Ridiculous and Sweet

I’m going to cheat and combine my “R” and “S” posts.  I KNOW!  I am such a rebel.  But herein lies the truth:

I HAVE to go camping this weekend.  And blogging is generally frowned upon when one is trying to “rough it” out in the wilderness.  Although I am totes bringing my hair dryer, and I am not ashamed to admit it.

Let us all sing praises of thanksgiving that my husband, David Maliblahblah, bought a trailer with a generator.  And don’t judge me for bringing a hairdryer.  Its probably going to be about 40 degrees tomorrow morning and a gal can’t have wet hair whilst being in the 40 degree weather.  And don’t judge me for showering either.  Or bringing my coffee pot.

Not everyone can “rough it” like we can.

I know what you are thinking.  “Taylor!  How exactly will you be ‘roughing it?'”

Well.  My curling iron shall be left behind.  Feel badly for me.

The astute reader might recall that we had to go camping last April for my dad’s birthday.  I wrote about it in a post aptly named:

“Camping in April.”

As if I could not be any more creative with the titles of my posts.

The astute reader might also recall that we had some trouble last year with getting our trailer hauled out of the spring muck.  Well, we had the same problem this year.

So.  This was my husband’s plan.

Little Dude:  Dad?  Why does mother always insist on photographing things?

David:  Because she is insane, son.

So, I have to drive the truck, which is of course, towing the trailer, and the bulldozer has to tow the truck.  Its like a train.  Yes.  A redneck, hillbilly, camping-fun train.

I spend the entire time praying for my life.  I do not enjoy this Tom Foolery that my husband seems to always get us in.  But the trailer is out of the mud and I am supposed to be packing it.  But here I am, drinking coffee and blogging.

I’m a little concerned as to how we shall camp in the future with our newly-founded farm.  Because, oh!, did I tell you?  David brought home NINE MORE CHICKENS last night.  I think he needs to see a professional.  I’m like Dr. Doolittle over here.  I think we have about 40 rabbits, 33 chickens, 2 dogs, 2 goldfish, 1 kitten, and two turkeys.

Yes.  Tom is still with us.

Unfortunately, we are not getting bombarded with interested Craigslist-callers as I had originally anticipated.

I don’t think I really even like animals.  Yet, here I am.  Running my own zoo.

Let’s talk about the kitten, shall we?  Oh, and FYI:  The “R” in ridiculous was for how ridiculous life is and the “S” is for Sweet as in, oh the kitten is so sweet.

Yes.  My girls oft steal my camera and take no less than 4.2 million photographs.  And, yes.  Sweet Pea is feigning sleep.  But she is such a good actress, I bet you couldn’t tell.  And, no.  Sweet Pea does not believe in using pillowcases.  I wash my hands of it.

Handsome Dude was so excited that cat was a boy.  He promptly named him “Peter.”

Why?  I cannot be certain.

I think Peter fears for his life.  And rightly so.  I’ve decided we need round-the clock babysitters for Peter.  Because I think Little Dude shall kill him.  Little Dude is not gentle, folks.  But we are surviving.  Peter is still alive.  And the girls are learning to do their schoolwork with a kitten on their laps.

Before I go on my FREEZING camping trip, I shall leave you with a little pop quiz.

Please.  Try to contain your excitement.

Which of the following did my boys do?

A)  Stuff the kitten in a toy “pet carrier” and accidentally drop it down the stairs?

B)  Give the kitten a haircut.

C)  Take kitten food and scatter it all over my bed to try and give the kitten a snack.

D)  All of the above.

Yes.  Let us all be concerned for the safety of the kitten.

This is Mrs. Dr. Dolittle signing off, hoping everyone is jealous of her upcoming camping trip.


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19 Responses to Ridiculous and Sweet

  1. Sandy says:

    who is going to feed all of those critters while you are gone? or will they be trailing behind your trailer…more like the pied piper than dr. dolittle! have fun…and yes, i am a wee bit jealous!!!

    • Taylor says:

      I didn’t finish that thought! We are going camping about 15 minutes away from home-ha! Have you heard? We live in the middle of nowhere! 🙂 Normally, when we camp, we are about 2 hours away. But, on this trip, David will come home and check the stock. (That’s country-talk for animals)

  2. Deb says:

    NINE more chickens?!? You better find out what is going on with The Lumberjack before he decides to quit his job and become a farmer.

  3. Lisa Buchanan says:

    D. all of the above!

    My sister and I were just talking and we agreed it’s been super fun having you do this alphabet thingy for you post most everyday! Whoohoo!

    Glad you won’t be without coffee on this freezing camping trip! THAT would be too much to take.

  4. Cathy says:

    I am guessing D. That will be one tough kitten. Good thing it has the safety of the girls laps during school time. When my boys were little, one of them cut the whiskers off the cat. He said they were too long.

  5. diana at home says:

    love the hillbilly camping train! so funny. y’all need a shed for the trailer. yes? no?

    sweet kitty cat Peter is a lucky fellow, despite being given extra treats, a haircut and an accidental ride down the stairs. Guaranteed my 9yo would sit still for school if it involved a kitten on her lap. why have I not thought of this before? great suggestion.

    you have a zoo, yes you do.
    was your family the inspiration for that movie???

  6. Leslie says:

    Wait, does that “2 goldfish” count above include the dead one? I’m not sure dead animals count. 😉 And I whole heartedly vote D. Not because I have 3 boys and know full well what they’re capable of or anything. Cause, you know, my kids would *cough* never do anything like that *cough*.

    Just out of curiosity, why, praytell, don’t you just butcher the turkey? I hear that’s what farming folks do, and you are already a hillbilly, right? Why not take it up another notch?

  7. Joyce says:

    Camping is a vacay from Tom and the chickens, right?

  8. Once when my son was little, I caught him with a pair of scissors in his hands and he said “I cutta kitty tail!” with a big smile. I just about thew up. Thank the Good Lord my boy was just notifying me of his plans and not updating me on the things he’d checked off his to do list. I will say this, though: That same year we found out that shop vac hoses ARE big enough to suck up the back end of a cat. O_o

  9. Christina says:

    Your life, in all of its many facets, is not, I repeat, NOT for the faint of heart.

  10. Megs says:

    Taylor, I love reading your posts. It should be of some consolation that it is is forcast to be a lovely week-end, with upper 60 to 70 degree weather. Enjoy!

  11. Maybe this is a horrible question, but can’t you just eat the turkey if you don’t want him running around.

  12. Dana says:

    I love camping as much as you do… Godspeed, my friend. 😉

  13. Patricia says:

    Hi, just popped over from A-Z list, which now is actually T-Z list…. Super post. I envy you going camping now. and 40 degrees!! That is a blistering hot day in my part of the world>> Take care and have fun.
    Patricia, Sugar & Spice & All Things ? Nice

  14. Dawn says:

    The disturbing thing about flushing goldfish is that they appear to swim in the swirling water and small children are prone to screaming that we are flushing the resurrected fishy. But now you have a kitten who can snack on the deceased swimmers! JUST KIDDING. Perhaps….. Just dont let anyone suggest that to the dudes.

  15. I enjoy the cat’s name. My son decided to name his goldfish Clark, and like you, I can not be certain why. However, every fish since then has also been named Clark. So apparently all fish are Clark. I can just see you now, running around with a whole herd of Peters, or I guess a group of cats would be a pride, right? A Pride of Peters. Awesome. (For you, not me.) 😉

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