
So, I have this friend named Rrrrrriiiiitttaaaaa.  Or, as she is more commonly known, “Rita.”  She loves to copy me.  Can you blame her?

I had 4 kids.  Then she had 4 kids.  I had a purple minivan (oh, yes.  I did).  She got a purple minivan.  I turned 30.  She turned 30.

I am such trendsetter.  Anyways, for her birthday, a few of us gals took her shopping at The Maurices for some new duds.  Rita says she doesn’t know how to pick out any clothes, so we all had a grand time picking out outfits for her.  I found her a shirt, which was the cutest thing ever, and the other gals thought it was funny because, apparently, the shirt I picked for Rita, looked just like the shirt I was wearing.

Totally different.  But, anyways, she got lots of new clothes and we had a grand time.

Rita and I even got to get all handsome on Justin Bieber.  Is that how you spell his name?  It really doesn’t matter.

Could I bring a larger purse?  I ask you?

Anyways, my friend, Rachel, said the caption for the above photo should be

“When two cougars get Bieber Fever.”

Cougars!  *Gasp!*

I am no longer friends with Rachel.  Her loss.

The astute reader might notice my shoes in the above photo.  Them are my “chorin” shoes out in Ruralville, and, sadly, I don’t really have any other ones.  Ok, I probably own like 10 pairs of shoes, but none of them worked for this occasion. So, since I was at THE MALL and all, I decided to try some new ones on.

Me:  Excuse me?

Not-so-friendly-Associate: What?

Me:  Can I try these on in a 9?

Not-so-friendly-Associate looks me up and down: Yeah.  You’re gonna need a 10.

Me:  Ok.

So, I try on the 10’s and they were too big.  Which was odd, since I am always a 9.

Me:  Well, those were too big, so . . .

Not-so-friendly-Associate: Oh.  That’s strange.

And off she went.  Because she didn’t really care to see me get all fancied up.  Whatever.  So I didn’t get new shoes, but I am kind of glad my feet are not a size 10 now.

If you wear a size 10, I mean you no ill-will.  It’s just that my mother and sister both wear like a size 6 foot, so I have always been the Godzilla in the family.  I am also about 4-6 inches taller than both of them.  Because I am a freak.

Speaking of my mother, check out how she decorated her mantle for Halloween:

Yes!  She painted pumpkins!  You can all see where I get my creative streak.  Obviously.

Also, since I always follow in my mother’s footsteps and all, I just had to share with you that my mother, who has been religiously following Weight Watchers (plus, she’s a runner now) and has dropped 50-55 pounds, has been offered a job at the Weight Watchers!

Ha!  And I cannot even follow the plan for a full 24 hours.  In fact, I was determined to start a diet today.  But then David made cookies and I have eaten three.  And now I have a tummy ache.

So.  David left for his hunting trip today.  Every year, he packs up the trailer and heads out into the great unknown to do who-knows-what for 7-10 days.  About an hour after he left, 12 turkeys had a meet and greet in our driveway.

Sweet Pea started hollering:  Call Dad!  Tell him the hunting is good here!  Tell him to come home!

Poor kids.  All four of them were sobbing when he drove off.  We are making a night of it and making homemade pizza and watching movies.

Because pizza is great diet food, didn’t you know?

In other news, I feel like this:


Going shopping this weekend at THE MALL, and not a thrift store, made me feel a little bit out of touch with fashion.  I mean, I have always been the epitome of fashion, so it was really weird for me to feel so out of place.

But it got me thinking.  So, without further ado, here are some questions and/or statement for you to ponder for me.

Please.  Help me.  I look like I live in the country or something.

1.  What do you all wear for makeup?  I have: foundation, powder, mascara.

2.  My one fashion trick is this:  When in doubt, throw on some large earrings.  Cute!  What are your fashion tricks?

3.  I am realizing that I should not shop in the junior’s section any more.  Nor should I ever have.  What are some of your favorite stores?

4.  Remember.  I am married to a frugal Lumberjack.  Let’s try to keep these ideas on budget.

5.  Is there anyway I can get a do-over on today’s eating?  Can I take away those cookies?

6.  Don’t tell me to exercise.  I did the eliptical trainer every day last week and my knee had to be iced twice a day.  And it still hurts.

7.  Did you know I have had 5 knee surgeries?  It’s true.

8.  I want dark brown hair.  That is not a question.  It is a statement.

9.  My mom, brother, and sister all have dark hair.  Why am I the tall, non-runner, light-haired, size 9 foot outcast in this family?

