A Mother’s Day List

Kelly’s Korner is having a “Show Us Your Mother’s Day Ideas” theme this week.

Since my kids do not make money, I thought I would supply them with a list of ideas for gifts they could give me.

I’m thoughtful like that.

1)  I would like to be able to take a bath and/or shower and have no one see me naked.  Privacy is unheard of over here.  Things are getting borderline-inappropriate.

2)  In addition to #1, I would also like there to be no “questions” or “puzzled looks” after seeing Mommy when she is seeking privacy.  It hurts Mommy’s self-esteem.  Or what’s left of it.

3)  I would like to sit on a toilet seat and not have it be splattered with urine.  I am hoping for a 100% accuracy rate on this (ahem, Handsome Dude), but I would be happy with 50% accuracy.

4)  I would like to not feed you all for a day.  Just one day.  I know this sounds cruel, but I find it to be such a tedious bore lately.  It’s just that there’s so many of you, you see.   Also:  I am tired of dishes, complaints, spilled milk, crumbs on the floor, and peanut butter on faces.

5)  I would like you to cease to produce dirty laundry.

6)  I would like you to have clean rooms at all times.

7)  I would like you to clean my room.

8)  I would also like to join in for nap time.

9)  Perhaps we could learn to wash our spit out of the sink after brushing our teeth?

10)  Please stop asking me if why I have “red spots” on my face.

11)  Please beg me to read a book instead of watching television.

12)  Please stop tracking mud on the carpet.

13)  Please stop fighting.

14)  Please stop hitting.

15)  Please stop whining.

16)  Please don’t stop fighting over who gets to have Mommy carry them down the stairs.

17)  Remember to always snuggle in for a book before naps.

18)  Keep drawing me 16 millions works of art daily.  And insisting I keep them.  All of them.  Forever.  And ever.

19)  Continue to sing my praises when I make you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in the shape of a bunny.

20)  Try to not gag at the sight of broccoli.  Broccoli is your friend.

21)  Keep talking to me first out of all the people you know and telling me all the exciting things you are learning and doing.

22)  If you wear glasses, please be responsible with them. (ahem, Handsome Dude.)

23)  Don’t get sick.

24)  Don’t get hurt.

25)  Don’t grow up.

26)  If you insist on growing up, please continue to like me.  And spend time with me.  And go on special dates with me.

27)  If I get wrinkles, don’t mention them.  You probably gave them to me.

28)  Slow down a bit.  Life is flying by.

29)  Pretend I am your favorite teacher and mom, even if I am not deserving of it at the moment.

30)  Remember all the moments we have had together and think of them fondly and with love.

31)  And please stop insising on wearing your underwear backwards.  And your shoes on the wrong feet.

32)  Oh!  And start flushing the toilets.

33)  Remember you are treasured and a blessing to me.  Even if I don’t always act like you are.  You are the best parts of my life.



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20 Responses to A Mother’s Day List

  1. Marla says:

    Haha. Great list. 🙂

  2. Joy says:

    Let’s see…I would like 1,2,3,4,5…..who are we kidding- I’ll take all of the above with emphasis on numbers 3 and 32. Could you send this list to my children? Thanks in advance. You seem to speak my language:)

  3. Susan says:

    Great list, Taylor. Praying that all your wishes come true.

  4. Ah yes, we all long for heaven sometimes…

  5. MindyLou says:

    Awwww….loved the ideas for the kids. Sometimes I forget that you started this blog to track/remember your times with your kiddos for always, and someday they will read this and absolutely love it. You are a good momma.

  6. Christina says:

    You are a sweet mommy! I mean it…I love your honesty and your humor. And I hope you get at least one visit to the toilet (I won’t even call it a potty!) without any visitors or company!

  7. Janie Fox says:

    I love your list. Really, truly I do.

  8. Thank you for this list. I agree with all of them.

  9. Joyce says:

    This was so sweet. I hope at least some of your wishes come true on Mother’s Day this year. I’m pretty sure #25 won’t. I’m pretty sure #30 will.

    Have a nice weekend!

  10. Erin says:

    Funny & Sweet– a good combo. 🙂

  11. Jill says:

    I love your list! Although I think if they’re not going to produce dirty laundry, then you should embrace the whole naked thing. I don’t think you can have one without the other. : )

  12. This may very well be my favorite post of yours – and there are a lot of contenders for that title.

  13. BOWquet says:

    I love that list! I think all of that would be much better than any store bought gift 🙂

  14. Pam says:

    Perfect Post! Loved it! Now, that I can look back on those years.

  15. that is one fantastic mother’s day list!!! aren’t kids such blessing?? and a pain all at the same time?? you are such a good mom!!! 🙂

  16. AMEN and AMEN! …especially about the shower thing. Jeepers. I feel your pain.

  17. Michelle Dawn says:

    Love it!

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