Like you care.

My friend, Shelly, was attempting to get some decent shots of my kids for me this week.

Cue Little Dude and his secret, inner desire to be a supermodel . . .

Apparently Little Dude likes to pose.

No one was asking him to . . . he was just feeling it, you know?

Is he showing off his bum?  We cannot be certain.

Shelly asked him to sit on the chair.  It was a vain attempt to get him to stop showing his bum.

“Have you ever wondered if there was more to life, other than being really, really, ridiculously good looking?”

(Name that movie.)

Well.  He is cute.  I’ll give him that.

Yes!  My son does have water all down the front of his shirt.  I’m glad you noticed.  And, yes!  He is wearing two left cowboy boots.  It’s his trademark.

Every time we are in public, I look upon my son in dismay as I realize that, yes, he has once again chosen the two left cowboy boots.  Per usual.

One of these days I’m gonna march over to that shoe basket and remove one of those pairs of boots.  Someday.

Let’s do a COW.

For it pleases us.

This week’s goes to my very own Auntie Datenut.

I normally do not believe in corporal punishment, mostly because it doesn’t work usually and makes parents feel worse. But I WOULD seriously HURT the person breaking the eyeglasses. Additionally, like you care, but there are frames that bend not break and I have always wondered why you don’t get them like 1800 years ago?????!!!

Ohmygoodnessgracious.  That comment killed me.  KILLED me.  More specifically, the part where she writes, “like you care.”

So, now, dear readers, I will give you:

The Glasses Story (like you care)

(did you see what I did just there?)

Once upon a time, I had a baby boy.  He was uber handsome and precious.  But, alas.  The boy’s eyes were not working proper-like.

So the baby boy had to get glasses at the age of 6 months.

Please take note of the walls in my former house.

See how they are NOT PEACH.  That’s key.

Baby Handsome Dude would not keep glasses on.  It was impossible.  Have you ever tried to reason with a baby?

But as the boy grew, we were able to get him to wear them more.  But he wasn’t the most gentle with the glasses.

We have gone to the same optical place since Sweet Pea was two.  They are always very kind to me and fix the glasses for free and always try to give me a discount or help me out in some way.

For this they know to be truth:  I cannot keep glasses on the boy.  And they pity me.

Last May, I took Handsome Dude to a new eye doctor who completely changed his prescription and made it much stronger.  Poor Handsome Dude’s eyes were not doing well at all.  He was having double vision and his eye was constantly wandering.  But since he got his new prescription, Handsome Dude is very careful with his glasses now.  He hates not wearing them.  I think its because he can actually see now.

I had considered the more flexible frames, but the awesome peeps at the optical place were able to save me money by just ordering new lenses for his existing frames.  These frames have broken 1.2 million times, but they kept saying they are under warranty and order new ones.  For free!

But the warranty is up.  Which is why my husband had to torch the frames to mold them into submission.

Handsome Dude has two other pairs of glasses.  The astute reader might remember me talking about how my husband bought some INDESTRUCTIBLE glasses from a different optical place.  Traitor.

We were told these frames would bend, not break.

They break.

Plus, Handsome Dude’s lenses are too thick for these frames and the lenses are always popping out.  Which is not his fault at all.

But the frames breaking?  That would be the work of this guy:

So, there you go.  And his prescription might change again this spring, so we are trying to hold off on buying new ones until after that doctor’s appointment.

Hence the blowtorch.

But, rest assured, we will be ordering more durable frames.  In fact, the optical place (MY optical place) already has some ordered for him to try on.

Alright.  I must go do my chores and whatnot.

But first, I must share the convo I heard between the dudes this morning before they were getting in the bath.

They were both naked.  FYI.

Little Dude:  Hey!  Hey, you!

Handsome Dude:  What!

Little Dude:  Come and get me!   Come and get me cowboy!

Handsome Dude:  O-Tay, cowboy!

And the two naked cowboys chased each other around the house.

As per their usual custom.

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17 Responses to Like you care.

  1. I think that last conversation actually took place between you and LJ, and you just changed the names to protect the not-so-innocent…

    Heeheehee. I’m so funny. (At least that’s what my youngest tells me daily.)

  2. Would it be considered abuse to glue them to his face?

  3. Amy says:

    Another thing I wondered, in addition to the lack of indestructible glasses in your house, is why you don’t attach his glasses to him with one of those rope thingies that goes on the ear pieces. You know, the one that old ladies use to keep their reading glasses around their necks? Of course, you’d have to get an uber cool boy version. I’m not sure loosing the glasses is actually the problem though. It’s late. I ramble. That is all.

  4. Dee says:

    Zoolander, of course! And NOTHING is indestructible at the hands of a child!!!

  5. diana at home says:

    Umm, umm, umm, Zoolander?
    There is a talent scout looking for a Little Dude, I am sure. Hey. Make some bank off the boy’s natural skill/talent/genes. He’ll be able to afford replacement glasses.

  6. Joyce says:

    So we know with all that smiling and posing he doesn’t take after LJ…I’m thinking there must be a little of the super model in you : )

  7. Yes, Joyce is right! I hadn’t thought of that….your hubby is very UN-model-like in pictures, so for sure it’s YOU the little supermodel is taking after! That pic of him in the chair just killed me!

    Like you care.

  8. Katie says:

    I think you may very well have a young Zoolander on your hands…

  9. Katie Brn says:

    Aha! Zoolander! Why didn’t I remember that? And I’m with Mindee on the glue thing. Or have them attached to a Darth Vader mask so he gets to be Darth Vader everytime he wears them.

  10. Katie Brn says:

    Aha! Zoolander! Why didn’t I remember that? And I’m with Mindee on the glue thing. Or have them attached to a Darth Vader mask so he gets to be Darth Vader everytime he wears them.

  11. hahaha nice one melissa! i tell ya taylor, i would be at my wits end with that whole thing with the glasses. it’s got to be frustrating! hopefully as he gets older that will get better.

  12. Andi says:

    I actually DO care, and wondered why you didn’t buy them, but was pretty sure you had a good reason, so I displayed seldom displayed restraint and didn’t ask…

    Which is really big for me. So thanks for sharing!

  13. LeAnna says:

    Garsh, your little dude is totally cute. And I’m hee-hawing over the first commenter.
    Or maybe I’m bahahahahah’ing. It’s a little more refined than heeeeeeeee-haaaawwwww.

  14. JodiJean says:

    My son helped me put his old shoes in a box for a friend to take to an orphanage. Unfortunately, he had two pairs exactly the same in different sizes, and ended up mixing the sets. He wore two right shoes to preschool the next day: each a different size! He knew they were wrong. “Even when I switch them, Mom, they’re still wrong!”

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