Mommy is wee handsome.

What you are about to see is true.

It is a picture that I took from my back door on this, the morning of April 22nd, in the year 2011.

You saw it here first, folks.  Snow in the latter part of April.

And now, for your reading pleasure, I would like to give you a little sampling of what sorts of status updates my Facebook newsfeed page will be littered with today:

“Seriously?  Snow?!?!?!”

“That’s it.  I’m moving.  LOL.”

“Nooooooo.  Snow!”

“Somebody needs to tell Mother Nature that it is spring.”

“Can somebody help me find my sled?”

“I really, really miss my friend, Taylor.  Life is so dull without her.”

That would be from my dearheart friend, Bimlissa.  Pray for her.  She struggles without me.


“I need sun!”

“Go away snow!”

“Ugh.  It’s snowing.”

Ah, yes.  Redundant, crazy weather postings.  It is one of the tragedies of Facebook that we must all endure.


Handsome Dude has been feeling a bit ill as of late.  He is currently moaning and groaning and certain he is in need of soda pop.

HD (short for Handsome Dude . . . keep up!):  Can I play outside in the snow?

Me:  Well, if you are sick, that might not be a good idea.

HD:  I not sick!

Me:  Dude!  You just said you were sick!

HD:  I am only sick in the house.  I am not sick outside.

Hmmm . . .


Little Dude thinks I am wee awesome.

He watches me get ready in the mornings . . .

“Mommy!  You wee handsome!”

Last night we were watching a movie and there was a pretty lady.

“I like her!  She like mommy!  She wee handsome!  I like her!”

Don’t be jealous, readers.  Not everyone can be as handsome as I.


In other news, we dyed Easter Eggs yesterday. 

I am a little hesitant to share this with you all, seeing as how you all thought I was uber weird for making my own laundry soap, but I made my own Easter Egg Dye.


Because who has time to go to the store? 

It was super simple.  Just 1tsp of vinegar, 1 1/2 cups hot water, and drops of food coloring.  See?  Easy.  And if the kids colored on the egg with crayons before dipping them in the color, they could make designs.

This one is “lellow.”

Sweet Pea has been full of pre-pre-teenage angst and been refusing to wear her glasses as of late.

And I am beginning to think that she thinks she is too cool for me.


Daisy Mae, however, thinks I am the bee’s knees.  Every little thing I do is magic and I am a “lubbely mudder.”

Little Dude.


Little Dude does not get the concept of “gentle.”  He dug his claws of death fingers into the poor eggs and even cracked one.

So, the kids ate it.

Here are the boys pretending to like it:

Did you know that I have a steadfast rule against children sitting on the countertops?

Are you impressed with my parenting skills?  Or skillz?  Whichever you prefer.

As we were coloring the eggs, snow started to fall.

Daisy Mae had been complaining of a “head-ick” all day long.  So she had those ridiculous whatever-they-are-called’s on her eyes all day to block out light.

Such drama for a 7 year old.  I wash my hands of it.


I hope you all have a wonderful Easter weekend.  We are in the process of watching The Ten Commandments with the kids . . . I cannot tell a lie . . . they are completely and udderly befuddled.  Yet, we shall press on and continue with this tradition.

I hope you remember the true meaning of Easter this year as you are celebrating with your family.

“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” 

John 16:33 

Oh, how He loves you and me!

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23 Responses to Mommy is wee handsome.

  1. Katie B says:

    Always love your blog. Have a great weekend. Looks like it should be spent curled up with a good book and some hot chocolate.

  2. Marla says:

    I wish I had someone to tell me I was wee handsome. He’s a sweetie.

    By the way, I’ve decided that you must live in Alaska. Where else is it currently snowing? Lol. It was 89 here yesterday.

  3. Jessy H. says:

    I’m happy to see that I’m not the only one that goes out in the snow barefoot.

    I prefer skillz!

    Hope you all have a great Easter!!

  4. Taylor, you are so funny. There is something very comforting about knowing that you are also freezing your butt off and have no flowers, or spring, or heat, just like me. That’s it, I’m moving to Kentucky.

    Seriously though… that Facebook reel was the best because mine always looks that way on snow days and it drives me nuts.

