Brainless Bird

A Friday List.

1)  Do you remember how I asked you all what was growing in my garden?

Sure you do.

Good news!  This is not the first time I have been a ditz regarding home grown produce.

I would like to remind you of the Great Zucchini Debacle of 2009

2009_9_20 090

You know.  When I shredded a “zucchini” so I could make “zucchini” bread . . . only to discover I was shredding a cucumber?

Life is hard for me.

2)  I made brownies last night.  And when I was getting ready to watch Lost, I put two in a bowl and headed upstairs for a good, ol’ gorge fest.

Me:  David, would you like a brownie?

David:  No, thanks.  I’m not hungry.

What is wrong with him? 

I would like you to know that I could only eat one.  I returned the other brownie to the pan.

What is wrong with me?

That has never, ever happened to me.  And I hope it never happens again.

3)  I am leaving the reservation today for the first time in 9 days.  Can you BELIEVE it?  I need to don my fancy jeans and uber cute earrings for this momentous occasion.

4)  I really do have a neighbor who is called Jungle.  You can’t make that stuff up, people.

5)  Before naps today, I was reading my boys a book.  We always read “Horton Hatches the Egg” or “Brown Bear, Brown Bear.”  As we were reading, I realized that Handsome Dude will be in Kindergarten next year.

This saddens me.

Why do they have to grow up so fast?

Even though my boys drive me Captain Insano, I really do like them.  They are so cute and they tell me I am “wee handsome.”  Will they always they I am “wee handsome?” 

It almost makes me want to have another one . . .


6.  The girls have two friends over today.


Anyways, we had a little “incident” this morning. 

A bird flew into my house!

A real bird!  Like, from the wild!


Do you know how fluttery and flappy and poopy birds are?  Gives me the peepee shivers.

Do you guys know what peepee shivers are?

Do you?

Do you?

Anyways.  How should I know how to get a bird out of the house?  The last thing I need is for the bird to become injured or horribly maimed whilst in my home.

I don’t have time to nurse a bird back to health!

Yes.  I need to dust.  Get over it.

This poor bird lacked a brain.  It just kept hitting the window.  Over and over and over . . .   Unfortunately, Brainless Bird chose a window that does not open.  Anyways, me and the six children discussed all the different ways to catch this bird.

And I bribed them, yes I did.  I offered money and popsicles to any child brave enough to try to grab the bird and set it free amidst our rolling hills.

So.  They took me up on that offer.

First they threw several pieces of bread around the house.  Because that seems reasonable.

Then they freaked out and giggled and ran in place every time the bird moved.

They discussed all their options in their sassiest, pre-pre-teenaged voices.

And, finally, Sweet Pea, my sweet little farm and ranch girl, scooped up Brainless Bird in an empty Cool Whip container and set the bird free.

Go, Sweet Pea!

So, everyone got a popsicle and I remineded everyone to please REMEMBER TO SHUT THE DOOR, THANK YOU.

And on that note . . . farewell!

I am about to don my pearls and load up the rig!

What are you doing this weekend?

Tomorrow, I am cleaning my darn rental house (groan, poo, yuck) and then David and I are taking the kids to see Cars 2!

Do you know what there is to snack on at the movies, dear readers?

Do you?



Ok.  Bye.

PS-I don’t have pearls.

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21 Responses to Brainless Bird

  1. Katie says:

    I’m going to the movies too! But I’m going to see Crazy Stupid Love. And to dinner and shopping with my friend. Because it’s almost the end of my summer and I am in serious denial.

    Have a good time off the reservation!

  2. Wichiepoo says:


  3. Sandy says:


  4. Those darned Ruralville birds. They really need to learn their place which is NOT in the house.

    BTW, thanks for the brownie/strawberry/whipped cream suggestion. That sounds marvelous!

  5. Debra says:

    I’m happy the bird got out. You have a genius child. 🙂 Happy cleaning and movie watching this weekend. 🙂 At least you didn’t go gettin’ all handsome on the brownies. Did I use that correctly? Holla! 🙂

  6. Joyce says:

    You need pearls. I’m pretty sure life in ruralville would be way better with pearls because pearls make everything better. Sometimes I wear mine when I dust. Like June Cleaver except without the heels. I don’t wear heels when I dust. Enjoy your weekend!

