Oomba, Oomba, Oomba . . .

Hello!  Today I am linking up with Joyce and her uber cool questions.  Feel free to join in, if you so desire.

1. What song reminds you of a specific time in your life and what is it about that song that makes you remember?
One night, my husband and I were driving home in separate vehicles after a date night.  That’s how us country folks roll, in case you didn’t know.  Anyways, he called me up on his cell and told me to turn on the radio, as he had requested a song in my honor.
Oh my lands!
My husband!  Being romantic!
Are you wondering what song my husband . . . my beloved . . .  chose to dedicate to me?

“Running Bear” by Sonny James.  And no.  You haven’t heard of it.  No one has.

Every time I hear that opening “oomba, oomba, oomba,” I get chills.  Chills, people.

You may proclaim: “Taylor!  Why,  isn’t that is a disturbing song about two lovers dying?”

Yes.  Yes it is.

Drool if you must.  That is man is all mine.

2. What’s something you’ve given up on?
The idea that I might someday have it all together.
I saw this on Pinterest the other day.  It totes cracked me up.
(You can click on it, if needed)
Dang.  I need to buy me some hair ribbons.
3. What’s something you’ll never give up on?
Weight Watchers.
Someday, I’m going to do it.  For reals.  (Or realz, if you prefer)
Just you wait.
4. If you had to cook something from scratch in the next hour what would it be?
Brownies.  Sadly, I always have brownie ingredients on hand.
5. Have you started Christmas shopping? Decorating? Listening to Christmas music?
I hadn’t even really thought about Thanksgiving yet when it began to snow something fierce here last weekend.
My husband was out hunting (shocking, I know), so I found my old John Denver and the Muppets Christmas CD and me and the dudes rocked out.
Because John Denver and rocking out go hand in hand.
6. What do you know about your parent’s wedding?
Oh.  This is a good story.
My mom was 18 and my dad was 20.  They made an appointment at the courthouse and said their vows.  Perhaps the workers stopped typing long enough for them to say “I do?”  I cannot be certain.  His parents, my grandparents, snapped their wedding photo, which was of them pushing the elevator button to go back down to the lobby.
Attention All Aspiring Photographers:  Feel free to steal that classic photo op idea.  It’s sure to be the next big trend.
Of course I don’t have the picture!  Who do you think I am?  A good blogger?
They went out to lunch with my grandparents and then my dad had to go to work at the family restaurant so his brother, my uncle, could compete in a bowling tournament.
Don’t deny it, Uncle Greg.
After his shift, however, my dad did bring my mother a package of peanut M&Ms.  So, there’s that.
They have been married for almost 33 years, so snicker away, but apparently that is the secret to success.
Just say “I do” and get the heck away.
7. I can’t believe I . . . exercised today!
It was a festivus miracle!
(Name that show)
Weight Watchers, here I come!

8. Insert your own random thought here

Little Dude, being the slave to fashion that he clearly is, dressed himself the other day.


Yes.  My walls are still peach.

What of it?

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30 Responses to Oomba, Oomba, Oomba . . .

  1. Desi says:

    I love the fashion sense. Too cute.

  2. Amy says:

    That song is frightening. I’m curious as to what radio station might play such a song. One doesn’t even come to mind. I’m glad that the lumberjack found his lumbergirl in you!! I LOVE that story about your parents. I have to keep that in mind if I should ever have the opportunity to become married!

  3. Lisa says:

    One of my all time favorite movies is ‘A Simple Twist of Fate’ with Steve Martin. In the movie, Steve Martin’s character and the little girl he has adopted act out this song, and it’s such a cute scene. Otherwise, you’re right, I would never have heard that song! 🙂

  4. Jocelyn says:

    hahahaha!! you had me cracking up all throughout your post! Glad you have a fun song to share with your husband (rofl!!) and that you’re not giving up on Weight Watcher – heard it works and it’s something I’d like to try myself 🙂 I had read the good wife’s guide in school during health class lol – and ahh that ribbon! lol! And love your parents’ wedding story =D hahaha. Your kid is super cute, too 🙂 I hope you have a great day today =D

  5. Sheena says:

    Oh my word, Taylor – I don’t even know where to begin. I think I may read your post 15 times today! And Little Dude is starting a new trend…just you wait!

  6. Perhaps LD just wants to look like his daddy?

  7. Joyce says:

    Always makes me smile to see your name in the HP. The elevator and the bowling make for quite the romantic wedding day tale although I must say I too can be won over with a bag of peanut m & m’s.

    That pic of LD will make an awesome addition to a future wedding video : )

  8. Katie Craft says:

    “Running Bear loved Little White Dove with a love big as the sky.” See, I know the song, too!! I think that is very sweet!! More than my husband has ever dedicated to me…he would probably dedicate something rude and crude, which in an effort to keep your blog PG, I will not post! 🙂

  9. Andi says:

    I love SEINFELD!!!

