The Monday Night Post

What I saw when I looked out my window this morning:

I shall call him, “Easter Dinner.”

I kid!  I jest! 

I know not how to fire a weapon.

This is what I saw out my window this afternoon:

I call it, “Snow.”

There’s no SNOWING in APRIL!


Today was a busy day with lots of homeschooling to do.


Pop Quiz, Hot Shots:  How does one teach different grade levels for each subject without losing her mind?

How on earth shall I do this when the boys are also needing to be studious?

After science class today (with the new science curriculum that I ordered . . . and we love!), Handsome Dude decided to take over and instruct the girls on some theology.

Bless his heart.

Handsome Dude:  Jesus died on the cross. 

Sweet Pea:  Who did Jesus die for?

Handsome Dude:  He died for God. 

 Handsome Dude:  And then the angels came.  And they ate Jesus.

Daisy Mae: Um . . .

Handsome Dude:  And God is everywhere.  Except if you hide in rocks.  Then He can’t see you.   I can see God’s shirt.  But I not find His legs?

I had to interrupt this intriguing lesson before my kids got any weirder.

Plus, I had to do a “hands check” with Handsome Dude.

I am exhausted.  And I ate a very large piece of leftover carrot cake just to get me through the lessons.

It was, in fact, delicious.

That is all.

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21 Responses to The Monday Night Post

  1. Melissa says:

    that kid says the craziest things!! =) angels eating Jesus???!

  2. Dawnell says:

    Funny! What kids will come up with! At least he knew Jesus died on the Cross!

  3. Dawn says:

    Carrot cake eaten at Easter has no calories and besides, it has vegetables! And the theology lesson and hand check cracked me up!!

  4. LeAnna says:

    I love what Dawn said, carrot cake has no calories at Easter. DUH!

    Hang on, gotta go do a “hands check” on my Hubby…

    Because they NEVER OUTGROW that stuff. Sheesh. (Don’t tell him I said that.)

  5. Nathalie says:

    You totally deserved that cake.

  6. Shannon says:

    Ummm….You might want to talk to Shelly about reviewing what Johnny’s teaching these days. Ha! Handsome Dude is a hoot! What is your new science curriculum?

  7. JoAnn says:

    SO Hilarious! That’s the most interesting theological discussion I’ve heard in a long time.

    I gardened today…I may be a tad sunburned. I did not wear shoes.

    Just, you know, FYI.

  8. Ricki says:

    I think that when the time comes for the boys to be studious, you will find it more than logical to see them to school. And enjoy the quiet while you bask in the calmness of the grown up, calmer (not so)Lucy(fur).

    Then you will wake up from this little dream, gather curriculum, and educate your (at that point) quiet and well behaved boys. 😉

    Praying for peace for you. And long nap times.

  9. Christina says:

    Although there should not be snow in April, there should definitely be carrot cake, because there is the Easter bunny and all, so…carrots!
    Although I don’t really care for the Easter bunny, but maybe there were carrots around when Jesus was? Can you ask Handsome Dude for me? 😉
    (I love the nutty things kids say!)

  10. Melissa K says:

    Crawling inside Handsome Dude’s mind here… it only stands to reason that if Jesus is “wee naughty” then God would of course send angels to eat Him. I do encourage you to work on these points with him, however, just to avoid future heresy.

    I’m so excited to hear that you love your new science curriculum. My oldest will be in a homeschool extension program next year, and that’s exactly what’s on the agenda for science. I’m going to have #2 go through it as well.

    Did you fail to tell us that you were able to abandon the breakfast nook furniture for a real dining set? Woohoo!

  11. Michelle Dawn says:

    Hahahahha gotta love kids 🙂 And boo for snow in April! I want some SUN!!!!!!!!!

  12. Joyce says:

    We have lots of turkeys but I never see them fan their feathers.
    We’ve moved from snow to rain. Rain and more rain. Did I mention we’ve had rain?

    I love toddler theology : )

  13. Nancygirl says:

    thank you for the really good laugh this morning…sometimes I read them out loud to my husband and when I can get him to laugh out loud at 6 in the morning you KNOW it’s funny. Funny…did I say funny? Yes I did. You see, this was my life 20 years ago and it all worked out just fine. Now my daughter is homeschooling 5 little ones and my son has two that will be soon. And he finally took his hands out of his pants. Which is a good thing for a Dr. of theology to do.

  14. Marla says:

    Can I have your son? Or maybe just borrow him for a couple of days? I think he would provide hours of entertainment. We could probably even cancel the cable. Lol.

  15. hhmmm…i think your boy is a lil’ confused!! 🙂 love your homeschooling stories!!

  16. Shelly says:

    I love that kid! I was laughing out loud!

  17. Hahahaha! Not gonna lie, I shared Handsome Dude’s theology with visiting family, and we all howled for quite some time. Hee is wee funny. 🙂

  18. Andi says:

    We once had a guest speaker come to our church to talk a particular false belief system that I will not name, but involves the belief that there is a holy father and mother and they married and picked a son to come to earth to save the world they created….

    Unfortunately we had not had the chance to prepare our children for the guest speaker and to warn them that he was just educating us on a false religion, so my youngest was quite confused to find out the God was married.

  19. I love kid’s theology! Always good for a laugh.

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