The Dog Formerly Known as Gretta

My husband is currently watching a show called “American Farmer.”


Yet, he sleeps during The Superbowl.  And that’s all I have to say about that.

I promised myself on Sunday night that I would blog everyday this week. And here it is . . . almost Thursday.  I am such a liar.  But we have had an eventful week!

I hope you have your party pants on.

On Monday, we went to our homeschool co-op.  Which was lovely per usual.  Afterwards, we went to Target, and oh my lands, how I have missed Target.  I have not been in there in ages!  It is a truly a delight.  As we were checking out, Handsome Dude decided to become curious.

HD:  Mom.  Hey, MOM?  Why is that girl working?

And he is pointing right at our cashier.

Me:  Yes, mm-hmmm.

I decide to frantically search for a piece of gum to stick in the boy’s mouth.  Because I know not what he is going to say.  But it probably won’t be good.


Why do you care, O Inquisitive One?  The strange thing is every single female family member he knows works, except for one of his aunts.  So, in reality, he should think it is weird that I don’t work.

Friendly Target Associate:  Well, young man, I don’t have a husband, so I have to pay for all my own bills and food and stuff.  That is why I work!

Bless her heart.  She was so cheerful.  And my boy just looked at her and walked away.  He is lovely, isn’t he?

On Tuesday, I woke up determined to figure out some way to make my homeschooling life more organized.  I told Sweet Pea we should consider making a school room out of the play room.  I hopped in the shower and when I got out, she had already started moving desks into the playroom and teaching her sister how to indent the first sentence in a paragraph.  Which is humorous, actually, because Sweet Pea REFUSES to indent the first sentence in a paragraph.  But I digress.

We made up a school room and the kids all got into helping.

Here are the boys.  They are “learning.”  And when I asked if they could smile for a picture, they refused.  They said they were too busy.

And about 10 minutes into our morning, the boys had came and conquered, leaving our nice neat school area looking like this:

And this:

Check out those ginormous firetrucks.  They were gifts from my in-laws.  Oh!  And they make lots of grand noises, too!

Grandparents.  Giving large, obnoxious toys.  Because they can.

Here is a shot of Daisy Mae during a spelling lesson:

I use All About Spelling with her.  She is spelling the word “problem.”  As in, “I have a problem with the fact that my walls are still peach.”

The girls asked me why I was taking pictures during school.  I told them to not worry about it.  Then they squealed and giggled and squealed:

“Mom!  Are you making us a yearbook?!”

Because they are delusional like that.

I am playing around with the idea of “workboxes.”  Have you heard of these, O Fellow Homeschoolers?  I got the idea from this blog post.  I am pretty sure that a new school room, a giant dry erase board, and workboxes are going to solve all of my homeschooling angst.  Do not tell me otherwise.  Let me have my moment.

And, yes.  I am going to get a dry erase board.  My husband, along with all of his muscles, will be bringing home a . . . wait for it . . . wait for it . . .

4 foot by 8 foot dry erase board AND he will be installing it on the morrow.


Oh, be still my heart!

These are the things that excite me now.  I told him it could be my Valentine’s Day present.  Because we are uEber romantic like that.

The ”e” in uEber is brought to you by my know-it-all little sister,  Sister Meagan.

Sister Meagan:  Acting like the big sister since she graduated from the big college in 2010.

Fun Fact Little Sister:  I graduated from college, too.

Sister Meagan is acting all needy-like lately and needing lots of attention just because she got a dog.  She named the dog “Gretta.”  And I approved.  But then she switched to Eleanor for some unknown reason.  And then I went on with my life and forgot all about the dog because, hello, I have other things to think about like DRY ERASE BOARDS.  So she sends me a text tonight that says:

My dog’s great.  Thanks.

This means Sister Meagan is hurt by my lack of enthusiasm for The Dog Formerly Known as Gretta.  Truth be told, I really want a dog.  But an easy dog.  Like one I don’t have to deal with.  And I want to name her or him Norma Jean Riley.

All my life I have wanted a pet named Norma Jean Riley.  And a ridiculously large 4×8 dry erase board.

100 (meaningless) points to anyone who knows where I got the fantastic name “Norma Jean Riley.”

And no.  You can’t steal it.


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24 Responses to The Dog Formerly Known as Gretta

  1. michelle dawn says:

    Its a song?

  2. SaraB says:

    Marilyn Monroe’s real name was Norma Jean Riley, right?

  3. Sandy says:

    diamond rio had a song called norma jean riley…and marty roe wished he had a dog too! =o)

  4. Norma Jean Riley’s gonna marry meeeeee…

    And I thank you that I now have that song stuck in my head.

  5. michelle dawn says:

    I wish i had a dog…. sitting in the park with a puppy on a string…. now its stuck in my head too!

  6. That workbox theory sounded really cool. I dont even have a kid at home and still was interested enough to read the entire article lol. Love Diamond Rio. Why dont you name one of the rabbits Norma Jean Riley lol.

  7. Joyce says:

    I love the look on Daisy Mae’s face…she is serious about her spelling lesson! When my youngest daughter was 10 she asked for an overhead projector for her birthday. Hubs got her one from work that they were getting rid of (probably because that’s about when everyone went to dry erase boards). You enjoy your Valentine’s Day gift!

