, bad news for the soup.

 Then, Lucy was naughty.  This is not surprising.  My husband was repairing brakes and needed my help.  Like I am “helpful” when it comes to car mechanics.  Handsome Dude stole gum.  And Little Dude threw up in the tub.

7)  So the soup failed.  But don’t lose heart!  I was able to turn it into a delicious chicken and rice casserole.

8)  The fact that the soup transitioned so well into a casserole is further evidence of my inability to make soup.

9)  We are having issues with Lucy.  She has found a significant other and she messes with the neighbor’s horse.

Lucy is a hussy.  Who knew?!

10)  Also:  she does not come when she is called.  Ever.

11)  Today, I had to get her away from the neighbor’s horse.  And she would not come to me.  So, I, being the wise mother that I am, sent one of my children out there to tempt her.

12)  Fun Fact:  Lucy enjoys attacking my children.


13)  So, I sent Sweet Pea out as Lucy-bait.  As soon as Lucy jumped on Sweet Pea, I was able to snag her by her collar and drag her on home.

No children were harmed in the making of this tragic day.

14)  After Handsome Dude had pushed 14 million of my buttons today, I told him he had to wait for his dad to come home.

And then, his dad would punish him.

Oh for the weeping and the gnashing of teeth.

So, David came home. I gave him the lowdown.  Then David told Handsome Dude to sit on the stairs and wait for him.

HD (short for Handsome Dude . . . keep up!):  Where is Dad go-ning?

Me:  To the bathroom. 

HD:  Oh.  Why he not punch me?

ha!  He thought his dad was going to “punch” him, not punish him.

Yes.  I am a stellar parent.

No.  No one was punched today.


And now, I must go to bed.

For I am tired and perturbed.



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33 Responses to Soup and LucyFur

  1. Molly says:

    HUGS dear Taylor!!!

  2. diana at home says:

    ditto, LJW.
    no good very bad day here as well.
    March went out like a lion, no?

  3. Sandy says:

    i am really interested (no, really) in how you changed soup into chicken and rice casserole…

    • Lumberjill says:

      Well. It was supposed to be a chicken and rice soup. The recipe called for Wild Rice. Of which I had none of. So I substituted white rice. And it looked super thick and mushy and nasty. It reminded me of a chicken and rice casserole I made recently. So I found some leftover cooked white rice in the fridge, threw it into the soup, gave it a stir, poured it into a casserole dish, sprinkled on some cheese . . . and voila! Chicken and rice casserole!
      I got skillz.
      And it was edible. And there is enough for tomorrow.
      Guess who doesn’t have to cook tomorrow!??! 😉

  4. Christina says:

    So, so sorry!!
    A funny story…the other day Christian was very unkind to his sister. He hit her or slapped her or something. She told me about it shortly after that, and I called him (he was upstairs). He came down the steps sobbing and I said,”Why are you crying?” He said,”You’re going to do something horrible to me!” I asked him why he thought I would do something horrible to him. He told me that he had been mean to Michaela. He was really crying, just in anticipation of what I was going to do, and I even asked him to go downstairs to the dining room table. I’m not sure what he thought I was about to do…stretch him on a rack? I made him write sentences. Good old school consequence. 🙂
    I hope your night is peaceful and there is no more throw up!!

  5. Michelle Dawn says:

    What a day! We all have days like it, I hope tomorrow is better!

  6. I hereby nominate this post as ‘Post of the Month’ – I also would like to remind you that tomorrow is April Fools day..
    ..these two things are entirely unrelated.
    My favorite features of this post are as follows:
    1.) Pantry of Doom
    b. Lucy the Hussy
    7. Gnashing of Teeth

    That is all..

  7. B says:

    Lucyfur is headed in a bad direction, I am afraid. I know folks around here who let there dogs run the neighbordhood. It makes for mad neighbors. Not that they would say anything. There is a neighbor or two here who have been known to shoot dogs. (not me, no)
    I know you have your hands full with the kiddos.

    I had an idea on the potty feeling potty training……maybe give him something he has to hold…like a disposable book or a toy train that can be disinfected and have him hold that while using the facilities to keep him from fondling said facilities. 🙂 I would try not to make it the same thing every time or he may have to have it before he will make a deposit. Good for him for being so ‘trainable’ . Good for you . 🙂

  8. I love it when one dish transitions to another. With my cooking “helper” things tend to go wild in the kitchen.

  9. Mom and Dad aka The Goober Parents says:

    Why daughter dear, I distinctly remember photos of Handsome Dude during potty training, where are the photos of Little Dude? Kids keep track of these sorts of things. Perhaps Little Dude should wear gloves/mittens while using public bathrooms…………….Mom

  10. Erin says:

    I have an easy and yummy soup recipe for you, so you can redeem your soup-making. And when I make it, I just do refrigerated crescent rolls or something that requires no work other than popping in the oven.
    Then I make them eat the bread directly from the table.
    No plates.
    Less work for me.

