The Smolder.

Yes.  Hello.  We have returned from the wedding festivities.

On Saturday, we departed at 6:30am.  We made excellent time and arrived at the hotel around 2pm.  The kids were fantastic, I kid you not.  However, when the rehearsal started that night, the boys decided to become not-so-fantastic.


It turns out they don’t like to “conform” or “do things that strangers are telling them to do.”  They weren’t awful.  But they could have been a little more participatory.

I would love to show you all some pictures.  However.  My favorite camera is broken, my cell phone cannot take a decent picture if someone moves, and the camera I had is too advanced for me to figure out how to use it.

Such a shame.

Do y’all remember that Handsome Dude broke his glasses on the eve of our trip?  Well, my handsome Lumberjack was able to repair them!  So, he did have his glasses on.

But then, he broke them again at the rehearsal.

And Uncle Alex was able to repair them.

It’s not Dude’s fault this time.  The new lenses he got are about four times as thick as his previous ones and I don’t think they fit right in the frame.  Anyways, the poor guy just keeps having the lens pop out.  He’s a good little lad about it and promptly brings me all of the pieces.

The wedding was on Sunday at 3 and we needed to arrive by 12 for pictures.  As you can all imagine, this is when things became stressful.

You see, dear readers, it wasn’t easy to be me on this trip. 


 No, it wasn’t. 

I had the privilege of getting two boys looking like ring bearers, two girls looking like flower girls, and one, extremely uncooperative husband to look like a groomsman.

Unfortunately for him, he was not able to wear his dressy Carhartts for this occasion.

Tough luck, Lumberjack.

Anyways.  When I woke up on Sunday morning, I knew I had a hard day of trying to de-Ruralville-ify my kin ahead of me.

David decided to take the kids down the hall to breakfast while I took a shower.  I got out of the shower and adorned myself with the world’s tiniest, hotel towel.  Promptly after the towel adornment, I received a knock at the door.

It was my mother.  She had found Little Dude wandering the halls and was delivering him to me.

Dang.  David is on top of things, isn’t he?

So, I discreetly pull Little Dude into the room.  He informs me that he wants me to take him to the pool.  I tell him no. 

This displeases him and he begins to throw a fit.  This is not uncommon for Little Dude these days.  I decide to go look for some clothes when I hear the door close.

Yes.  Little Dude opened the door and left.

So me and my tiny towel got to run down the hallway to get him.  And by “get him,” I mean grab his shirt and yank him back to the room before the tiny towel fell off of me.

Don’t judge me, reader.  You would do the same.

Now Little Dude is livid.  Oh, yes.  Livid.  Yet, during his fit, he decides he needs to potty post haste.  However, he is too furious at me still to allow me to assist him.  And he has an accident.

So.  There I am.  Standing in a hotel bathroom, draped in a tiny towel, trying to shush my naughty son, all whilst standing in a puddle of his urine.

It was a moment that belongs in the parenting hall of fame.

Needless to say, I was a bit miffed, oh yes, miffed at David when he returned.

LJ (short for Lumberjack who is also known as David.  Keep up, people!):  What’s wrong?

Me:  Well.  You lost track of Little Dude.

LJ (aghast):  I did not!  I told him to go back to the room!

Me:  HE IS TWO.  You cannot send a two year old to find a hotel room.

LJ:  But look!  He’s here!  See?  It’s all good.


I chose to procreate with this man.  I have only myself to blame.

In the interest of being fair, David did tell me that he was looking for Little Dude and saw that my mother had him. 

Now the beautification process has begun.

I begin to iron, iron, iron while David feeds the children scores of peanut M&Ms.  Daisy Mae becomes ill and throws up while I am curling her hair.  And Sweet Pea cannot find her glasses anywhere.

She hates wearing glasses, so she is on cloud nine.

We made it to the wedding.  Barely.

During the pictures, Daisy Mae asks if she can take pictures with my way-too-advanced-for-simpletons-like-us camera.

I hand it to her and inform her that she is allowed to take 10 pictures.

She thinks 10=900.

So, the pictures I am about to show you are not good. 


But they are the only ones I have.  None are in focus and most of them are taken by children or David.

You have been warned.

Now, my Dudes did pretty good on wedding day.

I did have to do many, many, “hand checks” with Handsome Dude, though.





Jason and Alex.

Poor Little Dude.  He had suspender issues.

The wedding was beautiful.  You cannot tell from my pictures, of course, but everything was gorgeous.  They got married in this barn and the decorations were so beautiful.  And I LOVED her dress.  She looked very pretty.

