The Family Bed.

So.  It’s a bummer when your laptop’s power supply stops working.  And it takes you forever and a day to get a new one.  Hence the lack of blogging as of late.  But here I am, all is well.


We went to David’s parents house first for Thanksgiving and had a most enjoyable time, per usual.  Jason and Amy, the happy newlyweds, came.

Me:  So . . . what’s new with you guys?

Jason:  Amy is NOT pregnant!

Sheesh.  Get asked that much there, Jas-Bud?  And now, because it is Monday, I must now share the ever so popular photo of Jason, that you all know and love.

After we had our feast, we loaded up the family and headed to my parents house for feast #2, because we like to watch our waistlines like that.  My mother has already decked her halls and there are roughly 27 Christmas trees of various shapes and sizes in her humble abode.

Little Dude (with a twinkle in his eye):  Christmas!  Christmas came to Grams’ house, Mama!

Yes.  Yes, it did, son.

My mother’s Thanksgiving table:

Excuse me.  I believe I ordered the LARGE pinecone.

After our gluttonous feast, we decided to go to see The Muppets movie, much to David’s chagrin.  Am I the only one who thinks “chagrin” should be spelled with an “sh?”  What is the matter with people?  Within the first five minutes, the entire movie screen was flooded with grown adults singing and dancing in the streets.  This caused David to murder me with his eyes, because apparently it is all my fault.

We had popcorn at the movies.  Between us and my parents, I believe we consumed about 4 tubfuls.  Because we like to watch our waistlines like that.  Take that, Weight Watchers!

At the end of the movie, the muppets sang some Mahna Mahna song, similar to this one:

Daisy Mae, who was apparently feeling spunky after helping in the partaking of bottomless sodas and popcorn, decided to entertain us all with a little ditty about what she thinks David does while hunting.  She would hold pretend binoculars, do a funky dance and sing:

“Mahna Mahna!  I see a deer! Mahna Mahna!  I’m going to shoot it! Mahna Mahna!”

It was humorous.  To us, at least.  David was still murdering me dead with his eyes.

Black Friday.

I stayed the night at my parents’ house on Thanksgiving, all for the sake of shopping.  Because all adult children should stay the night at their parents’ house again at least once.  One time, Sister Meagan was coming home and mother called to warn her that, due to other house guests who would be staying there, she might not have a bed.

Sister Meagan:  Oh, that’s cool.  I can just sleep with you and dad.

Sister Meagan.  Getting all handsome on the family bed.  For the record, I don’t think she did.  I hope.  David decided that I would be sleeping with my parents, because he finds himself to be hilarious. I did not, thank you very much.  I slept in my own room.  And it had a Christmas tree.  And I had my own bathroom.  And it had a Christmas tree.  So that was festive.

So mother and I went shopping and we meandered into Victoria’s Secret.  These things tend to happen.

Me:  David is going to think this is fantastic.

Now, dear readers.  Of course I was meaning he would find it hilarious that we were at THAT store, since he also assumed we would be sharing a bed.  (but we didn’t, I promise).

Mom:  Oh!  Does David get excited when you shop here?

Me:  Ew!  No!  Ew!  Mom!

And that concludes today’s edition of:

“Conversations I never wished to have with my mother.”

On Friday evening, we went to David’s sister’s house for dinner.  She served lasagna.

David:  Did you like you lasagna, Taylor?

Me:  Yes.

David:  Because it had elk in it!  Ha!

So, there.  My long-running streak of abstaining from elk was thwarted.  I was punk’d.  Elk style.

On Saturday, we celebrated my mother-in-law’s 60th birthday by going to the water park and Pizza Hut.  Because everyone’s mother-in-law likes to race all her grandchildren down water slides when she turns 60.  I for one, was uber excited to don a bathing suit in November.  And yes, the Maliblahblah family pushed the limits, as they are wont to do, and did receive several whistle blows from disapproving lifeguards.

And that concludes my Thanksgiving-ish recap.  I hope you all had a fantastic times with your families!


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26 Responses to The Family Bed.

  1. welcome back to bloggy land!! i have missed you!! love the VS story with the MIL, my MIL and i have all kinds of awkward stories like that! such is life! lol glad you had a great thanksgiving, we went to my SIL’s and had a great time!