    We’re going to a dog show this weekend. ruh-roh.

  8. Amy says:

    Are you getting an actual dry erase board with wooden trim, or are you going to get the kind that is actually just a big sheet of that dry wall type stuff you can put up for shower walls from Home Depot? We got a big sheet of the stuff from Home Depot and cut it into smaller squares for individual white boards for my students. I say we, but really some ueber (notice the e sister Meagan!) handy man who made them for me. I forget who made them, but I’m certain your lumberjack could handle such a project. Yay for Norma Jean Riley. If the cat is still around, you should rename him that.

  9. Amy says:

    Are you getting an actual dry erase board with wooden trim, or are you going to get the kind that is actually just a big sheet of that dry wall type stuff you can put up for shower walls from Home Depot? We got a big sheet of the stuff from Home Depot and cut it into smaller squares for individual white boards for my students. I say we, but really some ueber (notice the e sister Meagan!) handy man who made them for me. I forget who made them, but I’m certain your lumberjack could handle such a project. Yay for Norma Jean Riley. If the cat is still around, you should rename him that.

  10. JoAnn says:

    fool fool whatcha gonna dooooo.

    those types of easy low maintenance dogs don’t exist. I have to tell you this story lady.
    You know my dog, the one I hate, the small yappy one who bites at my ankles every time I open the door, the one who pees and barfs on the ONE area of carpet in the house? The one the boys kick and pull by the tail? Well, my cousin asked if she could have my dog, and my husband said okay so I gave the dog away. And there was much rejoicing.

    Until 9 p.m. when my 4 year old wanted to ask me a question. Where was Snickers? I reminded him. He broke down into hysterical sobs. He was over tired and I had broken his heart apparently.
    Good times.
    Then my husband joined in. Saying I had given away his dog. The boys dog. WHAT THE? Everyone was against me.
    This morning my son woke up and asked if we could get a bigger dog today. One that plays fetch. A bulldog with horns.
    I said no.
    My husband said, “well you have to get the boy a dog. boys need dogs.”
    I think, maybe perhaps, I have destroyed my life.
    The end.

  11. Katie B says:

    And here I thought Norma Jean Riley sang Harper Valley PTA, but I guess that was Jeannie C. Riley. Thank you Google!

    And I am über excited to see the pics of the dry erase board. Because I’m an office junkie and LOVE dry erase boards. (I’m sick like that . . .)

    • Sister Meagan says:

      Woah! You got an umlaut in there! Very impressive!

      • Lola says:

        Hi, dear Sister Meagan!

        The word “umlaut” is written “Umlaut” ; please look at the initial. All nouns begin with a (big) initial in German.
        But I am very glad that you taught your sister the correct way to write “ueber”. LOL.
        Hugs, Lola (a nerd in Germany, and a native. A native nerd, I suppose)

  12. I’m just going to point out that when yelling at a dog, “Greta” rolls off the tongue much more easily than “Eleanor”.

  13. Lisa says:

    We got a 4 x 8 dry erase board this year too. You will LOVE it!!! AND usually, they are MAGNETIC!! You can get magnetic clips and hang your maps on it for geography time! SO. MUCH. FUN! I’m super excited for you! 🙂 (There’s the possibility that I get overly excited by little things. I think it’s a hazard of being a homeschooling mom.)

  14. Lani says:

    I saw on a blog on the WTM boards that someone was using a giant oil drip pan (from the auto parts store) as a magnet board for their AAS tiles. It was cool. You could put it next to your giant dry erase board.

  15. Lisa Buchanan says:

    1. Do you like or dislike peach walls? I can’t figure it out.

    2. Your girls are just beautiful! My boys should keep an eye on them. I’ll have to do it for them since they are NOT INTERESTED in girls YET. Sports, legos and sports alone.

    3. I do know where Norma Jean Riley comes from since in my “wild yesteryears” I decided to live it up on the edge and listened to non-Christian music. Oh, I WAS a wild one!

    4. Now I am a homeschooling mom of 7. I’m back on the straight and narrow, am I not?

    5. The schoolroom pictures make me very happy . . . the ones after the dudes went through. To see that other people must high-step it around their house is a very comforting thing. That is until the “Daddy’s coming” whistle blows and everyone must kick into high-clean-up mode. For Daddy is most worthy (and a dang good excuse) to get them to clean up their mess!

  16. MindyLou says:

    I am coming to join you on the dark side….and I have already planned on getting a dry erase board. Does that mean I am getting ahead of myself?

  17. datenutloaf says:

    dry erase markers are toxic

  18. Andi says:

    Fun post! FYI: All of us who are going to work are not so secretly jealous of all of you who get to stay home…Minus the homeschooling part. Not jealous there.

    At all.

  19. Christina says:

    We have a giant dry erase board, and I do love it, but it doesn’t have a great home. Right now it is leaning against the wall in our front entry way acting as a information center. It’s a disaster is what it is. But it’s lovely for guests to see first thing when they come in the door.

    If we continue to homeschool, I will have to check out this workbox idea. Maybe by implementing an awesome organizational system like that we could even keep Christian home. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I’m too funny.

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