The Tea Party

You may recall that the girls and I went to Tennessee to visit Bimlissa and company last fall.

During said trip, we took the girls to the American Girl store in Atlanta.  We had a tea party there and life, for my girls, would never be the same again.

So, for Sweet Pea’s birthday, she wanted to have an “American Girl Tea Party.”

Now.  I am not “creative.”  Nor am I “girly.”  And I’m definitely not “lovely” or “graceful.”  So throwing such a party was a bit of a challenge for me.  But I prevailed!

Prepared to be wowed by my awesomeness.

First, I coerced my mother into hosting.  This was brilliant on my part for a few reasons.

1)  Her house is nicer.

2)  She is nicer.

3)  She lives closer to, oh, you know, PEOPLE.  Therefore we might actually get some humans to come.

My mom and dad had the table all set up for us before we got there.

Mother used Sister Meagan’s American girl dolls from her childhood as centerpieces.  I would like the people to know that I, their eldest daughter, received zero American girl dolls during my childhood, while Meagan, their youngest daughter received TWO.

Not that I am bitter.

(But I would have picked Samantha.  She was the bomb.  There’s no denying it.)

My dad made a huge pot of hot cocoa and talked to himself.  He talks to himself often, he cannot help it.  Apparently, he was trying to figure out what was going to take place in his home today, seeing as how his granddaughters were about to burst from excitement.

What is a tea party?

What are they going to do?

I don’t understand how this works?

Well, Dad.  I fear you don’t understand how many things work.

Mother sent father out to do some errands.  It was for the best.

The girls and I had prepared a menu beforehand with many delicious treats.

What was on the menu, you ask?

Felicity’s Hot Cocoa with Marshmallow Dippers

(Marshmallow Dippers recipe and image source)

Samantha’s Pink Lemonade

Kaya’s Fruit Kabobs with yogurt dip and mini poppyseed muffins

Kit’s Turkey and Cheese Sandwiches (cut out into a bunny shape)

Rebecca’s Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches (cut out into a star shape)

Julie’s Mini Bagels with Cream Cheese

Josefina’s Candy Brownies (brownies with M and M’s on top)

Molly’s Tea Party Cupcakes

I am sure you are all amazed . . . and rightfully so.  But allow me to let you in on a little secret:

All you do is pick a finger food and stick one of the American Girl character’s names in front of it.

I’ll do it right now.

Veggies and Dip . . .

Kirsten’s Veggies with Dip.


And that’s how it’s done, folks.

The girls all arrived with a doll and felt they were all that and a bag of chips.  During the tea party, I suggested the dolls get acquainted on the couch and not risk getting some of FELICITY’s hot cocoa on them.

The girls.

After they ate, we played American Girl Bingo.  It was all free and gameboards could be printed from this site.

I printed them out on cardstock, so we can use them over and over again.

I KNOW! Can you believe I am this “with it”?

The birthday girl, enjoying a rousing game of Bingo.

Happy Birthday to Sweet Pea!  I hope she enjoyed her MOLLY TeaParty cupcake.

We purchased all the tea cups for 25 cents and saucers for 10 cents at a thrift store and sent them home as party favors for the girls.

I told you I would wow you, the Susie Fantastic that I clearly am.

Nailed it.


We opened our Christmas presents from Jason and Amy today.  It is a long story, and mostly our fault, but there is no time to explain as to why we are opening Christmas presents on January the 8th.

Just go with it.

Look at what Amy made me!

A collage frame with the photos already in it!  Score!

Now if I could only get her to create all my photo albums from the years 2007-2012 . . .

Perhaps if I told her she was more precious than fine rubies?  Thoughts?

They also gave the kids Legos.  Little Dude has been “cleaning up” his mess for about 90 minutes now.


I used the flash.  Isn’t that a mortal sin in photography nowadays?

I care not.


Later dudes.


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20 Responses to The Tea Party

  1. michelle dawn says:

    Oh how fun! It looks like the party was a hit, what great ideas.

  2. Shabree says:

    You are such a great mommy!!! So fun!

  3. Joyce says:

    Your party is so adorable! I won’t tell you how many American Girl Dolls are tucked safely into their boxes in my basement but none of them belong to me. Their furniture is also packed away and just maybe when we were putting away Christmas stuff last week my 21 year old daughter asked me if I knew which box had Kirsten’s trunk in it. I better get some granddaughters one day!

  4. JodiJean says:

    I am totally impressed with your party skills! Seriously! Big win for you. I was dying over the Lego mess! Dying! Why must toys have parts?

  5. Erin says:

    I could use a bowl of TAYLOR popcorn right about now.

  6. You definitely nailed it, and I am very impressed. I was even more impressed when at first I thought you photographed your marshmallow dippers, but then I saw that you cited the source. 🙂

    And you are too lovely, you liar.
    (Somehow that didn’t come out like the compliment I intended…)

  7. Christina says:

    Hello! I am commenting again…I have a computer now. 🙂 Guess what? I am having hot chocolate and I am pretty sure I was just talking to myself. Your dad and I? We are two peas in a pod.
    You are one awesome momma…and so is your momma. What a very special day!! I love every bit of it.

  8. diana at home says:

    OK. And I thought I was birthday-party-ambitious. Clearly, I have a lot to learn. Love the idea and we are totally stealing it. thank you.
    (it never hurts to tell a gal she is finer than rubies. and until she bears children, what else does she have to do?) hahahahahahaha!

  9. My two year old saw the photo of Little Dude and the lego explosion … “That Danma and Dandash (Grandma and Grandad) house?” That’s normally the state my kids leave it in, given half the chance … !

    Way to go on the tea party! You should start up a business with your mum!

  10. Jessy H. says:

    The party looks great, I’m very impressed.

    I spent the weekend with our high school youth group and have some new words they taught me and I thought I should share them with you.
    Please feel free to use these on your boss blog.

  11. Lynette says:

    What a fun party…you are BOSS!! 🙂 Have a great week!

  12. Amy Maliblahblah says:

    Ah, we made the blog! I feel so special. Glad you loved the picture frame. FYI – I work for coffee and gluten-free pastries…and rubies I suppose. So perhaps we can work something out. 🙂

  13. You lost me at marshmallow dippers. I want one so bad!!

  14. I. Hate. Legos. When you’re not stepping on them, you’re accidentally vacuuming them up. One of the prices you have to pay for having boys I suppose.

  15. datenutloaf says:

    How bout a photo of the magic boots, perhaps with the big earrings…

  16. Lisa Buchanan says:

    You are SUCH a BOSS MOM! My kids have had nary (sp???) a one “fun kid” birthday party. I am that mean. And I care not. Obviously.

  17. LeAnna says:

    Tea parties are SO MUCH FUN! My mama and I have them for Christmas, and Valentines day. And whenever else we want to get a bunch of ladies together. Great fun. And yes, Samantha was the best American Girl. The best.
    Sweet pictures of your adorable girl!

  18. Kim says:

    You know, I always wanted an American Girl doll too. I wanted Kirsten so badly, but instead my Aunt sent me a “pretend” Kirsten doll. It just wasn’t the same… especially when my cousin had both Samantha and Molly. Seriously? And who had to sit there and watch their cousin put their American Dolls in all the cute outfits and props? That would be me- with my Kirsten-wanna-be doll. I’m not bitter at all. No I am not. But just wait until she has kids because I’m going to get her kids a “pretend” Cabbage Patch doll or a “pretend” Care Bear. They’re coming back in style. And kids are smart… they just KNOW they aren’t the same. It’s a vicious cycle.

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