10.  I still have flies.  I made a syrup trap I found on the Internet.  I have 6 mason jars full of said syrup.

Not one fly has landed in my trap.  But there are currently 3 flies on my computer screen.


Ok.  I’m going now.


Frumpy Mom from the Country

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30 Responses to Frumpy

  1. Molly says:

    1. Foundation, powder, eye-shadow, eyeliner and mascara. Oh, and tinted lip-balm cause my best guy HATES red lipstick on women. And men.

    2. Fashion trick? Hmmm…Cute necklace. Always makes an outfit…snazzier.

    3. Kohl’s. Favorite. Store. Ever.

    5. No. Unless you create a time machine. Then I will have to hijack said time machine from you and go back in time to redo a few itsy bitsy things.

    8. One word: L’Oreal.

    That’s all I got ;). Happy Sunday!!

  2. Wichiepoo says:

    You have foundation, power and mascara, I do not use foundation, I use mascara, but where do you buy power, I guess in Canada they don’t sell power hmmm, I need to move to the US, I want power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The things you can do with power!

    Sorry, I guess I am being silly tonight, but I do not have flies, but that is only because I live in town, not ruralville…

    You are one pretty lady, and NOT a cougar, I am a cougar at my almost 40 years old, you are still a spring chicken! I think you still look fashionable. One of my favorite places to shop is the clearance section at Old Navy, either that, or thrift stores.

    Have a nice “husbandless” week, and I will try not to write silly things! By the way, your blog makes my day EVERY time I read it! Holla!

  3. You have power in your makeup bag?

    I don’t have any of that.

    As for the flies, I told you to try the vacuum hose. 😉 Did you? I am still willing to loan you a golden retriever who eats flies as well. You have to come get her though.

    As for fashion, I solved that problem easily. I moved to Alaska. Here, fashion seems to take a back seat to “warm”. I can wear my frumpy mom clothes under my really snazzy wool coat and TADA, fashion.

  4. Joyce says:

    1. Well I’m, ahem, older than you so I will not advise you on makeup since I am quite certain I have more ‘flaws’ to cover than you.

    2. I’m sorry to say my fashion tip is cute shoes. Cute shoes cover a multitude of sins including a less than tidy house. Cute shoes distract from any number of things.

    3/4. My girls find cute things at Target. I like Kohls too. I could spend all day in Nordstroms but you did say frugal so I don’t think it qualifies.

    5. Tomorrow is a new day.

    6. I would never tell you to exercise.

    7. I knew that.

    8. You can have any color hair you want. I like mine to be sun kissed which is what yours appears to be. I have naturally dark brown hair except for a few stray grays which is why I highlight.

    9. You are too cute!

    10. Call Orkin while the hubs is off hunting.

    Have a nice week : )

  5. Angela Fehr says:

    I am 5’9″. My mother is 4’11” and she buys her shoes in the children’s section. I have felt enormous for years. So I rock it – high heels and jeans always make me feel like a hottie.
    And here in Canada my favourite store is RW&Co. which they don’t have in the US. It’s not nearby so I usually shop at Warehouse One. All my clothes are currently from there. I should work part time as their mannequin. “Look at how these clothes fit if you’re packing an extra fifteen pounds and a mummy tummy!”
    I hear Carharts hide the mummy tummy well.

  6. Andi says:

    1. My makeup choice is mascara. I slap on a little charcoal eye liner in desperate times…I had giant bags under my eyes last week and bemoaned not even owning pressed powder (I am all about puttin’ on some power too, though) or foundation.

    8. I started coloring my hair in high school. For kicks. Now I color to hide my silver high lights!

  7. Nathalie says:

    Do I even remember all of your questions? No. I’ll answer the ones I do so I don’t have to be unlazy and scroll up.

    Clothes for a decent price: Kohl’s. There are coupons online, and you can also get them mailed to you. BTW, you’re too young NOT to shop in juniors still. Heck, I’m 41, and I still shop in that section.

    Shoes: Get more. So you’ll be prepared. You never know when that once-a-year shopping day will come around again.

    Your mom: Yay for unexpected blessings!

    Your willpower: Boo. Try the Daniel Fast. You’ll get rid of your sugar cravings. It worked for me, and I lost 15 pounds in just three weeks…WITHOUT exercising. So there.

    That’s all I can remember right now. Glad you had a fun girls’ day out!

  8. Erin says:

    Sorry that the kids had a hard time when David left. I can sympathize.

    Josh said he got your letters– he read me the girls’ b/c he thought they were funny. Especially the part when one of them wrote that they have lots of flies in their house.

    Thanks for doing that!

