Taylor is a boy’s name.

Yes.  Hello.  Good Morning.

Before we begin, I must give you all the peepee shivers.

Sweet Pea and I were packing up the trailer on Friday when we both noticed what appeared to be a rock on the door frame.

Perplexed we quickly became as we pondered how on earth a rock could make its way up there.

But, alas.  ‘Twas not a rock.

It was a frog.

I TOLD you the peepee shivers were coming!  NO!  I did not remove it!  That’s why I got married.

So, we were all set to pull out for a blessed weekend of camping when I found my husband staring at the trailer tires.  Something was wrong and if I went into all the details you would be so bored and you would delete my blog from your life and break up with me and all that nonsense and I just can’t handle that today,  so I will just tell you that something was wrong.

Besides, I don’t even really know what was wrong.

But I can tell you that it required a jack and me handing my husband a sledgehammer.

Does that clear things up for you?

After the sledgehammer plan didn’t work, we had to call Alex. 

Remember Alex?

here it is sorry it took so long. i did have any internet access

Alex is The Lumberjack’s brother.

Keep up!

Alex came as swiftly as one can come to Ruralville.  Ruralville is many things.  “Conveniently located” is not one of them.

Alex came and promptly donned some coveralls and pulled out welding materials.  Because Alex is a welder.  What did you think he was?  A barista?

I thoroughly appreciated the fact that he threw on some coveralls.  It really works out well for my blog posts, you know?   

Anyways.  Alex welded whatever it was that needed to be welded and then drove off into the sunset.  I was kind of hoping camping would be cancelled.  Because that would be a dire shame.  But, no.  Alex saved the day and we were able to still make it out for camping.

Thank you, Alex.

Camping was fine and dandy and I didn’t really know anyone because it was David’s work.  There were two younger guys sitting next to me and they were having a spirited conversation with each other.  They were talking on my “good ear” side so I could really only hear them.

Did you know I have a bad ear?  It’s true.  But not important.

The two young guys were cracking me up.

“Dude.  Tomorrow is going to, like, be the best day of my life.”

I was trying to ascertain why floating on a river with people from work would be the best day of one’s life.  I know it certainly wasn’t going to be the best day of my life.

After some of the guys were talking about their childrens’ names, I heard this conversation betweem the two young guys next to me:

“Dude.  You know what name is dumb for a girl?”

“What, dude?”


“Dude, I know.”

“It’s totally a boy’s name.  I hate it for a girl.” 

“Dude, totally.”

Dude #1 and Dude #2 did not know there was a female Taylor sitting right next to them.  But whatever.

And the next morning, they woke up, ate some muffins, and left.  Good riddance.

We floated and chatted and ate and all was well.  And David was right.  The people did not care about eating elk.

You may ask, “Taylor!  How do you know they didn’t care?”

Well, dear readers.  Because one of them brought BEAR SAUSAGE and they all acted like they had just won the food lottery.

Electricians are weird.

Pop Quiz Hot Shots:  What do my children look like on Camping: Day 3?

And, in conclusion, I would like to introduce you to a new segment on this blog entitled:

What Else Is New?


That would be the brand new frames we just got last Wednesday.  I’m glad you asked.


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33 Responses to Taylor is a boy’s name.

  1. ChristineC says:

    First of all, Taylor is NOT a boy’s name. Pay no attention to those lacking in social skills:)

    Also, If my boys were visiting you out there in Ruralville, they would have fought over who would get to catch your cute little frog! Sorry about the glasses….

    And did I mention that it was TWO WEEKS OF TENT CAMPING, with all 5 of us crammed into one tent? More impressive now, isn’t it?


  2. Rachel Freeman says:

    It’s funny how our tastes and preferances are formed. A few days ago at the lake I sat close enough (too close more like it) to a mom with a boy “Mackenzie” and while she shouted (over and over and over) to this child, all I could think is “that is not a boys name!” Ok, so I lie, I also thought, “Why do you keep screaming at Him if He doesn’t listen and you don’t do anything about it or follow through on your threats?” .. but that is neither here nor there.

  3. Kristy says:

    My daughter’s name is Taylor and I think it is quite cute! She is 4 1/2 and she happens to think her name is cool too! I might would have had to interrupt those young lads and said, “Excuse me, I don’t believe we have met. My name is Taylor.” That would have been hilarious.

  4. Lisa Buchanan says:

    I LOVE Taylor for a girl much more than for a boy. Our boys are all T names and we toyed around with using Taylor for number five but I just couldn’t pull the trigger on it because in my mind, it’s cuter for a girl. Silly men!

    So sorry about those glasses! That has got to be so frustrating! But, what can ya do???

  5. Debra says:

    Taylor is so not a boy’s name. So there Electrician Dudes. (whoever you are.) 🙂 Glad Handsome Dude is keeping up with our expectations. 😉 Holla!

  6. Katie says:

    Bless your heart, with the camping and the glasses! The frog alone would have been enough to do me in!

  7. rachael says:

    Ha. I just had to explain that Taylor is a girls name as well in the US of A. They were horrified, less horrified than they were to learn that Ashley is a girls name in the US of A. This from people who spell all three of my names incorrectly.

  8. Erin says:

    Surely there are some boy-proof glasses frames somewhere out there. Maybe made of a bendy rubber or something??

    I like the name Taylor.

    But only for a girl.

    I’ll trade you.

