Sheds and Flower Beds

It’s 8:20am and the kids are still sleeping.


Because we are exhausted, that’s why.

This whole “running a vacation rental” idea was a peach, I tell ya.  A peach.

But I have news of great joy:

We did it.

And when I say “we”, of course I mean . . . . WE.  Yes, that’s right.  I was awesome, too.  Although not quite as Superman-ish as my husband.

Do you remember his stress with building a shed?

He got ‘er done.

You see that bark that is nicely spread all around it?  That would be courtesy of yours truly.

So, my camera is broken and I only had my phone.  So, there won’t be many pictures.  But he built the fence, planted sod, re-routed the sprinklers, and yada yada yada.

And he did it all in 5 days.

Plus he planted MY flower bed:

There is another “Roadie” (or Rhodie, if you obsess about such matters) somewhere over there, but my picture-taking skills are less than par. 

I was Chief of Deep Cleaning the Entire House and I shall scream if I have to wipe down another baseboard.

I think David and I work quite well together.


I must inform you, though, in the interest of full disclosure, that David was offered help and he accepted it.

Two friends came by to help and David hired two boys to help him as well.

They were awesome, even if they called me “Mrs. M” the whole time.


I’m a “Mrs. M.”

What has become of me?

And to further prove that I was a super awesome worker, I shall now brag and show you this note my husband left me on this very morn:

It says, and I quote, “Love You Thanks for All your hard work .  David.”

Before we get too swooned, I must tell you, in the interest of full disclosure, that the majority of that note is instructions for me to follow on emailing a guy about some parts for the dozer.

Yes.  I know.

Wife of the Year.


The girls are finished with school for the year.


I received an email congratulating me on both girls receiving the “Presidential Award.”
I thought it sounded quite prestigious and I informed my husband of our accomplishments post haste.

His response?

“Sounds like its pretty easy to get.”

Exqueeze me?  Baking powder?

(Name that movie)

I would like to know how many presidential achievements he has earned in his lifetime.


The email said I was to be commended.



Kids are now up and I’ve been informed there has been vomit.

My mood has significantly tanked.

Therefore, I shall end this post.

But before I go, I thought we could do a Questions and Answers Post again.

Here is how it works:

You ask a question about whatever and I shall answer it.


That’s all!

Leave a question!

Or don’t.

The choice is truly yours.

Happy Thursday!

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20 Responses to Sheds and Flower Beds

  1. Your house looks great. Seriously. Y’all did a good job!

    Question: What are you going to do with all those baby bunnies? Will you have the mamas spayed now or are you going to add “rabbit breeder” to your list of job titles?

    True story: When I was a child, we lived in the mountains in a very rural environment for three loooooong years. Our neighbors up the road bred rabbits – and then ate them. Given that you eat elk and deer, rabbit wouldn’t be too big of a stretch.

  2. Nathalie says:

    The shed looks great! So does the flower bed! I’ll assume that the inside looks great as well.

    Now you can resume your Bon Bon eating career.


  3. Holly says:

    Question: Who vomited?

  4. Heather (not the nurse and not living in ND) says:

    Are you sure that’s not a store bought shed? It looks just like one of those sheds that sits outside of the Home Depot store that are for sale. Nice work Lumberjack, nice work indeed.

  5. So, I’m sitting at my desk at work, during lunch time, reading your blog and eating lunch. So why did you have to mention VOMIT!! I mean – I’m eating lunch here! Or I was. I don’t have any kids….want to know why? Snot and Vomit….sigh…am I pathetic or what?

  6. Beth says:

    Your house looks great! Congratulations! So where do we go to rent this little bit of Heaven on Earth?

  7. wow! the shed and flowerbed look AMAZING!!! don’t you love it when the hubbies leave notes of appreciation? it’s just the little things, ya know… 🙂

  8. Amiee says:

    My questions are: What do you wish that veteran homeschool Moms (like myself) would have told you before you started homeschooling? What did you think was the hardest part of this year? What did you think was the easiest? I think you truly need to be commended 🙂 Way to go! How did your girls win that award?

  9. Katie B says:

    Congrats to the girls and you for sticking to it! What is your favorite summer activity? Aside from the joys of camping and huckleberry picking.

  10. Kristy says:

    Question…I know not of where you live, but I am assuming it is someplece that people want to vacation? Do you have any problem finding renters for your rental property during the summer months? What kinds of fun might a renter expect to have while vacationing at your rental property? Are there touristy things to do? Or is it more of a relaxing place?

    And congrats to your girls and to you for the awesome year of homeschooling!

  11. MindyLou says:

    Waynes World!
    I can’t believe I came in so late and was the first to answer. Dinner was awesome, once again. You are wonder woman. I’m terrible at coming up with questions, but I would like to be really cool and have you mention my name, so I’ll try to come up with something soon. Thanks, friend.

