Meanwhile, back at the ranch . . .

Summer came yesterday and it came with a bang.  I went to the park with my friend MindyLou and we were hot like lava.

It was like . . . 80.  Our hearty, winter bodies are not yet acclamated to things such as sun and warmth and skies that are blue.

MindyLou has a son named Levi and Handsome Dude thinks he’s the bee’s knees.  Yet, Handsome Dude never remembers his bff’s name.

“Hey, Caleb!”

“Hey, Riley!”

“Hey, Byron!”

“Hey, Caden!”

“Hey, guy!”

“Hey, Isaac!”

Strangely, Levi answers to all names, which further proves these two boys are a match made in heaven.

Today we are home and summer has left us.  I am back to wearing socks and my black Cabela’s jacket, which always makes me look fetching.  We are having some serious bouts of thunder and lightning.

Little Dude is terrified of the thunder.  He finds it to be wee scary.  Whenever he is scared, he can’t seem to control his upper lip.

He’s all shook up.

(get it?)

So, I guess that was it for us for summer.  It was nice while it lasted.

In other news, this is the day of my birth. 

It’s true.  I’m 30 now.  I’m one of THOSE people.  Not that there’s anything wrong with that.  Just weird.

I woke up to flowers from my adoring husband and a present compiled by Daisy Mae.  I had to remove my husband’s card so my children would not see it, as it was flagged for adult content.

Hi, Dad! 

Daisy Mae’s present was sweet and it is obvious she is the only child who really loves me, seeing as how Little Dude just told me it was really his birthday, Handsome Dude is just mad because I won’t give him “lo-gurt” round the clock, and Sweet Pea says:

“Sorry, Mom.  I don’t have any money.”

Turns out Daisy Mae is a bit of a “re-gifter.”  She gave me her strawberry lotion and lip balm that she received from her friend.  She gave me a bookmark somebody gave me about 5 years ago and a few other knick knacks she found around the house.

Her card is super cute:

Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday

It is you”r Birthday!

We celebraet it.  We now You 30.

Love, Daisy Mae

I hop you have a Happy Day



Love you


Happ BirthDay

I wish you good luck

And now for some most excellent news:  I am going on a trip next week to Las Vegas with my Marmie and my Auntie Datenutloaf.

Me:  Mom.  What are we going to do in Vegas?

Mom:  Look at hotels, shop, yuck it up by the pool.

Yuck it up? 

Yes.  Let’s yuck.


Moms are weird.

Sister Meagan might join us.

Let us take this moment to encourage her to do so.

*Thank you*

Well.  I’m signing off.  I am hoping to watch Veggie Tales with the Fab Four via my Netflix instant thingie-ma-bob.

This will most likely frustrate me, seeing as how I can’t ever get it to load at a speed I deem acceptable.

But I love me some Bob and Larry.

And popcorn.

And Diet Pepsi.

Happy Thursday!

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31 Responses to Meanwhile, back at the ranch . . .

  1. Melissa says:

    Happy Birthday, Taylor! I hope you have a great day, I hope summer comes back to you soon, and I hope you have an awesome time in Vegas!! 🙂

  2. Katie says:

    Happy Birthday! I still have a few months before I join the 30 Club, but it’s coming! Hope you have a great one!

  3. Jan says:

    Wow – the awesome age of 30 – now THAT is a milestone. I was pretty much in the middle of a pre-mid-life-crisis at the age of 30. Don’t go there – if it begs you to follow it – JUST SAY NO!! So Vegas huh? Sounds like a get-away-from-my-life-on-the-farm-in-timbuktoo kinda trip. Sounds better than a bubble bath – enjoy yourself and definately “yuck” it up – you know, laugh til you have diet Coke running out your nose and you almost pee your pants – that what it means to yuck it up! Cheers baby! Oh and Happy Birthday!

  4. Gianna says:

    Happy Birthday!

    Diet Pepsi and popcorn sounds awesome!

    I think I will watch something on our netflix instant thingamabobber tonight and drink Diet Pepsi and eat popcorn to celebrate your birthday too!

    That and I hate going to bed when my husband works overnights. And he is working overnights for 5 weeks straight.
    I may not be going to bed anytime soon!

    You’ll get used to being 30. It takes a while, but I promise you will!

  5. Melissa K says:

    Hmmm… those kinds of cards can often be found (or perhaps I should say NOT found) our house, too. Strange.

    Happy birthday! Hope you enjoy the rest of your day!