  9. Debra says:

    Dear Frumpy,

    Maybe you’re adopted??? When will those boys be old enough to go on the hunting trip with their dad? Surely by next year. 😉

  10. Gianna says:

    Oh, Taylor!
    You make me chuckle so hard my tummy hurts because I’m trying to suppress it since my 4 children are all sleeping! But I’ve told you that before.

    I don’t know where to tell you to shop because I have “vowed” (it’s too strong, but I can’t think of a better word) to not by anything new to wear for clothing. except underwear/socks/shoes–because that’s kind of gross. So I don’t know what to tell you.

    However, I must comment on the amount of comments you get from Canadians. Wow! Those Canadians sure love you. And I can see why. I have Canadian relatives so it’s nothing against the Canadians; just an observation.

  11. i am 5′ 1″ on a good day and i wear a 5 1/2 shoe so, i am of no help at all in that department….for make up, i wear blush, powder, eye shadow, and mascara….i have no idea how to get rid of flies, but i hear this is a bad year for them, i dont have black flies, but i have had fruit flies for some reason?!? they seem to be gone now…and i like to change out my necklaces and bracelets with my outfits for a little excitement!! hope that helps!! 🙂

  12. Mindy says:

    Everyone everywhere is talking about fruit flies! It is October. Why do we still have them?? Trying a different trap myself tonight.

    I wear it all- foundation, powder, blush, eveyliner, mascara. Apparently I am either very high maintenance or very vain. Sad.

    Do you have JC Penneys in ruralville? They always have stuff on sale/clearance.

    Yay to your Mom! I was on the 3-year plan with WW like 7 years ago. Don’t know where that puts me now except that I weigh 15 pounds more than when I started. ICK.

    And finally, my boss is a guy who is possibly 5’5″ – 140 lbs. I am 5’6″ and NOT 140 lbs. I feel like a moose every day. 🙂

  13. In no particular order:
    Call an exterminator.
    I like Old Navy for frugal clothes.
    I accessorize with cute scarves.
    I hate liquid foundations, so I use Maybline’s (is that how you spell it?) powder foundation that you put on with a big round brush. It’s so FAST! Then you don’t need a powder AND foundation. I use eye shadow and mascara and just learned how to use eye-liner in a way I like. I only do the outside corner of my top lid to the middle in sort of a slightly diagonal line. Then Burt’s Bees Pomegranate lip balm and when I’m feeling super fancy I get all handsome on some Sally Hansen’s Lip Inflation in the natural color. It takes me eight minutes to do my make-up. Woot!
    You should try some Pilates and yoga on DVD. Burns calories but doesn’t involve impact on your knees.

  14. I see several people have mentioned Kohl’s. You really should sign up to get their coupons. They send them to me like once or twice a month and its usually for 1o dollars off and you dont have to buy more than 10 dollars worth. My nieces love these coupons, they take turns getting free stuff. I went for years not getting new clothing because all our clothing budget went to our son. Now he is gone but the frugality remains. I did buy clothing from a local online yahoo group, or free stuff from freecycle. But I now live in a small town in Tennessee and dont have the resources so we get a lot of stuff from Goodwill and Walmart. I do order online when stuff goes on clearance. I just got a jacket I wanted for 16 bucks down for 59 dollars.
    I dont wear makeup because I hate stuff on my face.
    When I want to look cute, yeah, I have cute hair accessories.
    The turkey story cracked me up.

  15. Kristy says:

    3. It was a sad sad day when I realized I couldn’t shop in the juniors section anymore. I am only 27…but I had 2 kids in 18 months and my hips have not forgiven me for it. The clothes in the juniors section are not meant for people with hips. I have been so lost in every single store now because I don’t know what section I am supposed to shop in! I feel your pain!

  16. Another Canadian chiming in here:

    I wear just eyeliner and mascara every day or my eyes disappear. I’m blond too, and that’s why.

    Call an exterminator. Maybe they’ve laid eggs somewhere in your house and that’s why they don’t go away.

    Old Navy is good for cheap, trendy clothes. But not for ones that last very long. But maybe you don’t need those?

    You are very pretty and not even close to a cougar!

  17. Another Canadian chiming in here:

    I wear just eyeliner and mascara every day or my eyes disappear. I’m blond too, and that’s why.

    Call an exterminator. Maybe they’ve laid eggs somewhere in your house and that’s why they don’t go away.

    Old Navy is good for cheap, trendy clothes. But not for ones that last very long. But maybe you don’t need those?

    You are very pretty and not even close to a cougar!

  18. If you’re willing to dig (I’m not) TJ Maxx has some great finds. I prefer to wait until stuff goes on sale at Ann Taylor Loft for cute stuff.

