A Dozer on the Dozer

First and foremost, I have a confession to make.

*Brace yourselves*

I bought myself a Carhartt Women’s Wear sleeveless work shirt.

Oh, yes.  I did.

You see, dear readers, on Thursday I had to drive to a small-ish town that I rarely go to to take Lucy to the vet.  Whilst I was there, I foolishly took all four children into a consignment shop. 

Have you ever taken four children into a consignment shop?  Don’t do it.

 Said consignment shop was having a massive clearance on all their adult clothes.  As I was perusing the racks, I found this Carhartt shirt on clearance for 99 cents.  And, therefore, I had to purchase it.

Oh, yes.  I did.

I figured that 99 cents is an outrageous deal when you factor in the the fact that I was “eye candy” for my bull-dozing husband today as I helped him do whatever it is we are doing to our land.  I rocked that Carhartt shirt.

Oh, yes.  I did.

As much as a Carhartt shirt can be rocked.

Alas.  I did not take a picture. 

All in good time, dear readers.  All in good time.

Which brings us to today.  The day in which I was wearing the Carhartt shirt and looking like a poser.  For I know not the first thing about hard work.

David and Handsome Dude.

You may ask, “Taylor!  What is the plan?”

And I shall admit to you that I know not what the plan is. 

I think we are leveling things out? 

Perhaps we are clearing out dead stuff? 

 Maybe we are just coming up with things to do as an excuse to purchase a large, seemingly unnecessary bull dozer?

I cannot be certain.

For the first hour or so, I just wandered around . . . picking up random sticks and being eye candy.

Lest any of you are confused, I am not eye candy.  No.  Not at all.  Nope.

I walked up to my manly-man husband and informed him that I needed vision!  I needed purpose!  I needed a plan! 

So, he gave me a job.  GoshDarnIt.

And with that job came a lesson in 4wheeler driving.

As I gathered sticks, Little Dude clapped and cheered for me and said,

“Good job, Mom!  You are wee hep-full!”

I ain’t gonna lie.  I am wee helpful.

So, Little Dude and I cruised the lands and threw sticks into the trailer and then brought them to the burn pile.

I am sure that many of you are aghast that we have a burn pile.  I assure you it is quite legal in these here parts.

Oh, yes.  It is.

Little Dude and I were quite excited when we found this little treasure trove of sticks.

I’m sure you can imagine our jubuliation.

We worked hard all morning.  Handsome Dude even started to fall asleep.

A dozer on the dozer!

Ha!  You cannot deny that was uber clever.

Happy Weekend!

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14 Responses to A Dozer on the Dozer

  1. aTXtumbleweed says:

    A Dozer on a Dozer wasn’t what I was expecting….I was thinking your new dozer got stuck and you had to get another dozer to pull it out…so Yes, you are uber clever!!

  2. Jessy says:

    You totally get the “Wife of the Year” award. Not only did you sport a Carhartt shirt for your husband while helping him in his manly outdoor work, you saved money too! He must be one happy lumberjack 😉

  3. Shannon says:

    Ha! You are caving into Ruralville’s crazy ways. Please, I repeat, please don’t purchase the long jean skirt and striped socks. Seriously, no matter how thrifty they are at the consignment store. 🙂

  4. Nathalie says:

    Alright, Lady. Now that we’ve figured out that the man knows how to use that thing, send him down to Florida so he can level out my backyard. I am in desperate need and have no money to pay some non-bloggy friend to do it.

    That’s all.

    Oh, except that you can accompany the man…as eye candy, of course. 😉

  5. Christina says:

    I imagine that nothing much could compare to you in that shirt helping the Lumberjack as far as said Lumberjack is concerned. No doubt about the eye candy. 🙂

  6. Marla says:

    I bet you totally rocked that shirt! Can’t wait to see a picture. 🙂

  7. Boys = toys…they just get bigger and bigger ones 😉

  8. Jill says:

    Please tell me you wore uber cute earrings while being wee hepful and modeling the Carhartt shirt! : )

  9. Momma Mindy says:

    Not to burst your Carhartt bubble or anything, but if you REALLY want to be red-neck eye candy, you have to buy a long sleeved plaid shirt, preferably with snaps, not buttons, and RIP the sleeves off. And, yes, Mrs. Tamarack-Bunny Slider-Dozer-Eye Candy, we NEED pictures.

  10. Andi says:

    Taylor, I’ve been behind on blogs, and I have to say:

    Your dad is hilarious.

    You are certainly eye candy.

    You are indeed wee helpful.

    I hope Lucy stayed pretty smelling for her little surgery… Because oh the shame of going to surgery not feeling and smelling fresh!

  11. Looks like lots of fun was had in LumberLand.. I admire your desire to work alongside your husband as eye candy!
    I have to tell you that I watched Tangled last night and thought of you… now, don’t be offended, but it was the witch that reminded me of you.. every time she said something offensive she said “I kid!” and I could just picture your posts – “I kid” ” I jest”.. Hmmm,
    maybe we finally have an answer for how you stay so young and gorgeous while locked away in LumberLand with 4 children, a Lumberjack, and a demon dog..

  12. Kristen says:

    Wow. I kind of feel like we may be living parallel lives hundreds of miles apart. We had our own bulldozer-in-the-back-yard-burn-pile-debaucle which I blogged about on Friday. Perhaps this can be a cautionary tale to you and more importantly to the Lumberjack, so you don’t end up in the same predicament as my Father In Law: http://lkreitz.blogspot.com/2011/04/only-on-farm.html

  13. I don’t think you need a gym membership Taylor. Clearing brush and riding gators and burning things sounds like just as much work – and a lot more fun.

  14. Oooh, love deals like that-awesome!

    The dozer on the dozer, I never would have thought of that. Uber clever, uber clever, my dear!

    Please come work in my yard next. 🙂

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