The Lace Doily Sweatshirt.

After dinner last night, David asked me if I had driven into town to vote.

Me:  No.  I forgot.  Did you?

David:  No.

Me:  Hmmm . . .

David:  If we leave now, we can make it before they close at 8.

Me:  Ok.

So, we informed the children with our plans to go voting, and our plans were met with much resistance.

“But, Moooooooom!  Look outside!  It’s dark time!”

“I have to put my SHOES on?”

“We are going boating?!?”

“Do we have to drive FOREVER?”

“Do I need my swimsuit?”

“Can I bring my DS?”

“I don’t wanna go boating!”

“I not need shoes, Mom!  I need BOOTS!”

“It’s too cold to go anywhere!”

And so, we rushed around, trying to make everyone look presentable.  David went out to start the rig, because our rig is fickle beast that does not like chillsome weather.

With great effort and four billion questions, we were able to locate:

4 children, 6 jackets, 6 pairs of socks, 5 pairs of shoes, 1 pair of  Toy Story Cowboy boots (100 meaningless points to anyone who can guess who wears those), 1 pair of mittens for Daisy Mae who was still wondering why we were going boating, and 2 Nintendo DS players.

Now, this is not town  town.  This is the actual town of Ruralville, home to about 200 peoples.  So not much was happening.

We unloaded the children and got them all situated to sit and be quiet while we voted, or boated if you are still a confused Daisy Mae.  We threatened them with their lives and bribed them with the promise of candy and good fortune if they promised to SIT AND BE QUIET.

David went in to vote and was greeted by a lovely Ruralvillite lady who was wearing the ever-popular sweatshirt with a lace doily stitched around the collar.

If you enjoy the look of a sweatshirt with a lace doily stiched around the collar while manning a voting booth, I mean you no ill-will.  I, myself, wear a flannel shirt while grinding elk meat for my beloved.

To each his own.

Doily Lady:  I’m sorry, sir, but you are not allowed to vote in this election.

David:  Oh!  Why?

Doily Lady:  Well, you do not live within any city limits, and therefore you cannot vote.  But I do thank you for coming by.

David:  Oh.  Ok!

Boy did we feel sheepish.  So, we tried to usher out our ever-confused children when Little Dude started shouting.  Which does not surprise anyone.

“I want to see the WATER!”

Doily Lady:  Well, we have a drinking fountain?

Little Dude:  NO!  WATER!

Me:  I’m sorry.  He thinks we are going out on a boat.

This did not impress Doily Lady.


Little Dude is trembling and heartbroken and I have no idea why he thinks we were going to see a waterfall.  He had to live with that disappointment.

So, we load them all back into the rig and David decides that since he has already wasted gas money on this pointless adventure, we shall take the scenic route home so we can look for deer.

Because we never see deer at home.

Handsome Dude to his sister:  Give me your DS.  Now!

Sweet Pea:  No.

Handsome Dude:  Yes!

Sweet Pea:  NO.








Sweet Pea:  No.

We live in beautiful harmony.

I was horribly car sick, because David drives like a hillbilly down yonder country roads.  I got completely disoriented and had to ask him if we were even still in our home state.

David (laughing at my ignorance):  Yes, Taylor.

Me:  If you were to make me drive right now, I would have no idea where we were.  I would have to use the GPS.

David:  Use your GPS!  That would be hilarious.

Me:  Fine.  I will.

So I went to type in the address, became dizzy from car sickness, went back to type the address, then got distracted by an email.

All the kids:  WOW!  Look at that!  Wow!

Me:  What?

David (laughing at my ignorance):  You didn’t see that?!

Me:  No.  I was checking my email.  What happened?

David:  Like 10 deer ran right in front of us!

Me:  Oh.  Neat.

And that was our night.  The night where we tried to be good citizens and vote and were denied.

That is all.

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18 Responses to The Lace Doily Sweatshirt.