My precious boys did a good job.  They walked down the aisle and “stood” up there the entire time.  They didn’t even need me to perform any hand checks.

Holla, boys.


Daisy Mae loves her Uncle Jason.  And Jason and Amy are always kind to her.  And they were kind to her when she stood at the receiving line right in betwen them and helped them welcome their guests.

She even tried to join them at the head table.

Don’t worry.  I promptly nipped that in the bud.

Here is a random picture of me, doing what I do best:

removing unruly boys.

I thought this was a fun shot of Hansome Dude:

He likes to move it, move it.

There were hundreds up on hundreds of awkward, terrible photos on my memory card, courtesy of Daisy Mae and company. 

I think Alex was getting a bit annoyed at her, but was kind to humor her for a bit.

“How YOU doin?”

“I call this one, ‘The Smolder'”

(Name that movie)

Alright.  So, hopefully Jason and Amy will share some beautiful pictures with me.  As you can see, mine are not-so-great.

The wedding was gorgeous and I am very thankful that we were able to be a part of it.

Happy Tuesday!


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16 Responses to The Smolder.

  1. Katie B says:

    Sounds hectic, but looks like it went off without too many hitches. Beautiful wedding.

  2. Shanan says:

    Oh my goodness! You deserve an award! your story reminds me of when we were asked to be in my brother in laws wedding. HH and I and all 3 girls in the wedding. and a 2 month old little boy who thankfully was safe in the arms of my parents during the ceremony. everyone looks like they had a blast! and I hope you got a nice family pic!!

  3. love the girls’ dresses!! and yes, amy was a beautiful bride!! thnx for sharing, glad it went well!! and as for david…BAD david!!! 🙂

  4. Katie says:

    I’ve said it before and I will say it again, should I ever have a child, you would be my parenting hero. Thanks for keeping it real!

    I think you should refer to your pictures as artsy. 🙂 That second one is pretty cute!

  5. Christina says:

    Tangled…we just watched it the other day. 🙂
    I don’t think I could handle running down a hall half-naked, standing in pee, dealing with puke, and curling hair all on the same day, much less on someone’s wedding day. You are a mighty woman.

  6. Debra says:

    You will remember this wedding always! Holla boys! 🙂

  7. MindyLou says:

    I cannot believe how many weddings your kiddos have been in lately!! Holy Cow! I mean, seeing as they are so stinking cute and all it makes sense, but it seems like you’ve been on wedding duty a lot! Phew! And I love the parenting moment that shall go down in infamy. Man am I glad it wasn’t me. 🙂

  8. I don’t know, I kind of like the pictures. I think your daughter may be an artiste and just has a different view of the world. A kind of blurry/slanted/artistic view.

  9. Beth says:

    Hell hath no fury like a livid two-year-old with a full bladder!

  10. Joyce says:

    Always an adventure with the Lumberjack family, even when they leave ruralville. : ) Your posts always make me smile and sometimes even miss the naughty days of toddlerhood. Sometimes.

    Have a nice week!

  11. ada says:

    Great job!
    I love you running around the hotel in a hotel towel. Ahhhh…good stuff.
    I shouldn’t laugh too hard…I have a wedding this weekend where I will be staying in a hotel. And if one of my bebes wanders out the hotel towel most definitely will not fit around me and my baby belly. Yikes!
    I take it back…all of my laughter. 🙂

  12. diana at home says:

    Good times, Good times.
    These peeps to whom you have graciously lent your children for weddings will surely return the sentiment when it comes time for big, fat graduation gift checks. It will take time, but the payoff will come. If they try to get off cheap, just send them a copy of this post.
    Aaaannnnnd, it looks like SOMEBODY got wear his dressy Carhartts to this gig. He was not dancing next to HD in his ‘move it’ shot. see ’em?

  13. Now Jason and Amy can leave their front door open all they want, because if someone asks if they were born in a barn they can say “No, but we were married in one!”. Everyone knows that’s cooler. =) I have friends who did something similar and it was so pretty! It sounds odd, a barn, but they make beautiful wedding venues for sure!

  14. Jill says:

    Looks like a lot of fun! I have no toddlers left, but I still shudder at the thought of trying to get all my males ready for the wedding in July. : )

  15. Bethany says:

    Taylor, it was fun meeting you in person and seeing your cute kids at the wedding. The kids looked great in their wedding finery and pulled off their flower girl/ring bearer roles like pros. You also looked great – which is impressive considering all you had been through that morning. And you lived to blog about it!

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