The Letter A

The girls just asked me if they could go outside and show the boys God’s beautiful creation.


My work here is done.

In other news, I am nursing my caffeine addiction and trying to create my mother’s Christmas card for her.  Isn’t it sad that my parents see me as a photo genius?

The girls have coerced their father into giving them another pet rabbit.  The rabbit thing got a little hare-y (oh, darn that was clever) last fall and David took over all rabbit responsibilities.  The girls have finally earned the right back to care for one again.

They came inside and got David’s awesome book “The Wonderful World of Rabbits” or something like that and taught themselves how to sex a rabbit.

And yes.  I just used the phrase “sex a rabbit.”  I am one of those people now.  The girls feel they have chosen a girl, although who knows? I am certainly not going to go double check the gender sitch out there.

They made a daily checklist for how they shall care for their rabbit, of whom they have named Independent.  And can we not all agree that there are far more fantastic names for a rabbit than “Independent? Like Gladys or Bertha or Norma Jean Riley?  Besides, I am pretty sure them rabbits are not independent at all.

Independent’s Daily Checklist:



Sing to her



Sing to her?  This must be what happens when one homeschools.  And who said she could have an apple each day?  Not I.

We had a Christmas Party with our home school co op peeps.  It was lovely AND there was a jumping castle.  I got pictures of all the kids minus Daisy Mae.  Daisy Mae is a social butterfly and cannot be found when amongst her peers.

Sweet Pea

Little Dude

Handsome Dude

Face Plant.  Nailed it.

You will be relieved to know that I collected his glasses AND even had a spare glasses case in my purse.  Thankyouverymuch.

I caught up on my Christmas wrapping the other day and the kids have had a grand time looking at all the wrapped presents under the tree.

I, for one, will be uber impressed if the dudes refrain from opening any presents while I am showering.

Little Dude was examining all the names on the packages.

Me:  What do you want for Christmas?

Little Dude (shouting, per usual):  THE LETTER “A”

Me:  Huh?


And he proceeded to show me how each of his siblings have the letter “A” in their factual names and he, sadly, does not.

Little Dude:  “A”!  I WANT AN “A”!

Me:  Probably not going to happen.

Little Dude: “A!”

Alright.  Time to get back to our academics.  Later Dudes.

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13 Responses to The Letter A

  1. LeAnna says:

    Poor kid, being deprived of an A and all. I like Independents name. So long as it doesn’t turn into Codependent you’ll be doing alright, Mama.

    May the caffeine floweth like a river.

    Also, I’m mildly jealous you have your Christmas wrapping done. Mildy should not be confused with hardly, either.

    • Sister Meagan says:

      I’d like to nominate this for COW, mostly on account of this:
      “I like Independents name. So long as it doesn’t turn into Codependent you’ll be doing alright, Mama. ”

      First, I agree entirely with this comment, and it is hilarious.

      However, the entire comment is hilarious and I’d like to see if placed nicely on the blog under the picture of that dashing cow.

      Thank you

  2. Andi says:

    Sexing rabbits, eh?

    Before you know it, you will stop using the word “unit” in reference to certain male “parts.” I would use the word “genitalia” but you might pass out.

    Oops. I think I just used it anyways…

  3. Love the photo of Handsome Dude. He’s SO not gonna thank you for that when he’s a teenager!

  4. Deb says:

    For a minute there, I was scared we were gonna have to look at that sketch of rabbit doodles again.


  5. Micah says:

    Do you go to a certain home-schooling co-op on Fridays? Which is located in a church on “Little House on the” Prairie road? I have been known to frequent that one.

  6. Joyce says:

    Sex a rabbit? I’m guessing you’ll get some crazy spam/google searches with that particular combination of words.

    Independent is an excellent name for a rabbit. “Sing to her”…your little girls would love my big girls : )

  7. datenutloaf says:

    Looks like you’re going to need extra large gift tags for LD so you can include his last name. Then he can have a couple of A’s. More than his siblings. How very observant of him.

  8. Christi Hicks says:

    I lost it when I saw Handsome Dudes face plant, thats hilarious.

  9. Vicki B says:

    That reminds me of the scene in Your’s Mine and Our’s with Lucille Ball where the little boy argued with the nun over his last name! Does he have an “A” in his middle name?
    Last name? If it was me, I’d stick an A in there somewhere. Kind of like you wanting brown hair.

  10. Calfkeeper says:

    If he has an A in his last name he ought to be happy. But if not; just call him “A (Little Dude) and tell him his “A” comes first.

    Great face plant pic.

    Sexing rabbits; eh? Before you know it you will be making hasenpfeffer! Ha ha.

  11. Shannon says:

    Show him that there is no “A” in Independent and explain to him that he is a rabbit. That’s what a good mom would do.

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