  7. Angela Fehr says:

    I’m wearing my pearls and painting the girls’ room. Because the day-glo green I picked out on Thursday is surprisingly bright. Also I don’t have pearls, which is good cause I wouldn’t want to get paint on them.
    We’ve never had a bird in the house but the winter we spent in New Guinea we did get bats in the house. Twice. FREAKY!

  8. Emily says:

    Eeek! Birds totally creep me out! Birds IN the HOUSE definitely give me the peepee shivers (haha) or the “willies” as my dad calls them (don’t ask me why, I have no idea where that came from)! Your children are truly brave souls. I probably would have just evacuated and let the bird have the house.

    Well, since you asked, this weekend we are having friends over to grill out, which never happens. And I mean never, as in we’ve lived in this house just under a year and have never had anyone over to grill out because, due to the dogs and now the baby, our house is never in “having friends over” condition. But I’ve finally just decided that I don’t care what kind of mess it is, life is too short to not host your friends (especially since they’ve had us over so we kinda owe them).

    Have a wonderful bird-free, double-brownie kind of weekend! 🙂

    • Lumberjill says:

      Is a grill out the same thing as a BBQ? Because we have BBQs here in Ruralville, but not grill outs.

      Have FUN!
      Yes! Who cares about mess? Life is short, grill out!

  9. Amy says:

    Grill out is southern (or east coast I presume) for BBQ. BBQ in the south is something with BBQ sauce on it. It’s my mission to tell all NW’erners this distinction. You have now been duly informed. Hee, hee.

  10. Rachel Spin says:

    I love birds! Happy that you were able to get her/him out.
    My parents are coming to visit today for 6 days. They live on the west coast and we live on the east coast. I can’t wait to see them.
    We just moved in a little while ago and have no propane for our grill. I must get the hubby to rectify that today. We call it grilling. I have not grilled anything since May. That is unacceptable. I would be thrilled to get all handsome on some grilled ribeyes whilst my parents are visiting. Have a great weekend!

  11. Ruth says:

    That second (clear) shot of the baby bird was so soft and round. I’m glad Sweet Pea took care of him for you. I really enjoy the way you write and the plain way you talk about your life! Thank you for a fun read!

  12. Andi says:

    Don’t you love that the bird gave you a blog though? What do people do who don’t get to blog about such excitingness as that?

  13. I was going to write POP CORN with a lot of O’s in it (because of how excited I was) but then I realized what word that would have wound up looking like and I’m pretty sure that is not a common movie theater snack.

  14. Allysa says:

    All that excitement must’ve made you forget to center your post! Hope you enjoyed your weekend!

  15. Allysa says:

    All that excitement must’ve made you forget to center your post! Hope you enjoyed your weekend!

  16. JoAnn says:

    You need pearls! (I don’t have any either).
    Okay so, in college some boys put DUCKS in our dorm hall at 3 a.m. They quacked and pooped and woke us all up. I was the only one brave enough to pick up the ducks and put them OUTSIDE.
    Why am I telling all my good stories on your blog? This is why my blog isn’t as good as yours. I’m giving you all my good stuff!
    Much Love,
    Captain Quack
    (get it, cause you’re Captain Insaneo?) oh. nevermind.

  17. Wendy says:

    What’s with birds in houses these days? We had a bird fly in the open door about 3 days ago too. Admittedly, it was my fault, as I suggested we sit on the front porch and eat our freezies (better than dripping on my wood floor!). I thought it was quite hilarious, it was zooming around, trying to fly through the windows. But I did worry it might get upstairs into the vaulted ceiling area and I wouldn’t be able to reach it.
    I cornered it, threw a towel over it, then scooped it up and carried it outside. Not nearly so scary as the bat we had a few years ago. At least birds don’t carry rabies. Or do they? We ended up calling an exterminator to get rid of the bat. $200 and 2 minutes later, he was in a net, and then outside.

    Oh, and up here on the westcoast, we use the word barbeque as a noun, adjective, and verb! Grilling things is just not part of our vocabulary. BBQ it! And we have 4 different BBQs too. Why? I don’t know.

  18. datenutloaf says:

    Way to go Daisy Mae. The Heroine of the Day! Miss you all.

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