    That was quick thinking to use your child as Lucy bait. Mother of the year!

  11. Joyce says:

    (((Taylor))) …there are days sometimes.
    The good news is today is bound to be better.
    And chicken and rice casserole is just as good as chicken and rice soup.

    Is Lucy spayed? If you’re not breeding her it does calm down the ‘hussy’ side of their personality a bit.

  12. While I have never had a day in which someone was used as dog bait :), I can feel your pain. I’ve had days like that.

  13. Paula says:

    Two words for LucyFur: SHOCK COLLAR. It will change your life and rock your world.
    People, do NOT send me hate mail because of this… it’s a dog and must be trained. It works.
    Sorry about your bad day. I must say that your soup turned casserole only proves your fabulousness in the kitchen. I think you’re a genious for that.

    • Virginia Girl says:

      HAHA I was going to post the same thing. We have a pitbull mix that is so hard headed and stubborn and this works like a charm. I’ve only had to shock her 1 time, now the tone warning makes her behave right away. I agree!

    • Shannon says:

      I thought it was mean at first, but my husband did it to himself before he put it on the dog. Now if you just put the collar on her she listens better. Love the shock collar.

  14. Janie Fox says:

    aww Lucy is a twin to my dog….complete and total idiot but so sweet.

  15. Katie says:

    Ooh – try this soup! It’s super filling (so you don’t need to serve it with anything) and very easy. …and husband approved.

  16. JoAnn says:

    see the thing about soup is you make it in the morning and let it simmer all day. Then at dinnertime when everyone is especially naughty, you’re done!

  17. JoAnn says:

    i just realized my last comment was boring/know it all-ish. You are welcome.

  18. That was, indeed, an awful day. I hope today is going better!

  19. Michelle says:

    There are these things called bags of soup that you just dump in boiling water and 10 minutes later you have soup! You can add canned chicken and some frozen veggies if you would like. Super, super easy and delicious. Oh, and top with cheese. One pot, one wisk, and one ladle to clean. And that’s what the girls are for.

  20. MindyLou says:

    Bummer of a day, girlie. But remember, “Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it.” ~~ Anne of Green Gables Aren’t I helpful? xoxo

  21. Puppies are the equivalent of another child to care for only with more teeth. Here ya go. This lady knows her stuff. 30 Days to a Well-Mannered Dog: The Loved Dog Method by
    Tamar Geller

  22. Melissa K says:

    HD: Oh. Why he not punch me?

    That was the best.

    P.S. It seems you are in denial in your sidebar regarding your children’s ages. I’m just sayin’.

  23. Jill says:

    Soup fools me that way too! I think it’s going to be so easy, and then it takes hours and destroys my entire kitchen. I have not, however, ever in my lifetime been able to successfully fail at one meal and then turn it into another meal. I am very jealous.

    Paula suggested a shock collar for the dog. I would not, of course, suggest one for the children as well. : ) Personally, I think you should reward LucyFur! She found you neighbors in Ruralville!

  24. MidwestTwinGirl says:


    Paula beat me to my two favorite words for dogs.

    Yay for Shock Collars! My brother’s dog had amazing results with their german shorthair, or pointer, or whatever it is.

  25. Lucy-bait….love it.

    I have a dog named Taffy. She never comes when out of the yard.

    How do I get her back, I turn on the water to the hose, and stand there like an idiot yelling, “Taffy…HOSE…Taffy, come play HOSE….Taffy….HOSE”. My neighbors think I am nuts. I am. That is the only way to get that stupid dog to come home. She loves to play hose…good grief.

  26. Tanna says:

    I laughed so hard when you said “hussy”. That is hilarious! Here’s to a better day! (I hate soup too…)

  27. lucyfur is a naughty girl!!! i would have to agree with the shock collar thing…they do work miracles! and to those who dont agree…no one said you had to use them!! 🙂

  28. Shannon says:

    B) we have Tupperware trays, I can put the soup in a bowl on the tray and the rest of the crackers/bread/raw vegetables on the trays and then the boys can fight over not having the pink one.

    F) agreed. i love cornbread and honey!

    soup – crockpot soup, add ingredients, turn on, clean up, wait.

  29. Soup/Rice hint: Make the soup and rice seperate. Combine just before serving. Pour the soup into the bowl, then stir in cooked rice. Store the leftovers seperately as well.

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