  2. JoAnn says:

    Oh my gosh I was beginning to worry about you! I too dragged my husband and two boys (ages 2 and 4) to the muppet movie, which was the BEST THING EVER, but no one else felt that way. Both boys were “BORED! THIS IS BORING! HOW MUCH LONGER!” and one was, “THIRSTY! I NEED A DRWINK! I THIRSTY FOR SODA!” Derrick had to take them out right before the Am I A Man song and it really was a shame. I stayed by myself and enjoyed every minute. Too bad I was surrounded by Moopets.

  3. Joyce says:

    I feel like we ate the entire weekend too …sounds like you had a nice holiday. Oh and fyi-Mothers understand such things even if their children want to pretend otherwise. My girls plug their ears and sing lalalalala which is a technique I used with my own mom.

    Glad you are back!

  4. Emily says:

    Welcome back! We had family here from TN for Thanksgiving and for my son’s first birthday party! It was really special (and we ate too much) 😉

  5. Melissa says:

    Oh my, what a weekend.

  6. Lisa says:

    Welcome back! Sounds like a great weekend! I haven’t seen the Muppets movie, but I just today read an article about that particular song of which you wrote. Apparently it had a naughty beginning! Here’s a link to the story, check it out.

  7. I missed you. Funny stuff.

    For some reason, I am fond of the phrase “wont to do,” so thank you for using it.

  8. Ricki says:

    I think the elk experience should be disqualified. Nothing can taste bad when covered in cheese, pasta, and tomato sauce. Nothing.

  9. Missed you! Happy Thanksgiving! Tree up yet?

  10. Noelle says:

    I don’t comment much but I always read. Thanks for making me laugh. I need it some days!

  11. datenutloaf says:

    Two points to the mom who works the word ‘wont’ into her post. Many condolences about the elk. Are you alright?

  12. Rachel Spin says:

    Is David a man or a muppet? Did he just give me the stink eye? We loved the movie. I ate too much pop corn. My kids laughed a bunch. And what about those giant muppets? I recognized one of them but the others were new to me. Did I just forget about them or are they new?

  13. Katie says:

    Welcome back! The interwebs just isn’t the same without you!

  14. Vicki B says:

    Water park in November? Didn’t you just have snow? I would never eat another thing made by the Maliblahblahs. Your husband is a very lucky man. I would have murdered him with more than my eyes.

  15. Wichiepoo says:

    Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Welcome back!!!

    Darn, I haven’t seen the Muppet Movie just because I don’t have young children anymore. I don’t think my almost eighteen year old will want to go see it with me 🙁 .

    I will have to wait until it comes out on Blu Ray…

    So sorry about the Elk-laced lasagna, there should be a law against doing such things to us poor non-wild-beast-meat-eaters. Yeah yeah, we will make that law and then we will rule the world mouah ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!

    Ok, I think I am a little too happy to see you back, I am off to work now, later peeps!

  16. Debra says:

    Well THAT was a weekend. Holla! 🙂 🙂 🙂 elk: ewwwww.

  17. Debra D. says:

    Punk’d, elk style. That raises many, many questions for me. I would like to see more of this elk punking of which you speak. Guess that means your sis-in-law has skillz and got all handsome with the lasagna!

  18. Sandy says:

    Well, I do have smart phone, but the texting is blocked. And my hubby is hanging onto his Razor with a death grip!!
    Glad you’re up and running again, missed you!

  19. Mary says:

    At least your mom didn’t tell your husband that she’s glad he’s enjoying you!
    Glad you had a good holiday!
    It totally cracks me up that you keep using the same pictures over! LOVE it!

  20. Katie Brn says:

    We also celebrated the holiday Muppet style with our 5 and 2 year olds. They enjoyed it, but probably not as much as their daddy and me. I guess I got me a “Muppet of a man.” Or at the very least, a very-manly-muppet. : ) And I LOVED all the surprise cameos in it. But who wouldn’t want to be in a muppet movie?

  21. Dawn says:

    My dad would have looked the same at my mom if she would have taken him unbeknownst to a musical. Lucky for him, all three of his daughters, one son in law and at least two grandchildren have performed in musicals and he joyously attends the performances!

  22. Sister Meagan says:

    I totes forgot about saying I’d sleep in mom and dad’s bed. That’s awkward for myself and all of the blog readers. But also hilarious.

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