Tiny Tim

You know what is killing me?  Lost.  Lost is killing me.  I stayed up until 11pm watching that darn show on the Netflix.  When will it end?  David fell asleep right after the first episode we watched.  And then I kinda, sorta watched 3 more.  I’m not even going to tell him.  He is so darn confused in that show, it won’t even matter.

Yes.  I am the world’s most loving wife. But it can’t be helped.  Each episode gets weirder and weirder and I just have to see what happens next.

So.  I am tired today.  Which great for the homeschooling.  Plus I hurt my elbow today and it is throbbing something fierce.  Seriously.  I had to ice it.  A hope chest thingie slammed shut on me while I was putting things away.  Go ahead.  Feel badly for me.

So.  I have nothing really of importance to say.  And this does not surprise you.  But I can show you some random pictures and call it good.


Oh, I can hear you now.  “Taylor!  Enough with the rabbits!  We don’t care! WE DON’T CARE!”  But look, dear readers!  We have a runt!  The white one is the mama.  Her name is Chewy.  Which is a dumb name and it was my girls who came up with it.  I like fantastic names, such as Norma Jean Riley, Ina Mae, Scarlett O-Hare-A, and Bertha.

My girls like names like Chewy, Snowflake, and Buttercup.  And I have to smile and support them, because I am their mother.  But, seriously.  They need to up their game.

Anyways.  Chewy is the mama.  The two gray bunnies are the babies, born on the same day.  Look at how tiny the little one is!

Sure.  I COULD have taken the rabbits out of the cage so you could see it better.  But that would mean I would have to TOUCH the rabbits.  Ew.  They are so wiggly and poopy.

Yes.  I think he is nursing.  Don’t blush.  These are the facts of life.  David feels he should be put down (Hello, Mr. Arabel.  Name that book).  But I think he is quirky.  I have named him Tiny Tim.  And no, I don’t know if it is a boy for reals.  We’ve been through this dear readers.  It is not as simple as one might think.  They look kind of the same down there.

Let’s just leave it at that.

Meet Handsome Dude’s bike.

She’s a beaut, ain’t she?  Handsome Dude took over Daisy Mae’s princess bike.  Then David ran over it once in the driveway, rendering the front tire useless.  So, he took a tire off of a different bike and called it good.

I cannot be certain, but I have been told that this bike also lacks brakes.

Handsome Dude has finally moved on from this bike.  And he insists that we sell it on Craigslist for lots of moneys.  I’ve tried to explain to him why it might not be a hot item, but he no comprendo.

Yes. Our garage is tidy.  I’m glad you noticed.

Speaking of tidy . . .

Check out David’s shop.  I have walked out there on numerous occasions, determined to tidy it.  But I have no idea what 99% of the items in there are.  So, I have no idea how to sort.  My poor husband is too busy to organize it.

Look at my elbow!  That’s my injured elbowed!  I am surprised I was able to take the picture, it hurts that bad.

And, finally, this is my rocking chair.

My husband bought this for me back in aught-4.  Lucy nibbled on it a bit.

Do you know who Lucy is?  Are you a confused reader?

You are not alone.

Should I give in and take it to the dump?  Thoughts?

Yes.  There is a cooler from our latest camping trip “drying out” on my porch.  I’m not lazy at all.  I just feel it takes a good week to properly dry out a cooler.

Later Dudes.

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35 Responses to Tiny Tim

  1. Lisa says:

    Charlotte’s Web!
    My children also seem to have an unrealistic view of the financial value of the toys they no longer want. They were shocked and dismayed when we took an entire horse trailer full of things and just donated them.
    If you figure out any quick, awesome organization tips for the garage or shop, I could put them to good use here, too!!

  2. Sandy says:

    that rabbit photo is just freaky looking…that white rabbit looks ENORMOUS or it could even be an alien! is “chewy” the rabbit that ate her babies (gross, i know, but i couldn’t help myself =o)

  3. MindyLou says:

    Random, but fun nonethless! And I could tell you all about Lost and spoil it for you if you wanted…… 🙂

  4. He cant kill the runt, thats just so mean. I would take him, if my cat wouldnt beat the tar out of him, and if I knew where you lived lol.

  5. Erin says:


    Ahem. Now that I have your attention, I would like to point out that several posts ago, Taylor, writer of this here ‘ol blog, dragged my name through the mud as she posted that she had beaten me at Words with Friends.

    I would like to point out that I have since beaten her TWICE (381 to 258, and 356 to 299) and she apparently has not felt THAT to be blog-worthy.

    But now you know.


  6. Kelsie says:

    Curiously I could not see the photo of your elbow or your drying cooler.