    YOU MAKE BROWNIES FROM SCRATCH??!!! I have never found a homemade recipe that’s as good as a gooey boxed recipe. This is the only thing I don’t make from scratch because my scratch is never as good. You MUST give us the recipe!

  10. Stacy says:

    I know that song! I like that song. I like old Country Music.

  11. My parents were worse, they eloped. They had a huge wedding planned, but a couple of days before the ceremony they found out that my moms stepmother was planning a nasty surprise in the form of my moms exboyfriend. She wanted my mom to marry him instead. So they ran off to Mississippi and eloped. They only made it 7 years though. My mom married my wonderful stepfather in a courthouse and they just passed 18 years of marriage, lol, so maybe the courthouse is good luck.

  12. Marti says:

    Enjoyed the visit, What a great story about your folks wedding! Evidently they married for reasons more than skin deep, although peanut M&Ms couldn’t have hurt. Drop by for a visit.

  13. Angela Fehr says:

    That’s so romantic, Little White Dove. My husband and I rocked out to “Good” by Better Than Ezra – it was the nineties after all.
    Isn’t it funny how in this day and age of over the top weddings, we don’t have to look very far back to see a totally different approach? My parents were married in my grandparents’ living room. And it’s worked for them for 35 years.

  14. I thought I was the only one with a special place in my heart for the John Denver and the Muppets Christmas. Childhood memories. And adulthood – for I play it every year.

  15. Katie says:

    Your parents’ wedding story cracks me up. But if a man brought me peanut M&Ms I could love him forever too!

    And in fashion news: Rock on, LD. Rock on.

  16. datenutloaf says:

    Don’t forget the dress, heels and apron.

  17. I may know someone who knows that song….it isn’t me though, in case you were wondering…

  18. Debra D. says:

    I guess I will have to invest in some hair ribbons, especially since my hubby beats me home. The hair ribbons will have to do, no way I can look “fresh” since I go to the gym after work. Guess that means I can’t complete that last minute walk through to clear out any clutter…Wow, how short do I fall!!

  19. On the banks of the river stood Running Bear, young Indian brave. On the other side of the river stood his lovely Indian maid. Little White Dove was a her name – such a lovely sight to see but their tribes fought with each other……………………….. That Running Bear? Now I’ll be singing that song all day – it was one of my dad’s favorites!

  20. Elizabeth says:

    my parents have the muppet album and we still love it!!!

  21. Susan says:

    Taylor, wow, where do I start? Thanks for stopping by my blog today. And at the risk of seeming like a creepy stalker or something, I must tell you that I had a dream about you last night. I ran into you in our local jewelry store with your four little darlings (who were very well-behaved, by the way), then you came out to the house for a little visit, before meeting up with one of my friends for the drive back to your home (wherever that may be). THEN, when I woke up this morning, I saw your post on the Hodgepodge. THEN, you stopped by and commented on my blog. I promise I’m a very nice person, and I don’t mean to creep you out, but it was a series of most curious events that I just had to share.
    I love the story of your parents’ wedding. I love John Denver. I love your little guy expressing himself so fashionably. Have a great day! Oh, and my Boilers are officially known as the Purdue Boilermakers. My team. 🙂

  22. Katie Brn says:

    There’s nothing wrong with jammin to John Denver. And with the discussions on song dedications, and weddings I find the need to mention that my parents wedding song was “Sunshine on my Shoulder” by the main man Denver himself!

    So I’ve grown up with a little soft spot for that soft crooning country boy.

  23. Pam says:

    There are two things that mark the onset of Christmas in this house, the first is the Coca Cola advert (holidays are coming!) and the second is the Muppets Christmas Carol. Oh boy oh boy oh boy I can’t wait for the second!!

  24. Mary says:

    Love little dude’s outfit…he did good! 😀
    Your parents got married the same way CH & I did…except we don’t have a picture of it because his bratty younger brother was in charge of the pictures (I have NO idea what CH was thinking), and he opened up the camera (pre-digital days). I have a sneaky suspicion that he knew exactly what he was doing.

  25. Amiee says:

    Can’t say I have ever heard that particular song before. How romantic 😉

    Love Little Dude’s outfit 🙂

  26. Krista says:

    Seinfield !! I was totally thinking about festivous after the Holiday questions. LOL

  27. WOW! that’s quite the outfit that boys got on!! 🙂 i don’t believe i have ever heard that song…not sure i want to either, it sounds sad…i don;t wanna think about Christmas shopping either, i have no money… 🙁

  28. Calfkeeper says:

    Ha, I know that song too. I always thought it was more depressing than romantic, but to each his own. lol

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