OSB and Sheetrock

So, I have not made a family photo album since 2007.  Is that not sad?  I am trying to buckle down and get caught up, but I find this job to be quite tedious.  I was a good girl and got half of 2008 done last night and am already ready for another 5 year break.

The good news is, according to our photo albums, Little Dude was finally born!  The bad news is, if I stop, he will forever be frozen in time looking like this:

And we all know the lad is no longer that innocent.

Anyways, I was not blogging back then, so I thought it might be fun to share some old pics.  Please.  Try and feign excitement.

When I started looking through the pictures, I was reminded about all my frustrations with living in a fixer upper!  The reader might recall that before we moved to Ruralville, we lived in a house built in 1910 that David had gutted and was slowly putting back together.  This phase lasted for 7 years.

I was certain that house would never, ever, be finished.  I did not get a digital camera until 2007, so that’s when these pictures will start.  But let the records show:  we had been working on this house since 2003!

Baby Handsome Dude.  Please notice the wires and the unpainted sheetrock.

And before this whole funky house building adventure, I had no idea what sheetrock was.

Do you?

The girls on Sweet Pea’s first day of preschool.

Do you see that big sheet of OSB on the porch?  There was a giant hole in the front porch that I kept begging David to fix.  He just never found the time to get around to it.  So one day, I marched to the backyard and grabbed a sheet of OSB and threw it on the hole.  And there the OSB sat for many years.

What’s that?  You don’t have random building materials floating around your yard?  Odd.

And before this whole funky house building adventure, I had no idea what OSB was.

Do you?

The girls “helping” David work on the master bedroom.

Check out Sweet Pea’s “workboots.”


Daisy Mae never stops talking.


She’s probably talking right now while taking a shower.

There’s my main man!

I am pretty sure he still owns the same Carhartts.  The man has separation issues when it comes to Carhartts.

Did he have a goatee?

Will the reader please look at the above photo closely?  Notice the windows.  Every single window in our house looked like that for many years-unfinished with insulation peeking out.

It was an exciting day when David, the grand house builder that he is, installed all the window trim!

Here is a picture of the girls my the newly finished, newly painted living room windows.

Oh!  And baseboards, too!

And my husband did the floors.

Seriously.  He did it all.   Is there anything my main man can’t do?  Besides resist buying scores of chickens?

Here are just some cute shots.  You know.  To dazzle and delight.

The girls riding bikes in our old backyard.

I think this was 2007, so they would have been 4 and 3.

 Coloring Easter Eggs . . .

While Handsome Dude was contained in his high chair . . .

Ah, the glory days.



(I was pregnant with Little Dude)

Mother’s Day

(Still pregnant.  FYI)

Baby Little Dude

Please notice:  Wires, unfinished back door, and no pantry door.

Because I sure noticed.

I also forgot these days . . .

It is hard to see, but there is a bench there and David always kept all his building materials there and I would try and keep the kids out of it.  David would come home from work and work on the house most evenings.

Why on earth did I take the above picture?  I was probably really, really, really tired.

Camping and hanging out at the river:

Sweet Pea

Daisy Mae

Handsome Dude

Camping and Wood Cutting:

(Notice the wood in the back)



Little Dude, the trooper that he was.

Sweet Pea’s first day of kindergarten . . .back in the days when I outsourced education!

And, yes.  The OSB is still there.

And that’s as far as I got in my photo albums!  Hopefully I will get some finished soon.

Happy Friday!

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15 Responses to OSB and Sheetrock

  1. Melissa says:

    this post just made me really sad and miss you and your girls!! The boys too of course but I have a lot of happy memories of time spent with you and the girls in that little house =) one of these days I’m gonna get back up there and rent it from you for the summer!!!

  2. Sandy says:

    yeah, i think digital cameras are a curse! i haven’t printed off a picture since i got one. my sons baby pictures just suddenly stopped…like he doesn’t exist anymore. his laundry basket tells me otherwise =o(

  3. Lani says:

    I have the last 2 years worth of photos sitting in a large pile on my counter waiting to go into albums. We won’t talk about how long they’ve been there.

  4. nina the mom says:

    I am a sold on photobooks… I LOVE picaboo! I downloaded the software and I just add pages throughout the year and print the book at the end. If I didn’t do this, I would never catch up. You can adjust everything and choose every background, font, etc… or you can use pre-made layouts. Plus, they’re always having 50% off sales. (They should pay me to advertise for them.) Anyway, do you use digital or do you print the photos yourself? I love that one photobook takes up 1/1,000 of the space of one traditional (FAT) Creative Memories scrapbook.
    <3 <3 <3
    Ps. Glad the blood came out. I'll have to remember that tip… hopefully I never have to use it, though.

  5. Marla says:

    I was going to recommend photo books like Nina did. I would recommend doing them by year and printing them off in January sometime. It’s not to hard to keep up with and they look so nice on the shelf.

    Also, your kids were/are adorable. 🙂

  6. Christi says:

    I know what sheetrock is, not from any personal knowledge but because I adore fix it up shows on HGTV. I dont have a clue what OSB is.

  7. Lisa Buchanan says:

    Love the photo’s /memories! Especially the pregnant ones because those are definitely worth remembering, right? RIGHT?

  8. Wendy says:

    I’m thinking I need to make some photobooks now!
    But yes, I do know what sheetrock is, although we usually call it gyprock (my dad is a DIY-er), and OSB is Oriented Strand Board-right? Knowledge obtained courtesy of Mike Holmes!
    My old digital photos are sprinkled over several older computers, and not really accessible. 🙁 I need to do something about that!

  9. Lisa says:

    Love those old photos! Your girls are too cute, and that first photo of Handsome Dude is darling. Hope your family has a great weekend!

  10. I do not know what OSB is and I think I’m happier for it.

    There is much to miss about that sweet little house that contains all your hard work but I think what I would miss most of all is a back yard that’s too small to hold rabbits or chickens.

  11. Amy VH says:

    The picture of little dude camping he is wearing the same outfit my D had when he was innocent and could not get around and destroy things…3 year old boys give me the pee pee shivers. 🙂

  12. Dana says:

    Great pictures!

    I’m so bad about albums and the like. My son turned five in February, and I still haven’t finished his baby book. At least I started it, though. My nearly three-year-old daughter’s book is still empty. *sigh*

  13. Ada says:

    My husband says he will never buy a fixer upper again. I too have a window without trim, but only one bottom corner. I also have a few electrical outlets with no covers. Now, that sounds really bad becuase I could totally do that myself. Sigh.
    I love the photos of the littl ones. Super sweeeeeeet.
    I like the photobook idea….hmmmmm. Looking in to that now.

  14. Joyce says:

    I do not know what OSB is. Do I need to know?

    One day you will look back at these pictures and see only sweetness.

  15. datenutloaf says:

    luv the photos. memories… la la la

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