O is for Obviously

As in obviously I didn’t think through this whole “A to Z Blogging Challenge” thing.  Who has time to come up with a post everyday?

Not I.

I have nothing to say, but this does not surprise you.  Therefore, I shall take a whole bunch of random pictures from the past couple of weeks and just force you to feign enjoyment at looking at them.

You’re so very welcome.

Here’s a dandy.

Handsome Dude:  Mom!  There’s a TRICKEN in the WINDOW!

 I know what you are thinking.  “Taylor!  Enough with the chicken talk!  We get it!  You have chickens!”

But this is my life now.  Therefore, you will act like you care.  Just like you will pretend to enjoy this gem:

We have eggs coming out our ears.  I think we are getting over a dozen a day.  This did not impress the Mister, however.  He informed me that we should be getting more like two dozen a day.  Because he was in 4-H and has his “hoity-toity farm and ranch” pants on.   I, of course, was never in 4-H, and he likes to gloat over his superior poultry knowledge.  But I have better spelling and grammar skills.  Or skillz, if you are so inclined.

Little Dude.

This is Little Dude and Miley.  He calls her MileyGirl and is always following her around, the poor dear.  She is patient with him, but I think she finds him to be a bit smothering.  Little Dude will oft have dog hair stuck to his nose and always smells like dog now.  FYI.

We celebrated my niece and my dad’s birthday the other day.  Niece was a bit nervous about the whole “restaurant birthday song” sitch, and understandably so.  They toughed it out together.

Plus, they got free desserts and that is always a perk.

Awhile back, David’s side of the family had a photo scavenger hunt.  Why?  Just for kicks and grins, I suppose.  I only have pictures of my team.

Here we are in the produce section of Walmart.  As if we could not be any cooler.

 Have you ever been in Walmart and seen random people running around with a camera posing with various merchandise?

Yes.  We would be those people.

One of the tasks on the hunt was to get a picture with someone you knew, but who was not participating in the hunt.

The sentence, which was written by my husband, was poorly worded and lacking in proper comma placement.  (I told you I was better at grammar than he) Therefore, my mother-in-law read it as getting pictures with people you don’t know at all.

It was quite humorous looking through all of her pictures with poor, helpless strangers.  I’m sure they didn’t think she was insane at all.

My sister-in-law has got to be the most photogenic person on the face of this earth.  Here she is pointing at cows.  Because this is what my inlaws do.  We stop on the side of the road and pose with cows, didn’t you know?

I mean, really.  She looks like she belongs in a Pantene commercial.  Let us all silently envy her gorgeous, red hair, shall we?

Alright.  That’s all I got.  If anyone wanted to throw out a few suggestions for the letter “P”, I would not read said suggestions with disdain.  I would be most thankful.

Otherwise, we’ll probably talk about POULTRY.

You’ve been warned.


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25 Responses to O is for Obviously

  1. I know you have lots of material of the peeing and pooping variety. Don’t deny it.

    • JodiJean says:

      Exactly what I was thinking! Bring out the potty talk! With all those kids and animals, there’s a whole lot of poop at your house! 😀

  2. I can’t help you with P, but with all those eggs I’m thinking that Q should be a recipe for Quiche.

    Fun story: In college I waited tables at a nice-ish restaurant that always got high school couples on prom night. One lovely young lady in her fabulous finery perused the menu carefully before ordering quiche. Only she pronounced it quickie. Which I sincerely hope is not what she meant.

  3. JoAnn says:

    i dont mind. I think your chicken sitch it HYSTERICAL.

    You know you could sell those eggs right? I can see it now….

    • JodiJean says:

      She could walk to town every day to sell them like Carolyn Ingalls!

      • Shelly says:

        I know I’m a bit behind on commenting, but I agree with Jodi Jean, she should walk to the nearest town and sell eggs, she would be a lot like Carolyn Ingalls, dealing with the natives and all.

  4. Jill says:

    We had chickens when we were in Uganda. Apparently the roosters’ conduct around the hens taught my young children quite a bit about the birds and the bees.

    How about P is for Pinterest?

    • Hahaha! Yes Jill, I’ve got the same trouble. So far I’ve been able to avoid the subject. It think it’s cuz my oldest are boys. The 10 yr old says from time to time, “We have one of those men chickens that’s always jumping on the other ones.”

      “Yup. Yup we have son.”

      I hear from my BFF that girls are much quicker to catch on. 🙂

      I love your P idea! Pinterest is my favorite new place.

  5. Dana says:

    I love the chicken situation!

    Wish I could help you with P–I think poultry would be awesome, actually!–but I’m still trying to figure it out for myself. 🙂

  6. Marian says:

    Ha ha…Poultry is Perfect…or Poultry Poo would be good too!
    Oh, I can’t wait until tomorrow to see what you come up with. Have a great day!

  7. B says:

    You need blue stars on your red/white striped chicken coop……..unless you are in Canada then I take that back.
    Then you won’t have to paint the rest of it.

  8. P is for Pictures!

    Or perhaps ‘Psycho’? Seeing as you live in the middle of nowhere, you MUST have a local psycho?

    Or is that a little stereotypical of me?

    Just trying to think outside of the box and suggest the less obvious!

  9. Dawn says:

    Well, you used to talk about rabbits all the time so the chickens are new–Just kidding!! 😉 In spite of the smell, I think a boy and his dog is the cutest thing ever! And about your sister in law–forget her hair–Can I please have her flat stomach???? And Taylor–of course we care or we wouldn’t visit a total stranger who lives in the middle of nowhere and homeschools!

  10. Joyce says:

    P is for ‘unit’.
    Obviously : )

  11. Well, at least that chick in in the hen house and not in your kitchen. Imaging my surprise when I learned (after being gone for several hours) that my dog had learned how to open the front door and two hens let themselves into my kitchen!

    When I saw them I wanted to ask, “What’s for lunch?”

    🙂 Your little shout out for my blog brought me a bunch of new visitors but nowhere near the comments you get. You are amazing, alphabet or no! I’m much obliged but don’t be so quiet ya’ll.

    And yes, I too am jealous of the hair!

  12. Bunny says:

    Great pictures and a wonderful family.
    I live on a farm in Kentucky and tell your husband 1 dozen of eggs a day is great unless you have 50 or more chickens lol.

  13. Jody says:

    The scavenger hunt sounds like fun! I love “tricken” is that a new breed of turkey chicken?

  14. Ruth says:

    Please! Talk about Poultry! I think I will have boiled eggs for lunch…your influence in far-reaching!

  15. Ruth says:

    Dang! IS far-reaching. I hate it when there are errors in my comments.

  16. Michelle says:

    By the way, your hair looks great for the scavenger hunt!

  17. Gianna says:

    I’m getting the itch to have chickens now!
    No, seriously!
    I really really am!
    When can I come and learn about how to raise chickens from you because I am confident that you do a better job than I will do, but I still want chickens!
    Totally want chickens!

  18. Gianna says:

    Oh, and P should be for pollywogs!
    Yeah, pollywogs!

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