Thursday Night Randomness

Guess who didn’t get vision insurance after all?


This morning, the third pair of Handsome Dude’s glasses broke mere minutes before the school bus was coming. I was, however, able to whip out the scotch tape and make a quick repair.

*I’ll give you a moment to recover from my awesomeness.*

His really good frames keep losing a leg.  I hate when that happens.  So when David came home, he took measures into his own hands.

He never ceases to amaze me.

You may ask:  “Taylor!  What on earth is he doing?!”

I don’t know, readers.  I just don’t know.  But I do know I like the dimple in his chin.

Alas.  Handsome Dude saw David fixing the glasses and now refuses to touch the “fire glasses!”  Because they will “burn him!”


During school today, Sweet Pea had to write a narration on a story she had just read.

“Oh, by the way, Mom, I like to write my “L’s” like “T’s” now, so don’t forget that when you are reading it, k?”

I looked at her like she was an insane, crazy person.  And rightfully so.  Then she erased everything and started over.


And now, because I am tired and my kids have been “cleaning” up their mess for FORTY-FIVE minutes, I shall present to you a list.

A random list.  Of all my frustrations.

1)  My tree is too big.  Have you seen it?

I do not have enough ornaments.  Or lights.  Or living room.

2)  I also don’t have a lot of cash.  Remember?  We have a four year old boy in glasses and no vision insurance.  Therefore, I have resorted to making my own ornaments.  This does not come easily for me, seeing as how I am, well, not crafty.

Allow me to share with you some of my creations.  Hold on to your pants!

Photo Ornaments

My biggest hurdle with these?  All of our rulers are not straight (?) and I am having a heck of a time cutting a straight border around them.

Apparently my kids chew on their rulers.  Because, of course they do.  Have you met my kids?

Applesauce Ornaments

They were uber frustrating to make.  But they smell delightful.

Popcorn Garland.    What in the world was I not thinking?  There is no way I could make enough garland for our Christmas Forest.  And David thinks it is dumb for me to call our tree a forest, but I think hunting is dumb,  so whatever.

I mean, hunting is soooo manly.  Rock on, babe!

I made a few small strands and just threw them around.  Because I am going to be the next Martha Stewart.  Clearly.

Want to know what’s sad?  I am impressed with all the above photos.  And you are all probably editing them in your minds.

3)  I have fond childhood memories of stringing popcorn garland and listening to the Brenda Lee Christmas album.  My adult popcorn stringing experience was not so grand.

4)  I need to buy the Brenda Lee Christmas album.  Maybe that’s the issue?

5)  I ran out of Christmas cards.  Should I buy more or try to get away with it?  Thoughts?

6)  Daisy Mae wanted to “help” making photo ornaments.

At first, I was annoyed.  And then I was annoyed that I was annoyed.

Now I will treasure it forever.  And many years from now, I shall recall how I clearly could not teach that girl how to spell.


And now, I must sign off and find some chocolate.




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23 Responses to Thursday Night Randomness

  1. I was actually thinking, “Hey, these photos are pretty good! Go Taylor!”
    Also, I just say ‘fam-ly’, not fam-i-ly…unless I’m singing that song “We are fam-i-ly! I got all my sister with me!” so I think your little lady got it right from a logical stand point at least! 😉

  2. I think the pictures are grand! Your tree reminds me of the line in a movie where the boy says”That tree won’t fit in our front yard, dad.” And the dad says, “It’s not going in our front yard, Russ. It’s going in our living room.” (or something like that) 1,000 useless points if you can tell me what movie that’s from!! Holla! 😉

  3. Teresa Dawn says:

    Oh your giganormous tree looks so pretty all decorated!! I really truly love it!!!

  4. Sandy says:


  5. Vicki B says:

    That tree must make your house smell heavenly.

  6. Cassandra says:

    Taylor- my ornaments are in storage and my neighbor lady gave me a pretty nifty ornament idea…..Take your old Christmas cards people have given you and cut out the stuff on the cover ie. snowman or santa or whatever the picture may be then make a tiny hole thread it and you have ornaments….she then said if it is a card with no little winter cartoon people like snow flakes or berry’s on a bush or plaid or just writing to cut it out in the shape of a star or snowflake and you have another ornament option lol just a idea for ya! Oh and today I had an idea to tie string around the peppermint candy wrapped in plastic tie it to one of the twisted sides of plastic and it makes a cute ornament…..just some ideas for ya….if you need more just message me on facebook, but I like what you have already done!

