Update: I’m going to the bathroom now!

Little Dude hates ice cream.  Could that kid be any weirder?

To hate ice cream is so against the Maliblahblah Family Code of Conduct.  When David was a young lad growing up, they could only have ice cream on Friday nights.  When I first met him, I thought this was a little odd and extreme.  Now that I am raising 4 kids on one income, I think it is brilliant.

ANYWAYS.  When we got married, David completely rebelled and deemed every night to be ice cream night.  He’s so defiant and edgy!  Excuse me while I swoon.

Back to Little Dude.  He hates ice cream.  When we go to an ice cream shop, he demands an ice water and is happy as a clam.   And we all know clams are uber happy.

Last night, after Awana, my parents and I decided to take the kids out for frozen yogurt.  We tricked Little Dude by calling it “yogurt.”  He loves him some yogurt.  As soon as we got there, he yelled in fury:

“This not yogurt!  This ice cream!  I HATE ice cream!”

Could he get any weirder?

While we were enjoying our treats, my mom and I started talking about Pinterest again.

Mom:  I tried to create a Pinterest account, but I couldn’t.

Me:  Why not?

Mom:  It says I need a Facebook account and I don’t have one.

Me:  Give me your phone.  Let me see if I can sign you up.

Mom:  Ok.  But I can’t figure out how to check my email on my phone!

Dad:  I know how!

Me:  Ok.  Not relevant.

So, I try to sign her up and she is right-she needs a Facebook or Twitter account.  I am not even going to mention Twitter because I fear her brain would explode.

Me:  I can set you up with a Facebook account.

Mom (wincing in pain):  I don’t know if I can do it!

Me:  You don’t have to do anything.

Mom (now wincing in agony):  But do I have to get on there every five minutes and update people on what I am doing?  Like, “I’m going to the bathroom now!”

Me:  Yes.

Goodness.  Where does this woman get these ideas?  She is beyond help.  Anyways, she is still battling with her Facebook fears, and I am not sure she will ever be able to come to the dark side.

Some of you asked me to follow you on the Pinterest.  And that is all fine and dandy and I think I got those of you who asked.

If you want to follow me, here is my account.

Warning:  I am not creative nor crafty nor aesthetically pleasing in any area of my life.

Thank you.

PS-David did not call me yesterday.



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11 Responses to Update: I’m going to the bathroom now!

  1. Kelsie says:

    My 3yr old hates chocolate…we use this to our advantage…anything I do not wish to share or have her eat now has chocolate in it hehe.

    booooo hisssss David.

  2. I dont know what pinterest is, I have to keep up with my craft blog, email and updating Facebook every five minutest, lol. So I wasnt going to even check out and see what pinterest is. But you have me wondering, sigh, so here I go to sign up. See what you started. Not good David, tsk tsk. My hubby knows better, if he is gone for more than a few hours, not days, hours, he must call me and let me know how hes doing. What, I am not needy.

  3. Michelle says:

    What is Pinterest?

  4. Andi says:

    I refuse to look into Pinterest out of self preservation. Or rather preservation to get anything accomplished. And in the words of our women’s ministry leader, “You probably already have enough vices, Andi.”

    I’m not sure how to take that?

  5. Nathalie says:

    Ok…the face and declaration of “I hate ice cream” reminded me that I forgot to comment on the “I hate yams” face you posted previously.

    Taylor, I deem your children as highly intelligent humans with a great sense of taste. I cannot stand yams, and ice cream is for the birds…especially if you’re lactose-intolerant.

    Perhaps you could buy the boy a sugar cone and let him eat that, filled with the candy toppings, instead?

    Just a thought. Wouldn’t want to deny him (or you) the sugar rush. 😀

  6. Joyce says:

    When I joined pinterest you could sign up by having someone send you an invite…you didn’t need a fb or twitter account. If you just send your mom an invite to join from your account does she still need fb?

    My mil just got on fb…we’re all kind of holding our breath : )

  7. Vicki B says:

    As a babyboomer, I completely understand your mom’s attitude towards Facebook. I feel the exact same way. My kids feel the same way about me as you do towards your mother. Remember, we were there before VCR and ATM’s so this Facebook stuff is a quantum leap across the great divide.

    Is there some sort of unwritten hunting law that wives are not allowed to call or text their husband and tell him she’s pining for his handsome self?

  8. Pati says:

    LOVE ME SOME FACEBOOK, Taylor and I,too, am of the Baby Boomer generation…so there IS hope for your Momma ! LOL….and DAVID…call your wife !! :oPPP

  9. Sarah says:

    It’s about 2 weeks since I read your blog, mainly because it no longer appears in full in google reader. I know you were having issues with centering and ‘readers’ but I’m sorry it doesn’t come in full any more. Sadly it doesn’t mean I pop over more often, it just means I don’t get to read you until I have time to click through – my computer is not as fast as I would like!
    Just went to pinterest because I really need something else to keep me at my computer!! I was glad to see what it’s about in reality so thanks for the link!
    God bless you! Have missed smiling at your posts.

  10. Calfkeeper says:

    My husband also thinks every night should be ice cream night. My daughter, alas, doesn’t share your little one’s dislike of the stuff. It is so EXPENSIVE, I have started making it at home. Here on the dairy milk and cream are in abundance. But I don’t use the ice cream maker; I just make what his mom calls “pan ice cream.” I make the recipe, put it in various pans/containers in the freezer and stir it every couple of hours. It’s not as smooth as with a maker, but…hey…that’s what he gets for overwhelming the budget with his vice.
    On the flip side; my daughter will not eat pie of any sort; cream pie, fruit pies…nuh uh. Won’t touch it. Nor even cobblers yet. I guess they all have their idiosyncrasies.

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