    Is the runt sickly or just smaller?…You could try separating it and hand feeding it so it does not have to complete with the larger sibling…but then again if she only has 2 babies maybe Tim is not really a run and the other one is just obese lol.

    Is Lucy a dog or a bird?


  7. Joyce says:

    Charlottes Web…but they had pigs…I guess things could be worse. You deserve a new rocking chair. I hope your elbow feels better. I’ve done something to mine but no idea what. I think it might fall under the category I like to call ‘sleep injuries’. When you hit a certain age sometimes you injure yourself sleeping. Sad but true.

  8. Angela Fehr says:

    Keep the chair. Add a cute cushion. The end.

  9. Can you use it, still? Then no dumpy!!

    Is there anything else wrong with the bunny?

  10. Sister Meagan says:

    That photograph of HD’s bike is fantastic! I think he is right, I think it would sell for many dollars on craigslist

  11. Nathalie says:

    Lost…I simply must buy it on video. I watched every episode as it aired. You simply must get through all of the seasons. I cannot wait to hear what you think about the final one!

    BTW, you homeschool precisely so you can stay up late. It’s definitely not about giving your children an education in a warm, loving environment. 😉

  12. Gianna says:

    There are 2 things I would like to say and those 2 things are about your readers.
    Everytime (and I do mean every single time) I read MindyLou’s name, IMMEDIATELY and AUTOMATICALLY I think, “MindyLou Who.” EVERY SINGLE TIME!

    And I also wanted to say that I think Erin is hilarious! Absolutely hilarious and she deserves another blog post all about her!

  13. JoAnn says:

    i have a cooler on my back porch that has been drying out since MAY. MAY I TELL YOU.

    I would have laughed harder at this whole thing, but I have a tummy ache. Like, for serious. Ow. I’ll feel bad for your elbow if you’ll feel bad for my tummy.

  14. JoAnn says:

    i forgot to say THAT BIKE IS AWESOME.

  15. JoAnn says:

    I’m feeling like my comments are lacking lately. perhaps you need to bring back the COW to light a fire under my competitive spirit.

  16. Girl, go in David’s shop and grab yourself a square of sandpaper. Then the next time you’re in town, purchase some white spray paint. Apply them in that order, and you’ll have a new chair.

    DO NOT TAKE IT TO THE DUMP! (Yes, I’m yelling.)

  17. diana at home says:

    perhaps it is the schooling at home that is getting to me. I am just lost and confused by pictures. took me a while to find the white mama rabbit. I thought that white spot was a bad view of the sky, or a lame elbow perhaps. And then with the messy garage. I was looking around for a pic of that, thinking maybe the all knowing internets had not provided such a view for me. Then I discovered that the neat-o bike must have been in the garage. And the boards stacked near it must have been the “mess”. And the messy picture must have been the shop. I am a quick one!
    No wonder LJ loved this out in the middle of nowhere (but there is an acceptable preschool close by) place. great outbuildings! They hide a host of mess. And sometimes rabbits. And perhaps other rodents. Wow. Country living is fun, huh!

  18. You have one of the only blogs where the comments are as much fun to read as the post itself! (not that your posts aren’t great…just that your commentors are great too!)

  19. Holly says:

    While I’m sure you spent much time writing this post, the only thing that I can think of is….where is the picture of your elbow? It’s not there even though you did refer to it. Is it a trick? To see if we are paying attention? I am, paying attention, that is. Please post elbow picture as soon as possible.

  20. Debra says:

    Put that chair on Craigslist. You will get lots of moneys. Holla! 🙂

  21. PatriciaD. says:

    I see ‘the elbow’. Ha! I also couldn’t see the white rabbit at first. That took a second look. Hey~ I’m still on my first cup of coffee. My cooler from the boat camping trip is out on the deck, but it’s only been since yesterday though. I suppose I’d better get it put away, because yesterday it was 102 degrees. I’m sure it’s dry by now.

  22. hahahaha…..the elbow is only in shadow peeps!! 😉 taylor, you crack me up! you wouldn’t be the first to kill a runt, it’s actualy quite common, it makes for “better bunnies”….

  23. Heather (not the nurse and not living in ND) says:

    I was just like you a mere week ago with the Lost. Oh how I couldn’t wait for it to be over so that I could get on with my life. I finally finished it on Netflix last Friday. I felt so betrayed by the very show that I had devoted so much of my time to. I was completely “Lost” and still am and angry that I can never get that time back. Let me just say, be prepared for disappointment. That’s all I have to say about that.

  24. Lani says:

    Ummm…. Taylor…. what do your inlaws do for a living again…??? Silly girl. 😉

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