  7. I am SO glad it’s not just me who sends the kids to tidy, only to discover a worse mess than we started with, and the kids sitting in the middle of it all – apparently with amnesia, as they are NOT tidying but playing. Soul destroying, isn’t it?

    Who needs straight edges? Home made should be quirky – and the photo’s look great anyway!

  8. Joyce says:

    I think your tree has charm. All Christmas trees do. It’s such a pretty tree I wouldn’t worry about the ornaments. Next time you’re in the big city go in the Dollar Store and buy some plain red or gold balls or whatever color you like…they make good fillers. Candy canes also make good fillers. Your kids could make paper chains too…way less stressful than popcorn garland. I don’t think you’d need Brenda Lee for that. This will be a tree you’ll remember. Your family is so cute.

  9. Debra D. says:

    I had trouble getting past the whole deal with your rulers not being straight. So I had to check mine and by golly, you are correct! My ruler isn’t straight either! No wonder I am not crafty.

    And don’t worry about Daisy Mae’s spelling. She may be spelling phonetically, which by the way, IS NOT SPELLED PHONETICALLY!

  10. B says:

    Go out for a nature walk and pick up assorted pretty things(weeds, pine cones, berries, seed pods) . Take sacks to put the stuff in or a basket.
    The kids will be outside and get some fresh air and they can squeal , yell, and complain to their hearts desires.
    Your tree is beautimous.

  11. Katie Brn says:

    Maybe they could make gingerbread ornaments or homemade playdoh ornaments and let them dry out. I’m not a pinterest-er but I bet they have some great foodie ornament recipes.

    Because having to bake AND cut out ornaments isn’t stressful at all?

  12. Rachael says:

    Love the homemade ornaments and especially the one Daisy Mae made. It is precious and you will treasure it for many years. I have to admit though that I probably would have had the same reaction as you did initially…getting annoyed and then getting irritated that it irritated me.
    What a great tree!

  13. Kim says:

    You are truly hilarious! And I love how you have made due.

  14. Kristy says:

    Someone alluded to it in a previous post…but your Christmas tree so reminds me of the Christmas tree in Christmas Vacation with the Griswold family! Makes me laugh! But the ornaments are very cute! My Nanny used to make applesauce ornaments and they always smelled so good. I may have to learn how to make those!

  15. Sheena says:

    The “fire glasses” did me in! Awesome!

  16. datenutloaf says:

    Brenda Lee Rocks I normally do not believe in corporal punishment, mostly because it doesn’t work usually and makes parents feel worse. But I WOULD seriously HURT the person breaking the eyeglasses. Additionally, like you care, but there are frames that bend not break and I have always wondered why you don’t get them like 1800 years ago?????!!! This will be the tree you will always remember. Love the photo ornaments.

  17. datenutloaf says:

    Oh…and PS. I now refer you to your parents’ outdoor table: 2-part epoxy rocks!

  18. Andi says:

    Of course your tree is too big! That is why it’s so wonderful! You will always remember and laugh over this tree, and who knows maybe it will become a tradition!

  19. Erin says:

    Well I wouldn’t expect a small tree for a lumberjack’s family.
    He probably has big plans for it when Christmas is over.

    Candy canes would be a cheap way to decorate.
    Except when it comes time to pay for the cavities down the road 😉

    I love your thriftiness– the homemade ornaments are nice.

  20. Martha says:

    Pinecones and spraypaint. Silver or gold if you have it, otherwise any bright colour will do.

    Also, for the glasses, have you seen this stuff? It’s supposed to stay flexible but stong, and bond to most anythings.

  21. Christi Hicks says:

    Heres a cheapo idea for ornaments. Take empty ribbon spools and adhere them to Christmas wrapping paper and cut around the circle, do this on both sides. Then wrap a ribbon around the circle and tie a knot and leave enough ribbon to form a loop to hang from the tree.

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