Cokey Maliblahblah

When I picked Handsome Dude up at the bus stop on Tuesday, he was nothing but smiles.  He informed me immediately that he was a good listener, had lots and lots of best friends, and he sat right by his awesome bus driver, Jeff’s, back, which is apparently the coolest spot in the whole world.  And Jeff is ALSO his best friend.  Because, of course he is.  Why not?

Remember his ginormous backpack?

The school sent him home with a new one and asked if he could bring that one instead.  Take that as you will.

Oh!  I just heard a rabbit scream.  Yes.  I live in the middle of nowhere with scores of rabbits.  Don’t you?

Did you know that rabbits scream?  It’s true.  And it’s disturbing.  It’s kind of rare, but it happens. Think of the most horrid and atrocious sound you have ever heard.  A sound that creeps you out and gives you the peepee shivers.

Go ahead.  Think about it.  I’ll wait . . .

Ok.  I guarantee you that a rabbit screaming is ten times worse.  Rabbits can be disturbing.  The mamas rip out their hair to make the nests for the babies.  We didn’t know this at first and my girls were bawling:

“Mom!  Norma Jean Riley’s hair is missing and she is bleeding!”

Yes.  Bleeding.  They take the hair-ripping-out activity to the extreme.  Also.  If you, in your ignorance,  leave a buck (ha!  look at me and my knowledgeable self!)  in with the doe after you breed it and let it lodge there until the babies are born, the buck just might feast on his babies.

Ask me how I know.


Not for the faint of heart.  Or for the girl who wonders how the got stuck in Ruralville and just wants to get a latte and go shopping.

But I digress.

Awana started up for the kids last night.  This was the first year that all FOUR of the kids will be going.

Let us stop and do a happy dance.

Little Dude was extremely excited, announcing to all peoples he would meet that he was going to “cubbies.”  (Cubbies is the Awana program for his age)

Handsome Dude was in Cubbies all last year and would oft sing the Cubbies song.  It starts off, “We are Awana Cubbies, we’re happy all day long . . . ” And Handsome Dude, the seasoned Cubbie that he is, was being all big-brother-ish to Little Dude while we were getting ready to go and shouted:

“Come on, Cokey!  Let’s go to Awana Cubbies, where we’re happy all day long!”

Cute.  And Cokey is his name for Little Dude.  No.  We did not name our son Cokey  Maliblahblah.  Who do you think we are?  Weird, unsocialized homeschoolers who moved out to the middle of nowhere to live with rabbits and deer and turkeys?

Alright.  I have almost had enough coffee in my system to greet the day.  Today we will be starting Latin.  Because, why not?

Oh!  And I must pack for camping.  Does this surprise you?

No.  No it does not.

Later, dudes.

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30 Responses to Cokey Maliblahblah

  1. Amy says:

    Ok, call me confused or say I missed a post (HUGE GASP!) but you home school your children, yet handsome dude goes to school? Please explain because my wondering mind wants to know. Also, I have to give you major props for starting Latin. I tried to teach my public school class French one year. It didn’t go so well, mainly because the first week I taught them the days of the week in Spanish not French. Needless to say I abandoned my attempt after that. Good luck with Latin.

  2. Debra says:

    My daughter took Latin in university and dropped it because it was too hard. 😉 You go girl with your Latin! Holla!!! 🙂

  3. Gianna says:

    I am the 3’s room Cubbies leader at our church! I cannot TELL you how excited I am for Cubbies this year! I hope that Cokey has an awesome time!

  4. Amy VH says:

    We do Awana too, although the youngest is still too young to go. We also sing the Cubbies song often at our house, but this year she is a Sparky. Will there be a new song to learn with that one? Also Taylor have you tried Pinterest? It is my new favorite addiction and thought that you might enjoy it. 🙂 I haven’t commented in a while, but rest assured I read your blog every day. Have fun camping!

  5. How long must you endure the rabbits? How long?

  6. Katie says:

    I had no idea how scary rabbits were (aside from the eating the babies thing—I did grow up in the country)! But you make me glad I don’t have any. The neighbors are probably happy I’m not raising bunnies on my square of backyard too. Though whatever ate that dead bird this week would probably like a good bunny….

