She Shot Me With The Gun!

Random Happenstances

 (that in no way relate to one another or matter in the grand scheme of things) 

(You’re welcome):


Handsome Dude had his 4 year check this week. At one point, we were sitting in the exam room, waiting for the nurse to come and give him his shots.

HD (short for Handsome Dude . . . keep up!):  Why can I not get dressed?

Me:  Because you have to get a shot.

Fun Fact:  With the girls, this would have greatly stressed me out.  I would have probably made up some story to distract them or offered a bribe or a reward of some sort.

Alas.  I am now old and tired and don’t sugar coat anything.

HD:  Oh.  With a gun?

Me:  No!  No one is shooting you with a gun!

Say, what?!

HD:  What are they going to shoot me with?


So, I had to try to explain it to him.  And he didn’t really seem to care.  So, the nurse came and he obediently held still.

And then, it happened.

And, oh the fury.

HD:  Mom!  You lied!  She did shoot me!  She shot me with the gun!  I’m go-ning HOME!

Ah!  That was a wonderful thing for him to be yelling in the doctor’s office.

Another fun tidbit from the doctor:

While we were there, the doctor was showing me Handsome Dude’s growth. 

Doctor:  As you can see, the boy is quite slender.  Which isn’t surprising, seeing as how you are so slender.


Let us have this moment to do a dance of joy.

*Thank you*

Never in my life have I been called slender.  Never ever.

I’ll take it!


Today we had to do 4.2 million errands.  One of which was repairing Hansome Dude’s glasses.

*I’ll give you a moment to recover from the shock.*

Then I had to go to the big city to get the boys measured for their ring bearer outfits.

100 (meaningless) points to anyone who can guess whose wedding that is for.

200 (meaningless) points to anyone who will assure me that my boys will be well-behaved for this ring-bearer gig.

Anyways.  I don’t do well driving in the big city. 

I got lost.

Even with my phone GPS.

It happens.

So, I was all a-flutter and said, “Shoot!  Where am I?”

And Little Dude, as precious as he is, called from the back seat,

“What, Mom?  Do you need coffee?”


Yes.  Mama always needs coffee, son.


Remember how I told you all that I was “done” with the whole “couponing” thing.

I lied.

Sir Lumberjack got wind of this and he is more excited than I am.

There is a class being offered in our area and he even asked if we could go together.

To learn how to use coupons.

Our deal is that I will figure out the deals, and he will get them when he is in town.

Works for me!

So I worked out a deal for him and wrote it all out, down to cereal sizes and which coupons to use for which items.

He was supposed to get 9 boxes of cereal, 3 gallons of milk, and 10 yogurts for about $15.

He came home with 6 cereals, no milk, and 10 yogurts for $36.

I fear we have a communication problem.

And a couponing problem.

I mean, who spends $5 on a box of Frosted Flakes? 

My husband.

 And we don’t even eat Frosted Flakes.

So, it was not frugal at all.

Hence, our excitement for the couponing class.

Which will cost us $40 to attend.

And $40 more in gas to get there.

Does anyone else see the stupidity in this?




Handsome Dude broke a candle in the store today.  This was my first experience in a store with a child breaking something.

I could have done without it.

Don’t worry, folks!  He assured me he wasn’t “touching” it at all!  He was just “smelling” it.

It shattered.

So, I had to find an employee so they could help me clean up all the massive amounts of glass everywhere.

And guess what?

They didn’t want me to pay for it!


Maybe it was because I am so slender.

And, on that note, I shall say goodbye.

I am off to watch AxMen with my darling, handsome, not-as-slender-as-I, husband.

PS-Should I eat popcorn or ice cream?

PPS-Remember, I can afford the calories.

PPPS-Have you seen AxMen?  If so, can we please discuss Shelby?!?!?!

PPPPS-Shelby makes my AxMen world go round.

PPPPPS-No worries.  My husband will fall asleep soon and I can watch some good, quality TV.  Like Seinfeld reruns.


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22 Responses to She Shot Me With The Gun!

  1. Michelle Dawn says:

    Have a good Friday night! We are watching Tangled!

