A Boy Cheese Sandwich with lots of Mac and Cheese

Handsome Dude started preschool today.  There is one he can go to here in one of the smaller towns, so we decided to take that opportunity.

The boys says things like: “It makes me sausage, you know?” So.  We figured he might need a little extra push in life.

I kid!  I jest!

I feel very stretched keeping up with a 2nd grader and a 3rd grader and wasn’t sure I could give Handsome Dude the attention he might need to get him ready for kindergarten next year, so, its off to preschool for him.

I drove him in this morning, and we were a bit early, so I decided to stop at the store.

HD (short for Handsome Dude . . . keep up!):  Ok.  But we WEALLY need to hurry.  My girl will be waiting for me.

His girl would be his teacher.  And that’s why I love him.

Could we find a bigger backpack for him?  I ask you?

He was so excited.

HD:  Mom!  Thank you for letting me go somewhere WITHOUT you!

Fantastic.  But right before I left, he started to get all teary-eyed.  He didn’t cry though, but he looked so small and nervous.

My baby!

So, now, I am feeling all sad and sentimental and wondering why I don’t have a pause button in life.

Therefore, since I am feeling all sad, we are going to make a list about all the things we (and when I say “we” I , of course, mean you and I because I choose to believe he melts your heart as much as he melts mine) love about Handsome Dude.

1.  He has always had an old man face.

2.  He was my easiest baby.  No joke!

3.  He was the world’s worst toddler.  No joke.

4.  Oh!  What’s that?!  You don’t believe me?  Pray tell,  did your child chase after his sisters with the toilet bowl brush?   I didn’t think so.

5.  Corn on the cob makes him sausage, you know.

6.  He uses his made up word “wee” all the time.  “Mommy, I’m wee hungry.”

7.  He calls a block of cheddar cheese “mac and cheese.”  And once when I was making a grilled cheese sandwich for him, he asked if he could have a “boy cheese sandwich” with lots of mac and cheese.

8.  It takes a lot of coffee and a quick mind to be the mother of this child.

9.  One week, David was working late every night and hadn’t seen the kids.  Handsome Dude wailed to me one morning:

“Mom!  When is dad ever going to kiss my cheek again?”

10.  When he is at preschool, it is REALLY quiet in our house.  And homeschooling is a breeze.

Alright!  It’s time to go pick him up!  Don’t worry.  I have had two cups of coffee, so I am ready to translate all of his intriguing sentences.

Happy Tuesday!

PS-The next time we get a new female rabbit (or a DOE, if you are a super professional rabbit person like me), I am going to name her Scarlett O-HARE-A.

PPS-Ha!  You cannot deny that is funny

PPPS- Too bad I don’t know how to tell if the rabbit is a girl or a boy.



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29 Responses to A Boy Cheese Sandwich with lots of Mac and Cheese

  1. Joyce says:

    Preschool…oh I love it! I taught preschool once upon a time…little boys like HD were my favorites : )

  2. i, too taught preschool once upon a time! betchya didn’t know that! 🙂 ok, i wasn’t THE teacher, i was the associate teacher…but i did teach the youngsters stuff, I DID!! 🙂 scarlett o-hare-a IS extremely funny!!! 😀

  3. Katie says:

    Scarlett O-HARE-A makes me giggle! And I’ve never taught preschool, because preschoolers are little and scary.

  4. Sandy says:

    i love that handsome dude is a fellow eyeglass wearer like myself…makes him look wee smart! 😎

  5. Mrs. Lumberjack… you are a force to be reckoned with…

  6. My 4-year-old and HD would probably be BFF’s given half a chance. They have so very much in common. Mine is not in preschool, because of the money and drive-time, but I dearly wish he was. He would love it, and I would love a break. Oh well. Glad you have some quiet time each week. Your HD is wee funny 😉

  7. Mom and Dad aka The Goober Parents says:

    Oh so precious is Handsome Dude! If you get a boy bunny you could name him HARE-E BELAFONTE or HARE-E and the HENDERSONS. Let’s take it one step farther you could hang a sign outside the homestead that reads………..Hare today gone tomorrow or David’s Hare-em. You are not the only coffee drinker in these parts. Mom

  8. aTXtumbleweed says:

    Hint….it the bunny has babies….she be a girl bunny!!!