  7. Deb says:


    Oh my gosh. That is horrifying. Nature is a tough place, yo. Plus also, I thought rabbits were plant-eaters, not meat-eaters? Someone should tell the bucks.

  8. Deb says:

    Also, I have a very scary rabbit story from a cousin who did 4-H, but have decided not to share it. You’re welcome.

  9. Jill says:

    Well that whole rabbit thing was a little freaky. And with all the wonderful experiences you’re little Ruralville-raised homeschoolers are getting, I can’t imagine a preschool could do HD any better! If anything, the preschool should be headed out your way on a regular basis for field trips. : )

  10. Shelly says:

    You know what would be grand Taylor Maliblahblah?? Do you? Do you? We should go grab a latte and go shopping for a day! We should, we should! It could be a day in the big city with all the fluff!

  11. Erin says:

    You’re creeping me out with all that rabbit talk.

    Wascawy Wabbits.

    • Lisa Buchanan says:

      Hi Erin! I can’t reply to your blog because I’m internet stupid for the most part, but I just read your yesterday post and OH MY! My heart breaks for your little girl . . . and your son . . . and you . . . and your husband. Prayers! May time FLY! (No pun intended 🙂

  12. Lisa says:

    Taylor! You always write the best posts 🙂 I did know rabbits could scream – a long time ago when I was much younger (and homeschooled 🙂 we had a couple rabbits. We would let them out sometimes which was not a good idea – it’s quite hard to catch a rabbit that’s let out of it’s cage. But I think you know this by experience 🙂 Anyways, in catching one of the rabbits one day I grabbed it quite hard and it let out a scream. It’s just like you said – bloodcurdling.

  13. Angie W. says:

    Thank you, Taylor, once again for making me feel like my “crazy” isn’t the only crazy in the world. This is my first year homeschooling my kindergartner with a 3 1/2 yr old and a 4 month old loose on the premises. I do not know when other moms get to pee (or eat or shower) but I can’t seem to find the time. However, I can find time to read your blog but that’s neither here nor there. 🙂

  14. Joyce says:

    I’m thinking puppies would have been a better choice. They don’t eat their young and while they have been known to bark excessively I don’t think they actually scream. Shudder.

    You must visit my blog and read all about why I love…get ready for it…CAMPING : )

  15. Lisa Buchanan says:

    I’m loosing respect for rabbits. They’re wee scary!

  16. JoAnn says:

    I think it’s adorable that he’s in preschool. tear. they grow up so fast.
    (p.s. I have been reading! YES I HAVE! I have just been holding someone in one hand, and I am not one to type with one hand. i don’t even text, because it’s to hard.)

    rabbits are stupid. I had them. A dog ate them. The end.

    But, I wish you well. and them. and latin.

  17. JoAnn says:

    sometimes I look back at my comments and realize I make no sense. Why do I suck? Because there isn’t enough coffee THAT’S WHY! In the meantime, enjoy my fragmented sentences.

  18. Kendra/The Queen of Brussels Sprouts says:

    Why do I not remember these things from when we had rabbits as kids?

  19. Christina says:

    Yes, I think I might have nightmares because of your rabbits. I definitely feel a little sick to my stomach. I’m glad Mike is cooking on the grill tonight. I don’t think I could make anything. I don’t know how you do it, all the things that you speak of! You need a WonderWoman outfit to wear under your coveralls.
    And I think Handsome Dude could fit INSIDE of that backpack. It makes me giggle to think of it. Does that make you worry about my children?

  20. Summer says:

    My little boy was so excited to see your handsome dude at awanas the other night. 🙂

  21. Vicki B says:

    I had rabbits once upon a time, but only one at a time. I did not know that if a rabbit becomes extremely scared and frightened, it can faint and look quite dead. It was horrible thinking that a barking dog made a rabbit have a heart attack and die on the spot. A few minutes later the thing popped up and ran around. Rabbits take nerve of steel.

  22. AWANA cubbies – I used to help with a group at my church in AZ. Now I am singing that song. Sure wish the church I attend had AWANA instead of the program they use.. (Is that unChristian of me to wish that?)

  23. MindyLou says:

    These rabbits are icky. Yikes. Maybe you should raise them for their fur instead if you know what i mean??? ha ha ha

  24. I didn’t know rabbits did all of this. I learned something today. I love reading all about your life with your hubby and family.

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