  5. Shannon says:

    Ha ha! Well Taylor, Little Dude is right, you are wee handsome! 🙂 I find the snow quite discouraging, but summer will come soon.

  6. Nathalie says:

    Wow! That snow is incredible! We’re expecting a high of 82. Don’t be a hater.

  7. datenutloaf says:

    Wee handsome. Precious.

  8. Nancygirl says:

    YES, Taylor, YES!!! Oh how He loves you and me! Happy Ressurection weekend.

  9. Gianna says:

    We too had snow (only it was 4/20, not 4/22) and the weather man has confessed that he looked out his window completely befuddled and speechless. THEN, he promised that he was done predicting the spring was coming.
    It will never be spring.
    I have decided that I want to talk to Al Gore about how to MAKE global warming because I want it!

  10. Melissa says:

    You know me so well – I don’t even have to actually post my status =) your kids are very sweet to you. Jordyn asked me why I looked so sick when I came out of the bathroom without make up on yet. I think she felt bad because later that night as we were watching American Idol, she told me I was MUCH prettier than Jennifer Lopez!!

  11. Momma Mindy says:

    Not to rub it in or anything, but today I am actually sitting on my deck in a tank top and shorts tanning. Actually, restoring my very low vitamin D, but the sun IS shining. Since it does this so rarely, I never let the opportunity slip. Wednesday night I was in full winter battle-gear at a softball game. Enjoy your snow, I’m going back out to the sun!

  12. Joyce says:

    We went to the movies today. It is cold and rainy again but I’m thankful we are not getting snow. Your blog is always wee sweet and your family is wee cute.

  13. MindyLou says:

    You are wee mean for teasing about my weather post. Well, technically, my weather post was yesterday, and you didn’t specifically mention mine, but I know you were thinking it. I can’t help it! Snow at the end of April is sick and wrong! Sick and wrong!!!
    And the whole egg dye thing? You are amazing. What can I say? I got mine from the dollar store. Yeah. You are so uber cool I don’t think I’m good enough to be your friend anymore. But I still am, right? Right? Hello?

  14. I had head-icks (I see now why you hyphenate this word) a lot when I was seven, and then my whole life, and nothing helped until I stopped eating gluten. Now I hardly ever get a headache, unless I eat gluten. Just a suggestion, if she keeps having headaches look into it, I would have loved to not had to go through 25 years of having a headache or migraine every day! =) That being said, your kids are so cute and the snow is so not!

  15. Michelle Dawn says:

    Happy Easter to you and your family!

  16. Christine C says:

    Don’t we all deep down want to be Wee Handsome? You are soooo lucky to be so Wee Handsome and for your little one to recognize it.

    Just wondering if in this strange land you live if you only get 2 months of spring/summer before winter returns…… Hmmmm.

    Happy Easter and love that you made your own dye! Just hoping mine are acually boiled this time. lol

  17. Tara says:

    My soon to be 7 y.o. just bought a pair of glasses from Claire’s just for the cuteness of them all. She wears hers ALL the time now. Strange, i think.

  18. We make our own egg dye too! And I live so close to stores it would make you jealous, but I am cheap! It is too simple and affordable to make it, so I do.

    And the facebook thing, thank you for making laugh out loud.

  19. oh, but you truly are a “lubbely mudder”. Fo Sho!!! Happy Easter to you and yours taylor!!! God Bless….

  20. datenutloaf says:

    The most profound truism ever from HD – “I only sick in the house; I not sick outside.” me too HD, me too!

  21. JDaniel has called me a princess from time to time. The words of a wise son are truly cherished!

  22. Yeah…we lived in PA when my oldest was born (in April). It snowed the day she was born, and I cried. I wanted the SUN to shine on her birthday.

    Alas, I am going to need to develop a deep and abiding love of the snow, for where I am going, snow days far out number days without snow.

  23. diana at home says:

    Ok. When you were talking about making your own egg dye, I was thinking you meant boiling beets to extract color, etc. Standard food coloring is E-Z and *cheep-cheep-cheep* (get it? cheep for easter? like baby chicks? I don’t want you thinking my home school mom spelling skillz are that bad.) And totally. Who has time to go to the store? Not wee handsome moms. Because children do not utter sweet truths such as this in public. Better to stay home and hear them more often.

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