Photo Garlands and Peach Walls

So, as many of you know, we moved out here almost two years ago.  We have spent all our monies on that darn rental and trying to tame our beastly land.  Therefore and henceforth, I have not had the extra money to decorate the inside of the house.

When we moved in, every single wall was painted peach.  Ok, in some lights it looks tan, but usually it looks peach.  I vowed to paint it right away, yet my house is still quite peachy.  Truth is, I’m starting not to care anymore.  Gasp!  Somebody help me! But, anyways . . . the windows in the dining room came with some curtain thingies.

As is evidenced in the picture below:

Here are the girls are on the very first morning in our new home.  Check out the swooshie curtains.  Guess how long it took for the dudes to rip them down?

Go on.  Guess.

Anyways, my windows have sat bare with a rod across the top for months on end.  Because what do I care?  I have 70ish animals to tend to.  But then I saw this pin on The Pinterest for Christmas Ornaments:

(image source and link)

And when I clicked over to the site, which is called Dear Lillie, I found a tutorial for a photo garland as well.

(image source and link)

So, I decided it was meant to be!  I enlisted the help of my trusty sister-in-law, Lisa, for she is all that is crafty in this world and owns a paper cutter.  And one needs a paper cutter for this job.

Ask me how I know.

Anyways Lisa is the bomb.  Remember Lisa?

She likes to pose on the side of the road and point at cows.  For some odd reason.  Anyways, Lisa and I got together and made our own photo garlands.

For an excellent tutorial, you should totes visit the Dear Lillie blog.  But here is basically what I did:

1)  I pinned the idea.

2)  I made the Christmas photo ornaments.  They turned out mediocre at best, due to my lack of a paper cutter and a helper named Lisa.

3)  I thought about the garland for a few months.

4)  I forced Lisa to plan a craft date with me.

5)  I got some prints.

6)  We cut cardstock to fit with a reasonable border around the photos.

7)  We used photo corners.

8)  Lisa bought mini clothespins and I had some twine from Michaels.

And here are our creations.  Please.  Try not to be jealous of my photography skills.  Or skillz.  Whichever you prefer.

Please take note of the empty hummingbird feeder and the bubble wands stashed in the BBQ.  Yes.  Take decorating advice from me.  I apparently know what I am doing.  Who has time to “tidy up” before pictures?  Not I, my friends.  Not I.

I just chose some delightful pictures from over the years.  Again.  Prepare to be amazed at my ability to dazzle with a camera.

Daisy Mae’s kindergarten graduation.

Chubby Little Dude at the beach.  He was most likely snacking on sand.  Which around here is just code for gravel.  FYI.

Handsome Dude fishing.

I attempted to take a close up of the photo corners/twine/clothespins for you:

You’re welcome.

Lisa took a different route with her garland.

She took an old frame and did a whole bunch of stuff to it.  She is a professional furniture restorer, so I just hear:

“Blah, blah, blah, sand, blah, glaze, blah blah, rub, blah.”

And I won’t ever make a frame like it.  For I can’t.

But she did smaller pictures and did smaller garlands in her frame.  Cute, cute!

So, there you have it.  A cheap way to add some pizazz to your home.  And you could even switch out the pictures as needed!  Brilliant!

It really does look quite nice.  I promise.  I’m just a wretched photographer.  But you knew this.

Alright.  A link recap, if you will.

Go to Our Front Door if you would like to add a Pinterest Post or would like to see other bloggers’ Pinterest Posts.

Go to the Dear Lillie Blog to see the tutorial.  Her site is gorgeous and you should check it out anyways.

To check out my Pinterest, click here.

I’ll be posting stuff that I have tried from Pinterest every Tuesday and Thursday in May.  If you have any ideas or suggestions of things to try, email me at or leave it in the comments.




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12 Responses to Photo Garlands and Peach Walls

  1. I love that people are doing reviews of craft pins. Take heart: there is someone in the world less crafty than you.


    I love your photo garland and if I had a sister-in-law named Lisa I would make one too. Mine is named Darcy though so I’m out of luck.

  2. That looks gorgeous! Also, I’m totally jealous of Lisa and her frame.

  3. I LOVE this idea! So pretty. Good job on your garland and your photos too. I thought they were cute. I want to make one of these now.

  4. Martha says:

    Please, for the love of all that is good, paint over the peachy tan paint. We moved into a house that had peach all over. After years of putting up with it I finally got rid of it, all I could think was, WHY DIDN’T I DO THIS SOONER???!!?? Peace and happiness rose up in my life and the world is a much better place. Try it.
    Great photo idea – love your blog!

  5. namacura says:

    That turned out amazing! Country life is agreeing with you.

  6. B says:

    Do you yard sale? Good stuff, useful stuff for cheap prices. Paint maybe , children’s clothes, women’s clothes that aren’t carhart.
    Check Craigslist for free paint.
    But wait, I must know how you think you would /could ever get the walls painted with 4 children in the mix?
    I think you may have a good idea of just ignoring the peach walls……when do you have time to look at the walls anyway?

  7. Ada says:

    Super cute garland. Ilove family photos. Great idea.

    I had a wall in our living room that was 70’s style dark wood with mirrors on it. In a pattern. It was the bane of my existence. After years of hating it privately and publicly and apologizing for it when someone new came over we fixed it. It was an easy fix with some bead board. $40 and an afternoon. And we wondered all along why we didn’t do it earlier.

    Have a paint party and get the peach out of your life. 🙂

  8. Erin says:

    I totally want to do the garlands in the frame idea now! Super cute! Wishing I had a paper cutter right now…

  9. Melissa W. says:

    Thanks for doing this… so cute! I love stuff like this!! Love the frame one too!

  10. When we moved in the previous owners had painted the bathroom the color of death. I vowed it was the first thing I’d change. Ten years later…I’m used to it! NOooooo.

  11. Sandy says:

    Lovely garland, cute pics , are they sepia or black and white?

    I would guess it took the dudes .5 seconds to pull down the curtain thingies.

  12. Christina says:

    It’s so cute! And so out of reach of little dudes. 🙂

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