  2. I had to google AxMen…. I thought at first, oh how sweet – she means the movie X-men and just doesn’t know how to spell it.. then you mentioned Shelby. I did not remember that character in the X-men movies.. so I googled AxMen… I should have known there would be a show like this out there. As it is on the History channel I am sure my husband is familiar with it. I apologize profusely for ever doubting you.. shame on me.
    How could I ever doubt someone who is so obviously slender?

  3. Melissa K says:

    I am seriously shocked that LJ wants to do that class. My sweet, well-intentioned husband has similar success at grocery store errands, and he would never consider it. He’s convinced they switch the milk signs when they see him coming so that he buys the more expensive one even though he thinks he’s buying the cheaper one. A couponing class would stress. him. out.

    100 points for Jason’s wedding. I won’t even try for the 200. 😉

  4. Nathalie says:

    So, are you and the Lumberjack renewing your vows? teeheehee


    Don’t pay for the couponing class. You can learn everything you need to know for free. I have a lot of couponing information on my blog as well (I don’t get paid for visits to my blog, hence I’m not trying to drum up numbers, just so you know).

    BTW, never ever send a man to the store with coupons. They lack the nerve to insist that the cashiers actually take the price off of the goods.

    Leave the kids at home with him.

    After you renew your vows, of course. 😉

  5. Janie Fox says:

    aww yes Ax men is on our dvr and many like it…American Loggers, Swamp Loggers… Half of the time I cannot understand Shelby. Hilarious. The big saws make me nervous though.

  6. JoAnn says:

    OH my goSH! You know, I think of you when I’m running errands with my TWO boys. I think “Taylor has four. how does she do it? She is my hero.”

    Seriously though, I cannot get over the amount of driving/errands you do with four kids. I think you deserve a giant medal. Perhaps that is why you are so slender.

    The gun incident is HILARIOUS. It reminds me of the other day when I was buying myself giant sized underwear for my giant…pregnant self, and Q was all, “LOOK! I SEE MORE UNDERWEAR! UNDERWEAR!” at the top of his lungs. He also flung various types of size xs undies into my cart (I was at target)(I used to shop at fancy underwear stores, but now that would mean two trips and I have two kids, and who wants to take two kids to a fancy underwear shop)(plus I save money this way, which makes me feel better about not using coupons).

    The other day I tried to take advantage of a 50% off everything sale at I bought a lot of baby clothes. I also found an additional 20% off everything coupon. Yes. I was saving 70%. Guess who accidentally placed her order TWICE? me. This is why I hate coupons. I hate it. So now I have to return a box of kid clothes. That means another errand. Boo.

    hey look! It’s like I wrote an entire blog post in your comment box. Longest comment ever?

  7. Joyce says:

    My hubs just heard on the news this morning that popcorn can be as many calories as you are supposed to have in a day. I told him I buy the 100 calorie bags but he doesn’t believe me because he heard differently on the news.

    In other news about my hubs-he broke three (yes-three) plates in an antique shop the other day. I’m quite sure his mother could compare notes with you regarding his childhood and HD’s childhood : ) In his defense he was lifting up a mirror and they had the plates behind so not really his fault. They didn’t make us pay either…luckily they didn’t belong to the queen or someone important…they were just old plates.

    Forget the couponing. It sounds oh so very stressful and you already have bunnies and glasses and ruralville and Lucy-fur and peach walls and boys who pee and wood to haul and brush to clear…give yourself a break!

  8. “9 boxes of cereal, 3 gallons of milk, and 10 yogurts for about $15.” Are you serious or is this a joke? It hasn’t been possible to buy that amount of food with or without coupons where I live since 1970.

    • Lumberjill says:

      Very serious!!
      A store is having a sale-3 boxes of cereal for $5, plus for every 3 cereals, you get a free gallon of milk. And I had coupons for the cereal to make them cheaper.
      It was brilliant.
      And he foiled my plan. 😉

  9. Rachel Spin says:

    I don’t use coupons. I have no idea who is getting married. My husband almost never goes to the grocery store, he buys the wrong stuff and can’t find things and I get phone calls with questions. I laughed when you said HD needed his glasses repaired again. Again!