  6. Marla says:

    Happy Birthday, Taylor! I’m married to a 30 year old and he’s not that ancient. 🙂

  7. Of course your sister must go with you. How else can she spend days on end mocking you for your elderly age?

  8. Jessy H. says:

    Little Dude look like such a big boy in that picture!
    My brother’s kids find gifts for everyone around the house to give. One year my son got some old toys from my nephew and he loves them. The same year one of the lovely girls gave their brother a naked barbie wrapped up in her underware. His reaction was the best.
    Enjoy the popcorn and diet pepsi, sounds like great birthday plans to me!

  9. Sandy says:

    no kidding…my husband will be in vegas next week too. (shrm convention) i sure hope you aren’t staying at the same hotel (*hint*…doubtful you will run into robert louis stevenson), if you are, i will have to warn my husband to stay away from the 30 year old blonde woman wearing a carhartt bikini!!!

  10. Leah says:

    Happy Birthday!! 30’s are the best!

  11. Beth says:

    I love Bob and Larry! I’ll never forget when Madame Blueberry came out and convicted me of my “stuff-addiction”! I didn’t love it so much right in that particular moment but it did prove to me that time spent on Veggie Tales was time well spent!

  12. Angela T. says:

    Happy Birthday Taylor!!! I hope you have a wonderful Birthday!!

  13. Mary says:

    Happy Birthday! Middle son wrote a poem for me when I turned 40; in it he reminded me through the whole thing that I was 40…the last line: next year you’ll be 41!

  14. MindyLou says:

    Ah….yesterday was glorious, was it not? The sun, the warmth, the sun. If that was it for summer I’ll lose my mind or just go with you to Vegas and not come back. I need me some summer!! And I am also back in my “it’s chilly/cold outside even though it’s almost July” clothes. I am tired of wearing them.
    Also, Happy Birthday!! Again! I did get to see you on your last day of your twenties, I’m curious if you have a new wrinkle or an age spot or something today…ha ha ha! Welcome to the 30’s. So far, for me, it stinks. Just saying. Better luck to you. 🙂 xoxo

  15. Nathalie says:

    Happy Birthday!!!

  16. Pati G says:

    Happy Happy Birthday,Taylor !!! Definite “yucking up” is in order !!! lol Hope you have a very blessed day and a wonderful trip !!!

  17. Happy Birthday Taylor!! 30 was a turning point in my life (a positive one!). I’ve never been to Vegas – Have a WONDERFUL trip!!

  18. namacura says:

    Happy Birthday! I hope you get a day filled with sunshine and wonder. Enjoy Vegas, there is much to see and do.

  19. Amy VH says:

    Happy Birthday Taylor

  20. Joyce says:

    Happy birthday Taylor! What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas so you girls go right ahead and yuck it up! I loved my 30s…my current decade is a bit more challenging.

  21. Dawn says:

    Hope your day with the Fab Four, The Lumberjack and Larry and Bob was wonderful!

  22. janna says:

    Its my Bday too! Except I am 365 days older, ugh (and I only have one 15 month old boy!)..hope you had a good one! Oh, and I find you hysterical, and sometimes disgusting!

  23. happ happy birthday!!! i shall be 36 on my birthday this year!! i am wwaaaayyyyy older than you!!! 🙂 btw…those bibs are just fabulous!! 😉

  24. Jill says:

    Happy Birthday, Taylor! Hope you had a great day. Enjoy Vegas as you all yuck it up by the pool. I hope it’s wee fun. : ) My children are mostly too old for Veggie Tales, but my boys do occasionally serenade me with their pirate song and then I find myself longing to visit Boston in the fall! : )

  25. Emily says:

    Happy Birthday to you! Really funny post. I’m digging the Elvis reference, me being from (very close to) Memphis and all 🙂

  26. diana at home says:

    Hoppy Birdy 2 U!
    I can speak Daisy Mae’s language.
    Wishing you many sun-shiney days . . .

  27. Debra says:

    Happy Birthday to you! Holla! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  28. Debra D. says:

    Happy Happy Happy Birthday! I must admit that I am quite jealous that you have become a member of “The 30’s Club”, as my membership was revoked a couple of decades ago! *sigh* Well, you know what “they” say – – – 50’s are the new 30’s! Although I have never figured out who “they” are or how 50 could be more like 30 than 50 and exactly how one goes about deleting 20 years??!! Anyway, I still love Bob and Larry, too!

  29. I hope you had a great one!! 30?? Wait until youa re my age…no big deal, especially when you think of the alternative!

  30. Christina says:

    I hope you have a fantastic time on your trip!!

  31. datenutloaf says:

    You are going to bask in the intense sunlight, float in the pool, and have Marmie and Auntie dote on you because you’ve never been there before. Soak it up, Baby, it’s mommy time away from kids. Doesn’t matter what we do. But my vote is always to play beauty shop stuff.

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