Bronzed in February

1.  My husband went behind my back and purchased glasses for Handsome Dude from a new optical place.

2.  This news was more than I could bear.  I wept and mourned over my loss.  You see, dear readers, I have been going to the same place for my kids’ glasses since 2005.  I know them all by their first names.  I’ve sent them Christmas cards.

They feign to be enchanted and tickled pink when I bring in problems, such as this:

Who WOULDN’T mourn over the loss of people such as that?  I told David that in my heart, I shall always remain true to my people.  He was unmoved.

3.  Yesterday, whilst in a flurry and getting the morning activities done, I saw a pair of the inferior, new glasses and tried to put them on my Handsome Dude.  He screamed.  He cried.  He said they were “owie” glasses and he wanted his old ones.

You know.  The ones from MY people.

I would be remiss if I said I wasn’t pleased as punch.

4.  Want to know what book I picked up at the library yesterday?


Oh, yeah.  Prepare to be wowed.

Do you even know what WordPress is, readers?  Do you?  Do you?  Hmmm?

5.  There is a whole world of Dummies books out there!  I used my noggin’ and put this one on hold at the library, as a gesture of love and support for my darling husband.


He will surely be delighted at my thoughtfulness.

6.  No.  I have no idea why the rabbit book image is larger than the WordPress book image.  The Internet is hard for me.

It’s probably because I wasn’t breastfed.

7.  I let my girls start a blog yesterday.  This was a mistake.  They must check their blog for comments and see if anything is new and wonder how their blog is doing and if their blog misses them and “Mommy can we see our blog again?” and “Daddy, did you know we are bloggers now?” and they are sure they have already some money.

Their blog is private between them and three other girls and will be used to talk about what they are reading.

But, yes.  Let’s check and see if your awesomeness has been discovered, girls, and millions upon millions of peoples are reading your words that were typed out by your mother.

Besides.  Who would ever obsess over things like numbers of visitors and comments on a silly blog?

Certainly not I.

8.  Handsome Dude is a creator of tall tales lately.  When I picked him up from the bus stop yesterday, this was his latest one:

Me:  Did you have fun?

HD (short for Handsome Dude.  Please try to focus):  Yes.  My guy (translation-his bus driver) needed my help.

Me:  Oh yeah?

HD:  Yeah.  He didn’t a-member (remember) how to get the bus to the school.  So, he handed me a map and said I needed to tell him where to go.

Me:  Really?

HD:  Yup.  And so I said turn left here and go over that weally big hill and he found it.

And me, being the old woman that I now am, did not even call him out on his lie.  Because I thought it was darling.

I’m 30 now.  These are the things that entertain me.

9.  Yesterday, instead of sleeping, Little Dude created a fort with all the bedding in the downstairs instead of sleeping.

And I was just so glad he was quiet and let us do school that I didn’t even care and tell him that he should be sleeping instead.

I’m 30 now.  I’m too tired to do things the right way.

10.  I am linking up with Kira at Kissing the Joy today for ‘Fess Up Friday.  She knows a guy who used to be friends with my husband in the high school days and I believe they both went tanning together.

Well.  Probably not together together.   Because that would be . . . odd.  But I think they must of both went tanning in high school because they were both always so bronzed in February.

And who is bronze in February?  Just the Fake and Bake-ers.

Shoot!  I just remembered.  My husband now subscribes to this blog via email.

It’s true, dear readers.  And I can hardly believe it myself.  Maybe he might be perturbed if I tell people he tanned with a high school buddy.

He probably just deletes the emails once they come into his inbox anyways.

Happy Friday!

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22 Responses to Bronzed in February

  1. Debra says:

    Happy Friday to you! Why did your hubby go to a different place re the glasses? Holla! 🙂 🙂

    • Taylor says:

      Oh! I should have said why. Because the other place was running a buy one pair get one free special and it was much cheaper.
      But I feel like a good Optical Repair Place with nice people who don’t mind fixing your kids’ glasses twice a week is worth more than rubies. 😉

  2. I am very excited to see what you learn from WordPress for Dummies. Perhaps you will inspire me to stop relying on my husband so much for all things tecchie.