  12. Me? Obsessed????? Shut the front door……:)

    Question: How are the Varicose Veins? Still gone? Do you ever pull out the white hose for fun?

    Question 2: Is there any painting plan in your summer agenda? We know you love peach walls….they may even be the instigator of the vomit…just sayin.

  13. Erin says:

    I have always wanted to do a q&a post on my blog, but have been too afraid that no one would ask me any questions.
    So my question to you– do you think anyone would ask me any questions?

    I hereby commend you for your excellence in homeschooling as recognized by the President.

  14. Lisa Buchanan says:

    I’m new to your blog and I already love you! 🙂 I love your sense of humor and how you can see the humor in the very, very daily things. (Or at least that’s how you put in it writing.) It helps us other mom’s know that those “daily’s” happen to others as well, and yes, it is funny most of the time even if it’s not until much, much later. 🙂 I’m also a home-school mom (7 kiddo’s, 10 and under). What curriculum do you use and what do you do with your littlest while the other are schooling?

  15. Exsqueeze me, baking powder= Wayne’s World. Whenever I think of that movie, I always think of the part where he hands him the teeny little cup and says “Dude, if you’re gonna spew, spew into this.” I frequently say it to my small children if they look green, using the Garth Voice. They do not get the joke, but for some reason it makes the possibility of spewing more entertaining.

    The shed looks GREAT and the flower bed turned out loverly. I’m super impressed (and relieved that you hired some help!)

  16. Noelle says:

    The shed looks awesome! And congrats on the awards! You are indeed awesome!

  17. Katie Brn says:

    Hooray! An invitation for questions! I LOOOOOVE questions! Asking and answering, but that’s because I’m a small town girl who strikes up a conversation with anyone in hearing distance at the drop of a hat! Here’s my list of conversation starters . .

    What do you do for yourself? As in, what do you do, or think you should do, with the few minutes you are allowed to yourself a week? (and blogging doesn’t count!)

    What’s your favorite ‘random snack’ of the 80s/90s era? For example, I love Razzles, and have been known to bring home a box of Pudding pops and refuse to share them.

    Which Disney prince/hero do you like the best? Which heroine/princess do you want to be?

    Do you associate a specific soda with being sick to your stomach ? My mom always gave me flat 7 up to drink so I can barely tolerate it.

    Have you ever heard the song “Taylor, the latte boy?” I know you aren’t a boy, but I always think of that song when I read your blog. That and Monte Python’s “Lumberjack Song” but don’t be affended that the only thing that ties them to this blog in my brain are the names . . .

    Do you have another pics or story about a survived fashion fad? I always love the ‘beauty/fashion’ pic. But did you suffer from biker shorts? Slouch socks? A BoyToy belt? A Debbie Gibson hat?

    And if you haven’t figured it out yet, I turned 30 this year as well and have been taking WAAAAY to many trips down memory lane. Heck, I used to wear Debbie Gibson’s perfume “Electric Youth.” Sigh . . .

    What is your favorite Romance movie? Favorite Comedy? Favorite Action movie star? Most hated actress? (much better to grip about pretty women from Hollywood that compliment them . .)

    And now the lightning round . . .

    Ewan McGregor or Jude Law
    Coke or Pepsi
    Cupcake or slice of pie
    Apple pie or pumpkin pie
    New or old version of Willy Wonka
    KitKat or Twix
    Stick or Twist pretzel
    Capris or shorts
    right or left handed
    Umbrella or poncho
    beach or mountains
    tomato or potato

    And looking back at that list, I shouldn’t be allowed to do the lightning round while hungry. . . .

  18. Katie Brn says:

    Holy Cow that was long . . .sorry!

  19. Shannon says:

    Christian also received the “Presidental Award”, I too was commended. I knew one day my “day” would arrive, though Sandy agrees with David and said, “I bet all the kids get that award”. Whatever…..

  20. Tara says:

    I received the award my senior year in high school…Mine was for improving grades …I kinda slacked in my previous junior year…ooops 🙂 Congrats to you guys for the accomplishment. Love the note David left you. I bet it was HD who puked. I want to vaca in your vaca home. The shed looks ‘picture perfect’. I loved WAynes World…and say ‘Exsqueeze me?!’ often. My own flowerbed hasn’t had any attention and looks kinda grassy now. It’s 7 a.m. and I hope my girls sleep til 8-something, minus the vomit. And my Q for you: When was the last time you ate MOOSE TRACKS?? Was it THE Mother’s Day outing? I’m on my Oreo kick right now because the last 1/2 gallon of MOOSE TRACKS I ate had very little fudge swirl in it and made me want to write to the ice cream makers for it.

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