The Bib Overalls

When will SUMMER come?  I mean, honestly.  We need to break into the 70’s here at some point.  It’s JUNE. 

And all you goodie-goodies who live in the southlands can drawl on  all you want about the heat and your sweet tea and whatnot, but I am still wearing pants, drinking hot coffee, and sometimes, wearing my Cabelas jacket.

Because I now wear a Cabelas jacket.  As if I couldn’t get any stranger.

Oh, wait!  I can!

For this, my upcoming 30th birthday, my inlaws got me my first pair of Carhartt’s.  Yes.  I am sporting the “bib overalls” with a lovely flannel shirt, perfect for a day of hard-work-fun in Ruralville.

My inlaws.

Them are wild and crazy

So, yes.  They thought they were all hilarious and gave me those Carhartt overalls.  The flannel shirt is actually from the Gap circa 1993, so I guess that is kind of ironic . . . don’t you think? 

(name that music artist)

  (it’s really easy.  don’t let me down.)

Back to the subject at hand:


You would NOT believe how huge these things are.  I’m not sure how to take that.  I mean, yay for things swimming on me, but boo for people thinking they might fit my girth in the first place.

Dislcaimer:  This photo was taken at 8:30pm after a fun day of child-rearing, laundry, trailer cleaning, and outside work.  Which is why I look the way that I do. 

The astute reader might notice the flowers in the picture.  I am hoping you did because, I said, and I quote,

“David!  Take a picture of me in these Carhartts next to the flowers you got me! Make sure you get the flowers!  And make me look thin!”

I, yes, I, Taylor Maliblahblah received flowers from my doting husband last Friday.  And this was before he ever saw me in those Carhartts.

You may ask:  “Taylor!  How did you do that?

Well, dear readers, it was really quite simple.

Step #1-Tell your husband you want him to bring you flowers.

Step #2-Wait at least a year, give or take a few months, for him to finally buy you some because he feels it is dumb to get flowers within the same year you ask him. 

Step #3- Get the entire family ready to go camping all by yourself because your husband is working long hours.

Step #4-On the day of blissful camping departure, become all stressed-like when you see that your boys have hauled dirt into the house (?) and your girls TOLD you they took care of the rabbits, when alas, they did not.

Step #5-Slam your head smack into the roof of the rabbit hutch whilst doing your rabbit inspection.

Step #6- Stupid rabbits.

Step #7- Mutter and/or shout “I never wanted this kind of life!”

Step #8-Return inside to your peach house just in time to get a call from your unsuspecting husband who is on a “WOO-HOO!  I’M GOING CAMPING!!!” high

Step #9- Basically throw a fit because you are tired and cranky and your head hurts and who has time to worry about rabbits anyways?

Step #10- Receive flowers from your husband.

Step #11- Become slightly bummed that the flowers came mere minutes before leaving for the weekend.

Step #12-Briefly consider bringing the aforementioned flowers camping so you can enjoy them. 

Step #13- Deem that to be considered too high maintenance from the fellow camp-goers.

Step #14- Enjoy flowers when you return from blissful camping trip.

Speaking of rabbits, nobody cared to guess yesterday as to how many little baby bunnies we have.


Speaking of yesterday, Mindee was perplexed as to how I was able to tow a fully-equipped toilet behind the rig to accommodate Handsome Dude’s explosive diahrrea.

Mindee!  We were towing our camp trailer!

Keep up!

Yes.  We would just pull over to the side of the road and take him on inside.  It was super classy.

Darling reader Joyce had an idea that I liked.  She suggested I have my readers come up with a caption for our family camping photo and the idea tickled my fancy.

So, leave a comment with an idea for a caption, if you feel so inclined.

Happy Tuesday!

PS-I’m not 30 yet.  Just to keep the record straight.

PPS- It is true.  My husband is growing sideburns.

PPPS-I’ll shall have this day for mourning.


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23 Responses to The Bib Overalls

  1. Debra says:

    I’m sorry I asked what the in laws got you for your birthday. Just kidding! 🙂 😉 You look so cute in your overalls. Seriously. Holla! 🙂

  2. Beth says:

    Alanis Morrissette —- Isn’t it Ironic

    Thought bubble over LD’s head………….Mommy ….Daddy…… it might be Bigfoot?

    alternatively…………. Thought bubble over LJ’s head……………… Calgon take me away.

  3. Lani says:

    It is true. That IS how you get flowers from your husband. I received a lovely bouquet from my husband this week via a similar method… although I think I muttered and/or shouted something like “I forget, WHY do we have 5 kids again?!?”.

  4. Now I get it. I was seriously picturing you pulling a little outhouse type contraption behind you – I thought maybe it was a camping thing.

    Clearly, I do not camp.

    The camper is a much better mental image. Thanks for clearing that up.

    Those overalls are truly awful, and yet I have the feeling they’ll be fabulous for shoveling snow.