  3. JoAnn says:

    girl. we need to hang out.
    do you ever feel that way or am I just being a crazy stalker? Anywhoo, I think your fort building, rabbit raising, computer loving kiddos would LOVE to hang out with my boyz. It would be AWESOMESAUCE (that’s my new word)
    I can’t wait to see what miracles you produce with your new dummy book. Maybe a button? maybe um, a slide show?

  4. Angela Fehr says:

    Enjoy your book! And I know what it is to be committed to your glasses place. My parents would still buy their glasses from our home town in Canada when we were living in New Guinea. Even though Grandma had to pick them out. (Scary!)
    Wordpress can be easy or awful depending on the theme you choose for your site. I recommend Weaver. Lots of options, easy-ish to use.

  5. Katie says:

    I don’t check my blog for comments and hits either. Because that stuff is not important, right? Right? Yeah, that’s what I thought, too. 🙂

  6. ‘just the fake and bakers’ BWAHAHAHA!

    I’m going to forward this post to my ‘friend.’

    I subscribed that friend via email to my blog, but he was very confused by this. I said to him one day “Did you read my blog?” and he said, “I don’t get your blog, but I do keep getting emails from some kissing website.”

    And that is when I gave up the dream of having my friend read my blog and suddenly understand me and feel connected to me on a deeper level.

  7. Erin says:

    My favorite part of this post–

    It’s probably because I wasn’t breastfed.


  8. Kelsie says:

    Oh I feel your pain sister…No matter how many times I tell my David where to get things or how it should be done…he takes it upon himself to “think” and then gets it wrong…and THEN when I need him to think for himself he pretends to no know how??

    Anyway I digress….I am impressed HD can read a map at such a young age and now wonder why you are sending him to school…maybe he could stay home and homeschool his sisters lol…Bless your heart @ to old at 30….I have the same problems at 35+ and chasing a 3yr old…we “old mum’s” have to pick our battles.

    Have a great weekend…I am sure you will be camping..


    PS: I am going to hunt down a goats for dummies book…then our poor goats might stand a chance 🙂

  9. Joyce says:

    When I read your title I thought you were going to say you were headed for a tropical vacation in February and would be coming back all bronzed. I guess sharing with the internets the fact that your hubs used to go tanning is almost as good. Plus, he did go all rebel on you with the glasses.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  10. Andi says:

    I never knew boys fake baked. I don’t they did back in my day.

    For today’s pretty boys, I totally get it, as I made the disturbing realization at a water park that teenage boys are shaving…Their chests and bellies, and below.

    I don’t wish to disclose/relive how I knew that.

  11. LOL, i am trying to decide which is more funny, your post or some of the comments ON this post!!! HOLLA!!! 😉

  12. Nathalie says:

    The blogging is a great way for your girls to practice all of their fabo writing skills that you’re teaching them in school! You could probably join some homeschooling blogging group, and then they would have even more people to blog with!!

  13. diana at home says:

    WordPress… wuh?
    so, no, I don’t know.
    my sister signed me up for this LJW blog – and I am glad she did! But I am loyal. Have signed up for no others. None. It’s only you, babe. No pressure.
    Not that you would be concerned about such things, but I must admit to reading every post and replying only occasionally. sorry.
    HD is so great with a map – may have a future in navigation, which is nice for moms who might be busy with things other than knowing how to get somewhere. Last week my 10 year old was able to direct her grandparents from our little town, 20 miles to a big town, and through that confusing maze of connecting highways into a neighboring state! I was proud. You will be too.

  14. diana at home says:

    once again. why not just get the glasses that don’t break? There are several brands that are quite flexible and meant for small children to be tough on them…

  15. Gianna says:

    So I am so glad you encouraged us to go over to Kira’s blog because she is one of my favorite blog people in the world.

    But no worries, I still come to visit you.

    And now we have something in common.

    I wasn’t breastfed either!

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