    I thought of you last night. I went to a party and got a tour of the house. Guess what was lurking at the top of the stairs??? Yes, that is correct, a giant Elk head with lots of antlers. I took pictures and laughed and knew you would laugh if you were there. No peach walls though, so that is a bonus. But they had LOTS, I repeat, LOTS of dolphin art.

    WTG on the slender comment : )

  10. Jill says:

    You were called slender! That is calls for cheers, celebration, and enormous amounts of snacking. : ) Last time I went to the doctor he was very excited about my weight loss and praised me repeatedly. I celebrated for two weeks. P.S. Now I have more weight to lose.

    If someone was dumb (ahem!) I mean adventurous enough to ask the boys to be ringbearers, then it is not your fault if the boys act up during the ceremony. Although maybe you could convince them to play “wedding” for the next several months so that they could practice doing it correctly. More or less.

    I coupon, but it takes every fiber of brain power that I have, which is admittedly not much. If I were a betting person (which I am not) I would bet that LJ never gets the hang of couponing and for every big savings he scores, he brings home a $5 box of cereal that no one eats. Just sayin’.

    Are you going to post a picture of your slender self in your stylish Carhardts and your uber cute earrings? : )

  11. MindyLou says:

    Did you have to hold yourself back from kissing the doctor? I mean, comments like that don’t come out of people’s mouths every day. I recommend you bring it up regularly to your family as well as in the blog. You deserve it, you weight loss maniac! 😉 I also have contemplated going to this coupon class, as we seriously need to save some $$. Wanna go together? 🙂

    • Lumberjill says:

      Yes! You can sit in between David and I . . . to make sure there is no hanky panky. 😉

      • MindyLou says:

        Ew. That hanky panky business should not come to the coupon class! You know what happens when you hold hands, right? Ha ha ha…. Anyhew, I really don’t wanna sit between you, but whatever. 😉 Are you going to the one this Thursday night? I just saw an ad in the paper for it….

  12. Sometimes my kids’ doctors are my biggest encouragers! I thought of you yesterday, when we were at a doctor’s office and my kids found a pair of glasses in the toy box. 🙂 When you figure out this couponing thing, let me know.

  13. My kids have broken stuff. At first when I didn’t have to pay for it, I was all, wow, isn’t that nice. But I have since realized that it just shows how much everything is marked up that they can afford to be “generous” over the few things that get broken. Okay, wow, I’m a downer today. Sorry.

  14. diana at home says:

    Don’t have to pay for broken merchandise in the store? translation = get these kids outta here asap. My retail days were long ago, but I recall . . .

    Couponing = encouraged by a friend who spent “4 minutes online to save $6 on Blue Bunny ice cream”, I spent WAY TOO MANY minutes, found no coupons and caught some kind of contagious computer illness that makes this poor machine go sooooooo slooooow and run the fan constantly. (must learn to practice “safe surfing”)
    I am with you, LJW, and hope the class is worth the price of diesel. Maybe MindyLou should sit in the next row, as y’all are gonna wanna take notes, not visit. 😉
    OK. I’m just jealous ’cause I want to come too.

  15. Emma Anne says:

    I love it how HD says go-ning!! I just love those little kid words. I’m always so sad when they become completely understandable. 🙁

    I also love Seinfeld reruns. I think my hubs and I have seen all of them. Twice. 🙂

  16. Christina says:

    The other day I had Eliana in Target. She was very good and I got her a donut (and one for me. I was good too). Somehow I dropped one donut on the floor before I got it in the bag. I threw that one away, and got two more. When I got to the cash register, I told the lady that there were two, but I had dropped one on the floor. She charged me. 🙂 I was hoping she wouldn’t. haha I guess I should do the right thing for the right reasons, rather than the wrong ones.
    Coupons = stress, headaches, a lot of extra time. I’m not very good at using them. Sometimes they are worth it, but…not for me like some people do. Also? I don’t ever need the things that the coupons are for. So, that would be a waste of money for me. Watch out for that. Using coupons to buy things that you otherwise wouldn’t buy. Kind of defeats the purpose of using coupons!

  17. Virginia Girl says:

    Coupons are fun!!! Our store recently had a deal where you buy 4 boxes of GM cereal, get $6 off the order, and a coupon for free milk. Got all stocked up on coco puffs heehee

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