  9. Jan says:

    So exactly what do you do as a remedy for continuous broken glasses? Do you have insurance that pays for them? I know that even if you buy the “replacement-type-insurance” that glasses stores sell, they have pretty extreme limitations (i.e. one 1 pair replaced per year). I’m asking all of this because my grandson, who is WAAAAYYYY older than Handsome Dude, is continuously breaking his….

  10. Tiffany says:

    Ok, I love the name Taylor for a girl. Always have. So there, silly boys.

    Your kind of camping sounds fabulous – I love bear! Yum!

  11. ain't for city gals says:

    Taylor is a girls name and Tyler is a boys name…wouldn’t it be neat to have twins…or not…

  12. My middle name is Taylor (my Mum’s maiden name) and my maiden name was MacKenzie …… so I still think of them as surnames, not first names!

  13. Katie Brn says:

    Wait Wait! What’s this about a bad ear? Don’t gloss over it! Share!

    Actually I’m just curious because last year I was diagnosed with hereditary hearing loss and got my first set of hearing aides this spring. Did I mention I’m only 30 as well? Do you have the option for hearing aides? Are you missing high and low frequencies or the mid-range (typically voices), or did you have damage to the entire range?

    Sorry, I’m nosy.

  14. Melissa says:

    hello there =)

  15. Deb says:

    Taylor is a darn fine name and I almost named my daughter that.

    Also, what about maybe some plastic frames for the glasses? I’ve heard tell they are a little more….break resistant.

  16. Kelsie says:

    That is funny…would have loved to have seen their faces when David introduced you…Kinda on subject, I am also married to a David and it drives me insane when the guys he works with will call him Dave to me, his name tag says David, he prefers David and I always ask for David…yet they will turn and hola (not the cool hola, but the yell rudely hola) across the workshop DAVE YOUR WIFES ON THE PHONE…I wish he would just get a cellphone *sigh*

    As for the glasses…try taking a pair of swimming googles in next time and ask if they can fit the lenses…HD will either hate you and stop breaking them or embarrass you by loving them and insisting on wearing them everywhere lol.

    Good luck…Glad you survived camping with the electricians.
    Blessings Kelsie

  17. Gianna says:

    I’m glad it wasn’t a mouse. I would have totally puked all over my computer if you had reached up and touched it!!!!
    THAT would have given me the peepee shivers.

  18. Dawn says:

    Alex the Barista! That made me laugh!

  19. Momma Mindy says:

    You need to invent rubber glasses for children that are indestructible. They can put men on the moon but can’t make a pair of glasses a little boy can’t break?

    Or, maybe you could see if welder’s goggles come in prescription strength….

  20. JoAnn says:

    AHHH! You make my giggle. I didn’t think the frog was creepy though. I thought he was rather svelt.
    Spiders are another story.
    For Q’s fourth b day, my husband is thinking about taking him camping at the ocean. i a tent. Any tips? we are not the wilderness type (hence the camping AT THE OCEAN).

    bear sausage? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

  21. Sandy says:

    just get handsome dude a seeing eye dog and be done with it! (fyi…bunnies don’t work, if that is what you are thinking =o)

  22. Andi says:

    I adore frogs! I would have picked it up double quick and he would have peed all over me in a thrice and then life would have been complete.

    And Taylor probably IS a boy’s name…But so is Bobby, Carol, Teddy and for that matter ANDI…Girls can have boy names but boys canNOT have girl names.

    So there ya go.

  23. Rebecca D says:

    I’m just glad you survived… You should put a little tally box on the side of your blog with each pair of glasses “birth date” and the date of their demise… There have been so many pair I’m afraid I am forgetting some beloved ones of the past… Just sayin…

  24. That is hysterical. My brother, Taylor, I fear will be forever resentful at my parents for giving him what he calls “a girls’ name.”

  25. Vicki B says:

    Well then someone ought to tell Taylor Swift’s mama she gave her daughter a boy’s name because she’s about the girliest girl on the planet. Question~are your young lad’s glasses advertised as those bendable/unbreakable ones for kids? If so, they ought to pay him for finding the flaws in the design!

  26. Hate frogs, definite shivers here. They jump and they could be on you before you know it, like ninjas! My brother named his first daughter Ricki Skylar. She was never called Ricki, after he named her that he hated it and she is known as Sky.

  27. Joyce says:

    The frog gave me the shivers. I married for similar reasons. I would love to be a fly on the wall in your opticians shop.

  28. Christina says:

    There are so many great things about this post, but it is very late and I still have to do the dishes. So, mainly I wanted you to know that I read it, and it made me laugh out loud, which is my favorite thing to do, so thank you. 🙂
    Yuck to the frog.
    Thumbs up on the barista comment.
    My computer is about to die, which is a sign that I really need to go and take care of some things before going to bed. Morning comes too quickly.

  29. Debra D. says:

    How does he do it??? I still have these stupid glasses that I cannot get rid of no matter how hard I try!
    LOVE Christi’s comment…ninja frogs!

  30. Kendra/The Queen of Brussels Sprouts says:

    I just think you should leave Ruralville and move to Alaska with me. My new friends have filled my freezer with the following: bear, moose, caribou, red salmon, regular salmon, and halibut….all that they have caught/shot themselves. You see, here in Alaska, I am learning the finer art of the trade. I didn’t even have to send my hubby on a hunting trip. 1 table = 4 packages of salmon, one moose package, and one halibut package. 2 bar stools and cooking lessons = one WHOLE salmon, a caribou roast, and moose sausage.

    The Lumberjack would LOVE it here. I promise 😉

  31. Maranda says:

    I need a tally on the total number of glasses frames broken this year. Seriously… it is out of control!!!

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