  19. Katie Brn says:

    1. Powder, Blush, under eye concealer, Eyeshadow base, Eyeshadow, Eyeliner, mascara. Lipstick base, lipstick and/or lip gloss. (I’m a Sephora junkie) But I swear by my under eye concealer, “Stay don’t Stray” from Benefit. When I started wearing it, people stopped asking me if I felt sick everyday. (stupid puffy allergy eyes).
    2. Fashion trick? Reading. I borrow one of Nina Garcia’s books on fashion from the library everytime I’m there. I feel better just having a plan to Become fashionable. I like “The Style Strategy” because it talks about how to build your wardrobe, and “The OneHundred” because it has the top 100 things every woman should one. (some are a little too “NewYork” but the rest are pretty good for us mere mortals.) And I started reading Instyle magazine, just so I know what colors are hot for the season, get makeup tips, and other small things I can to to look like I care about looking cool without spending a lot of money.
    3. Don’t give up on the juniors section! Some very great tops can be found there! I shop the Limited, Express, Target, or JCPenney for everything else.
    4. Once you find a store you like, get on their coupon mailing list. I get coupons for $10- $15 off from The Limited and JCPenney almost every month so I can buy 2 shirts a month for $5-$10 each.

  20. ain't for city gals says:

    I have passed the torch of fashion to my beautiful nieces….though I kind of miss it every once in a while. When I do get all handsome (YAY..I finally said it!!) with make up and such I think to myself “Well, I can still get there…it just takes me a little bit longer”!…

  21. datenutloaf says:

    Leave the house; smoke bomb the flies. Your perfect the way God made you, you match your kids. Vanity is a sin (I think) Get new shoes somewhere else. In this economy they should bend down and kiss your feet for a customer. Macy’s sales. Size 9s go on sale more. I’d rather have a turkey than a deer, tell Dad to come home. Earrings, lipstick and a little lift and hair spray can make a dull look brighter. Don’t stress out your knee, it just isn’t worth it. You have a long life to live with that knee, be good to it. luv ya like you are and so does your family. You don’t look like boondocks yet.

  22. datenutloaf says:

    Great photo – way to go Marmie. Love the cartoon. So perfect.

  23. Rachel says:

    I overheard I was mentioned in the blog, the source also said your shirt is VERY similar to Rita’s. Exact quote, “It is pretty much the same shirt with different colors.” I will miss you as a friend, but not nearly as much as you will miss me! 🙂

  24. Dawn says:

    –You’re too you but I use Maybelline something in a pink tube under my foundation. It is clearless and feels very silky and my foundation goes on smooth. Blush, eyeshadow and mascara. Mascara every day if nothing else!
    –Color your hair!
    –I agree with the statement above that soon at least one of the boys should be old enough for a hunting trip!
    –I have nothing to say about cookies–I’m sitting here craving a pumpkin muffin.
    –forget the elliptical. It is of the devil.

    Have a lovely week! Maybe your mom would like houseguests for a few days??? I love her pumpkins by the way!

  25. Amy says:

    You may not know this, but I was adopted….into a family of hobbits (not sure how to spell that, but you get my drift). Anyway, my grandmother was 4’10”, my mother a tall 5’1.5″, and my father was all of about 5′ 8″ on a good day. I grew to be 5’8.5″ and have a size 11 foot. My mom, grandmother, and I used to all like to line up in height order and take pictures. I also have several pics with my elbow/arm resting on my grandmother’s head. Yep, I’m the giant in my family too. My step-mother is Puerto Rican and is also about 5′. Luckily my step-dad is a wonderfully, tall, 6’2″ so I at least look like I belong when he’s around. Fun fact of the day: I sometimes claim to be 1/4 Puerto Rican because I don’t really know my heritage (not knowing my birth parents and all)!!! Sorry, I have no fashion tips. That is all.

  26. Deb says:

    I don’t wear any makeup unless I am going to see humans I am not related to. Then I wear MAC powder foundation (one step!) and mascara. If I’m really going all out, I will wear some eyeliner and Clinique Black Honey Lip Gloss.

    I’ve got no advice for fashion because I have spent the last two weeks obsessed with finding the perfect jeans and knee-high boots. All I’ve gotten for my trouble is the discovery that my calves are freakishly large and that petite jeans are all too long. It’s back to cut-off cargo pants and men’s white t-shirts (3 to a pack!) for me. Bah.

  27. diana at home says:

    made-up face, new shoes and hair color put you at risk for being the mother of 5 children next summer…with LJ being gone for a whole week and all…

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