The Saturday Post

Tomorrow!  My husband is coming home tomorrow, the fearless hunter that he is.  He did come home on Thursday for a bit to unload some wood and check on me and my lovely self.  And I was fine, thank you for asking.

Yes.  My husband lumberjacks whilst he hunts.  He is all that is man.

So, he unloaded wood and inspected the homestead and drove back into the woods to live his dream.  Or whatever it is he is doing out there, bless his heart.

I thought I had better clear something up with y’all.  He doesn’t call me because he doesn’t have cell service.  He’s not a meanie pants and of course I could call him, but I think it would seem obsessive to keep trying his number to see if he miraculously has service.  So, if he is ever out hunting and for some reason gets service, he will call me on his hunting trips.

But he hasn’t.

I am a terrible single person.  I stay up way too late and eat like 10 rounds of snacks.  And I’m never hungry, but I feel I must snack.  I had popcorn and hot chocolate at 11:30 the other night.  Why?  I cannot be certain.  But I am certain it was not conducive to my plan to lose two pounds before he came home.  Because every hunter hopes to come home to a wife who weighs two pounds less, didn’t you know?  I’m such a failure.

So, here’s what we’ve been up to, because I know you always love to hear the latest.

1)  My friend, Amanda, and her brood came over on Thursday night.  We chatted and ate tacos while our combined 8 children played.  I have been friends with Amanda since kindergarten.  Yes.  She’s feigned interest in my nonsense for THAT many years.  She is a gem of a friend.  It was lovely and hectic.  We have no idea how we got to have so many children.


2)  Glasses.  Oh my goodness gracious.

Ok.  Do you remember how David went and purchased glasses from a different person than my favorite glasses place in the world and I wept and wailed and didn’t like it?

Just say you remember.  The story will go much fast that way.

Long story short:  the new ones that were supposed to be indestructible are constantly broken and the guy there is not nice about fixing them.

So, I took the old glasses that go with MY people in yesterday, and wouldn’t you know they “temporarily” fixed the obliterated ones and ordered new frames.  They told me they wouldn’t charge me for the frames because “I just barely made it in before the warranty expired.”

They have been saying that since August.  And I have gotten 3 new pairs since August.  For FREE.

And the people were kind and pleasant and chatty and lovely and can we not all agree that I win the glasses debate?

Say yes.  Taylor wins.

3)  However, if the glasses break again, Bob, who is one of my bff at the glasses place, suggests we get some different frames that will not break, but will make my child look like a “space man.”

4)  Would you all join me in praying that the glasses that make my child look like a “child” will not break and we will not have to buy the new “space man” glasses?

Many thanks.

5)  I went to my sis-in-law, Lisa’s house.  We made cookies!

Handsome Dude (sporting his temporarily fixed glasses.  Holla, Glasses-Fixer-Man-Bob!) was uber serious about the cookie creations.

Daisy Mae never stops talking.  Ever.

Well.  Maybe when she is eating.  But then, it is right back to chit chat.

My little niece sampled the cookies.

She approved.

6)  I went to church with my OTHER sis-in-law, Holly.  I have so many sis-in-laws to choose from.  My cup runneth over.

I will have you know that THREE, count them, THREE people told me I looked good last night at church . . . for a person who lives in Ruralville.

I would like you all to analyze this and tell me what it means post haste.

7)  My Auntie Datenut sent a box of odds and ends for the kids to go through.  It was extremely exciting for them.  Thanks, Auntie!

What a fantastic picture, per usual.

Allow me to give you a few blog picture taking tips. You’re welcome.  Feel free to bookmark this page and share with your loved ones.

Tip #1:  Get a toilet in the background.  Your blog readers like to be reminded that you are a real person with real, human body functions.

Shoot!  That reminds me that someone made a peepee mess on one of the toilets and I forgot to clean it up.  Now, I am forlorn.

Tip #2:  If you can, place a basket of shoes behind the children.  It will make any picture look snazzy.

Tip #3:  Don’t worry about the IPod docking station cords.  No one will ever notice.