  9. Dawn says:

    That boy is wee cute!

  10. missy says:

    so cute i could sausage!

  11. Sunny says:

    Ok…Scarlett O-Hare-A is funny, but David’s Hare-em is hilarious!

    And I agree on that pause button. I didn’t get mine either.

  12. Melissa says:

    he is rockin’ the faux hawk!!

  13. diana at home says:

    guess I’m gonna hafta write a list of things I love about my soon to be 5 year old boy, since your list makes me cry big mommy tears. I do believe it would include “house is quiet while he’s at preschool” but that’s not gonna happen. I am just going to stretch. sigh.

  14. diana at home says:

    what do you mean “one of the smaller towns around here”? A four way stop is a ‘smaller town’ out where you live.

  15. Katie Brn says:

    I think Mom just came up with the new name for your rural location. Can’t you just imagine all your friends asking you “so how are things at the Hare-um?” : )

  16. Katie Brn says:

    And I can’t think of a name for Rhett . . .

    Rabbit Butler? Rhett Bunny-tler? I think Scarlett will have to be single for a while . . .

  17. Marla says:

    I do adore HD. Don’t tell your other kids, but I think he may be my favorite. Ha. 🙂

  18. You’re right. I can not deny it. It IS funny.

  19. Haha! Funny!

    What a sweet little man you have. Do you believe in arranged marriages? We could have an “agreement” with regards to my girls, and your boys… because some of these little mass murderer behaving boys make me very nervous when I think about my girls.

    That’s not how it works… I know. Bummer. Haha!

  20. GB says:

    I hope that HD had a wonderful first day of preschool! I will be waiting to hear what he says about the first day.

  21. HD is so cute. Him and his lovely sentences. You are going to share about his first day now, I hope!

    I am with you about the pause button. I spend a ridiculous amount everyday just gazing at my kids. No wonder we cannot get much homeschooling done!

  22. Janie Fox says:

    Scarlett O Hare A is funny.. I believe a boy bunny will have a penis and a girl bunny won’t. haha You’re welcome. Why didn’t I home school with all this knowledge I do possess?!
    girls names…Hare E.Ett Tubman ,Hare.E Ett Beecher Stowe.
    boys names…Hare E. Connick Jr. , Hare E. Hamlin
    I love your stories of HD. I keep up. I have told the boy cheese story more than once.

  23. Christine C says:

    Preschool is a wonderful thing!!! My Little Guy just started and I will admit I did the happy dance out the door. He’s only gone for 2 1/2 hours, but I think it will be good for all of us!

  24. rebecca d says:

    I love his little sayings… I love that they are nonsense and make sense at the same time!

  25. Christina says:

    Wee = Really…right? That’s what I always thought. I think your rabbit name is awesome. And your mom is dang funny. (I’m guessing that was your mom, but maybe it was your dad, as it was signed both of the Goober Parents.) #5 on your list is my favorite. I will always laugh when I hear that (or read it, whatever). I think it’s great that he gets that time and you get the time at home to get stuff done! Very cool.

  26. datenutloaf says:

    Girl bunnies have longer hare. How does LD do without his bro?

  27. Jill says:

    Love the Scarlett O-Hare-a name! And HD is wee wonderful! It makes me sausage to think of him going off by himself to preschool. I loved the way he was getting all handsome on that backpack. And speaking of raising boys, it always takes several cups of coffee and a strong constitution to raise them. : )

  28. Amy says:

    Just thought I’d post here and tell you I’m all caught up on the blog posts now. I now know lots about HD. He’s so cute. And, since I’m caught up on the blog, you can use your new Rabbits for Dummies book you have on hold to tell if you get to name the next rabbit Scarlett O-HARE-A!!

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