  1. Kelsie says:

    How rude after all that to be denied…after 7yrs and the passing of 2 elections hubby’s voting registration card has not been transferred from NC to FL…though he has applied on numerous occasions…it seems they prefer he does not vote either.

    You have my sympathy on the car sickness, just an FYI, keeping lg ziplock freezer bags in the glove compartment is great in an emergency…those little plastic bags for “used diapers” will also work in a pinch if stuck in rush hour traffic and you just can’t hold it any longer…though these solutions are not pretty for others in the car or stuck in the lane next to you…but sure does better the clean-up afterwards.

    hehe @ the waterfall…3yr olds are crazy

  2. Sandy says:

    well, it depends…were they woody cowboy boots or jessie cowboy boots? =o)

  3. Marla says:

    Once again, I absolutely love your boys… especially since I just get to read about them. They are little gems. 🙂

  4. namacura says:

    I exercised my right to vote yesterday as well and all I can say, is that the State of Georgia after many hard fought battles has finally allowed alcohol to be sold on Sundays. I am sure the good people of the state firmly believe they have been taken over by “Northerners”!

  5. Melissa says:

    Oh, those sweatshirts! I think I saw at least one last month when I voted. We didn’t have voting for boating here yesterday. Not much fun voting at 0 degrees.

  6. LeAnna says:

    That would have made me right near aggravated. I mean to tell you, they want Americans to boat but they make it near impossible to do so unless you live at the lake.


    Don’t you love that you can check your email even in the sticks? God truly is merciful and kind.

  7. Erin says:

    we owned a pair of the toy story cowboy boots as well.
    but alas, they have been outgrown.

  8. Joyce says:

    You must be eligible to boat somewhere…you need to find out before 2012 : ) The Doily sweatshirt can sometimes be seen in East Tennessee too. I heart East Tennessee but I cannot pull of the doily sweatshirt look.

  9. Tally says:

    you need to have the lumberjack come up to squirrelly’s house to ”shoot them deer up under”, because they give me the pee pee shivers. Everynight they leap in front of my truck when I go around the bind and I saw a few bucks with big racks (its not a dirty thing I promise Taylor it’s the horns on top of there heads.) I just want them gone and you could have fresh yummie deer meat to go with the elk. You could even have some fresh wild turkey too.

  10. Christina says:

    I think it was the Lumberjack who wore the Toy Story boots. That is probably the reason he was not allowed to vote.

  11. Christina says:

    P.S. Dramamine makes all the difference when driving hillbilly fashion on country roads. Life. Saver.

  12. kuddos to you for trying to vote. That is an important lesson. Civics lesson -check. Homeschooling done for the day 😉

  13. Christine C says:

    So you are now a woman without a town? You are not allowed to “boat?” Did you ever “boat” in town before? I think your doily towned friend could have had a little more information for you. Are you now disenfranchised? At least it can you a funny blog post:)

  14. datenutloaf says:

    I like to personally go vote, but it really is easier to do the mail in ballot. Easier to never miss, or be too busy, sick etc. I think it’s a good example for the children too. But didn’t your ballot in the mail tell you your polling place? How did you know where to vote? Did you change your address with the Registar? I’m glad LD doesn’t need glasses, especially if he’s going to be a linebacker.

  15. Katie Brn says:

    As if it isn’t a big enough pain to remember to go in the first place, you have to be completely aware of all the restriction/rules regarding votes. Booo for difficult voting situations.

    And don’t tease us, we all know that YOU were the stylish country gal wearing the toy story boots. : )

  16. HA! you make me laugh! gotta get me a pair of them boots!! and a sweatshirt, too!! 😉

  17. Dawn says:

    Darn you and your sneakiness, Taylor! I was all geared up to see your doily trimmed sweatshirt that you had crocheted and sewn while homeschooling!

  18. datenutloaf says:

    there should be a law agains doily sweatshirts, blue eyeshadow, plaid on men, and floods. That’s my boat

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