  5. Melissa K says:

    I’m good.

    And I have to say I’m glad you don’t refer to them as your “dress Carhartts.” That truly would call for a rescue mission.

  6. Erin says:

    My creative juices aren’t flowing yet today, so I’ll have to get back to you on the caption.

    But Taylor.
    We really do need to stage an intervention.

    Maybe your inlaws think you need to make another little Maliblahblah inside those roomy bibs.
    They need more huckleberry pickers in the family.

  7. Wichiepoo says:

    Oh Taylor, I do not have a caption as of yet, I have my “serious work brain” on at the moment, but I do have a question…
    Why is it that Mr. LJ – the one who LOVES to go camping – is the only one that does NOT look happy in this picture?

    For the bunnies, I guessed in my head, and forgot to write it, I guessed 25 yeah yeah, that’s it, I really did!?!

    Isn’t it Ironic that it’s the great Canadian artist- Alanis Morrissette
    Yup yup, we Canadians do good things!!!

    Happy b-day in advance!

    • Wichiepoo says:

      OH! and I am with Erin on this one, your in Laws want ya to make more babies!!!!!!!!! Imagine all the help they would get with the Huckleberry picking and apple sauce making!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLUS, you make the cutest little lumberjacklings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      And BTW, you look so KAYUUUUUUUTE in them bib overalls!!!!

  8. Melissa K says:

    I don’t have a caption, but I do have a thought bubble to add over Daisy Mae’s head:

    “Dad, look at my mouth. This is how it’s done. C’mon, do it for the children…”

  9. Katie says:

    Those overalls are hot! Hope I get some for my 30th! 🙂

  10. Debbie says:

    This reminds me of all the birthdays and Christmases my mother-in-law bought me sweaters…..always a man’s sweater. Not sure what she was trying to say there.

  11. Beth says:

    I like the overalls! I told my darling daughter just the other day that one of my weight loss goals is to get slim enough to look cute in overalls. Such lofty goals we set for ourselves!

  12. Caption:

    Mom? Why is there a man standing under the waterfall saying “I will find you! Just stay alive!?”

  13. p.s. Thirty’s a doddle. I think. I’m struggling to remember, actually …

  14. p.p.s ‘Bib overalls’ are known as dungarees over here, you know. They are! Really!

  15. Nathalie says:

    Taylor, Honey (as we say in the South), I think you look lovely at the end of a typical day. Dang, but THAT is why your hubby brought you flowers!

  16. Holly says:

    Sweet overalls!!
    Now, just in case you could pass for a red neck if needed.

  17. I would be thrilled the overalls were too big….that way they can’t possibly exect you to actually wear them…right?? You did look cute in a hillbilly sort of way 😉

    Caption for your picture: Look this that way…oh wait…look over there!!

  18. Katie Brn says:


    Seeing your overalls makes me long for my own pair. Actually I’m a little serious. My Granddad use to wear Keys (No Carhardts in this family!) overalls everday for farm work. It still get a little misty when I see an older farmer wearing a pair of thin stripe Keys overalls.
    Of course I still remember the horrid pair of overalls I had for myself in the 90s. Worn with the flap down and flannel shirt tied around the waist since I was apparently in love with Joey from “Blossom.” Or with a crop top under it like 90210 I suppose. . . ewww. And that’s a few too many trips down memory lane. Congrats on the soon-to-be 30 years.

  19. diana at home says:

    Dress Carhartts!
    Not so much pretty as practical. You, my dear, make up the pretty part. 🙂

  20. Shelly says:

    Better than a caption, I’ve written you a song. It may sound sort of like Gilligans Island, but it’s totally different…..

    Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale,
    A tale of a fateful trip
    That started from this ruralville
    Aboard this camp trailor

    The mate was a mighty Lumberjack,
    Lumberjill brave and sure.
    Six passengers set out that day
    For a three day camping trip, a three day camping trip.

    The weather started getting rough,
    The tiny kids were soaked,
    If not for the courage of the fearless crew
    The campers would be lost, the campers would be lost.

    The Lumberjacks set up their camp on the shore of this uncharted desert isle
    With Coccobear
    The Handsome dude too,
    The Lumberjack and his wife,
    The Sweet pea
    The Daisey Mae and silly Lucy-Fur,
    Here on The Lumberjack’s Wife

    So this is the tale of the Lumberjacks wife,
    They’re here for a long, long time,
    They’ll have to make the best of things,
    It’s an uphill climb.

    The Lumberjack and the Lumberjill too,
    Will do their very best,
    To make the others comfortable,
    In the tropic island nest.

    No phone, no lights no motor cars,
    Not a single luxury,
    Like Robinson Crusoe,
    As primative as can be.

    So join us here each week my freinds,
    You’re sure to get a smile,
    From Little Dude, Handsome Dude, Sweet Pea and Daisy Mae, one dog and 1000 rabbits.
    Here on “The Lumberjacks Wife.”

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