Tip #4:  Have one child show the camera his/her foot.  Everyone loves a good foot in their pictures.

Tip #5:  If you can, make sure to abide in a home that has every wall painted peach.  You will be the envy of blogland.

Alright!  I’m back to work.  I foolishly decided to wash ALL the bedding today and I am TOTALLY regretting it.




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14 Responses to The Saturday Post

  1. Andi says:

    Wednesday is my bedding day…Of course I’m not including blankets and quilts…Just sheets. That is hard enough on this frail old ladies’ back I’m burdened with. It is spasming thinking about two more beds to strip and remake.

    I love the picture. It is a real look at real life!

    They have to tack on the “ruralville” part because they secretly envy your rabbit breeding, fly dodging, bear infested life.

    I know I do!

    Well, all except for the bears.

    And the flies.

    But the rabbits are cute….But I would NOT want to deal with cleaning cages. I raised rabbits as a kid…And that part just stinks!


  2. I think you look good even for someone who DOESN’T live in Ruralville. And you claim not to be aesthetically pleasing in any area of your life…


  3. Shanan says:

    I too have had people (friends?) come up to me at church and tell me, “Oh you look SO NICE today!!!” I am left to wonder. how do I usually look??? it still makes me wonder how I usually look? Like some worn out over tired over worked homeschooling mother of 5? and what does that look like? hmmm. If you have any suggestions? let me me know 🙂

    and I love your pictures…. they are so, um, REAL!!! lol!!!!

  4. Joyce says:

    You definitely win the glasses debate.
    Your Daisy Mae and my daughter2 may very well be related : )
    That little niece is adorable!
    I’m sure you are too, ruralville or no ruralville.

  5. Now I really, really want some popcorn and hot chocolate. Darn you for leading me off the straight and narrow! (It’s okay, I was crooked to begin with.) And I won’t even tell you how long I spent staring at that photo, trying to see the hidden toilet. But it’s okay, I could never do those magic eye portraits either.

  6. Vicki B says:

    You win the glasses round but David wins the Husband of the Year award for coming home to check on you, his children and drop off wood. Unbelievable.

    Perhaps the city church folks have never heard of LLBean nd Ralph Lauren? I’m pretty sure they’ve made a fortune in Ruralville/country fashion.

  7. Sarah says:

    Love the photo tutorial! At least you take photos, I, sadly, rarely remember and when I do they usually end up not great. Someone laughed at me – out loud, for real! – that my camera is only 2 mega somethings and exclaimed that she’d had 5 new cameras since mine must have been bought. Bet me and your dad would get on!

  8. loving the picture tips, i shall get right on that!! post haste! now where did i put those ipod cords??

  9. Erin says:

    I also tend to snack and stay up late when I am sans husband.

    This is an issue, primarily because a week or two wont kill you, but 6.5 to 7 months might translate to a new wardrobe in a larger size.

  10. Debra D. says:

    Taylor, you surely win the glasses debate. Well, in all reality it may be H.D. that wins depending upon your view of the whole thing. I am still trying to get rid of my glasses. It’s a shame a grown woman can’t just decide to go get new glasses. Would that be frugal or just cheap??

  11. datenutloaf says:

    LJ rocks! LJ’s wife rocks! Sisters-in-law rock. But having these precious photos is the bestest ever for me.

  12. datenutloaf says:

    As for living alone as a single – you now have the explanation for why I look the way I look. So there!

  13. Christina says:

    I am disappointed. I don’t see the toilet. I need to see the toilet.
    This is why I don’t take pictures anymore, really, because there is no bathroom downstairs (have you ever heard of such a thing?) so it cannot be in the background. The shoes though? That we have covered. Minus the basket.
    Taylor, you are such a beautiful woman. I do not understand why you get such weird comments when you are out and about. I seriously envy your loveliness.
    I do not envy the pee pee on your toilet seats. That I can do without.

  14. Kim says:

    I’ve read your blog for a while now, but never commented. Have you ever heard of Miraflex glasses? Just saw them on tv and they look like a solution for your breaking glasses issue.
    I just saw them on the Doctors, never used them myself.

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