Electrician Fairies

Apparently, summer is here.

Can you see that?  Snow on yonder mountain top?  Good times.

I decided to paint my man toes to get them all nice and ready for flip flops.  Oh!  Have I not told you?  My toes are hideous.  Anyways, I decided to get them all show-worthy and everything. Because eventually, it might be flip flop weather here.

It did not help.  Sadly, I was born with my father’s feet.  (Thanks, Dad)  There was no improvement on the man toes.  If anything, it just makes the ghastly beasts even more noticeable.  So it was nothing but a colossal waste of time.

The long, long days of summer hath begun.  David works longer hours during the summer.  In fact, word on the street is he won’t be home until 10pm.  Oh, the humanity!  I need to take up knitting.

So, how have we been filling up our time here on Maliblahblah farms?  I’m so glad you asked.

I started reading one of my favorite books again.  It is called “These is My Words:  The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine” by Nancy Turner.

I did my loathsome 50 push ups and other various exercises required by my pretend-friend, Erin, all by 8am.  And I am sore.  And sadly, not any fitter.

Is “fitter” a word?  I vote yes!

I tried to trick my friend MindyLouHoo into coming over.  She did not get the hint.

I did laundry.

I dusted.

I let the boys paint.

Which is always a good idea.  Handsome Dude happily announced that he was painting Santa Clause.  And, fun fact, he was actually painting a picture of the disciple “Judas.”  And why do I have random copies of Judas coloring pages lying about?  I ask you?

Little Dude paints with “All the colors, Mom!  ALL!  See?  SEE?  SEE, MOM?  SEE?!?!?  MOOOOM?!”

Little Dude turns four next week.  I shall have this day for mourning.

We found a bird’s nest in the BBQ.

Which is a fine locale for any bird home.

The boys cleaned up the loft.

They did a fine job, don’t you think?

The girls have a friend over.

Which means there is absolutely NO drama going on between Sweet Pea and Daisy Mae whatsoever.

I kid!  I jest!

We got drama to spare here, folks.

I am trying to get motivated to do some homeschool planning for next year, but I simply don’t want to.  I think I am going to be in denial that I shall be teaching three of them next year.

Yes.  Let us pretend like that is not actually happening.  Because, you know, I was so together with teaching two of them.  I am sure I will be able to handle three different grades quite efficiently.

Chicks are about to hatch on my kitchen counter.  And I have NO idea how to handle that sitch.

David!  Mayday!  Mayday!  Come home!

I miss him.

I like him.

It is a good thing to like the person you are bound to in matrimony, wouldn’t you agree?

Perhaps, if we all shout it at once, the electrician fairies will complete his work early for him and he will walk in this door in about an hour.

Because, hello!?  We live at least an hour from everything!






(I will let you know if it worked)

Later, dudes.


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15 Responses to Electrician Fairies

  1. Christina says:

    Are you tellin’ me that you did 50 push ups in one morning?
    Because if that is the case, I don’t know if I can talk to you anymore.
    (I’m impressed. True. But also slightly jealous. Okay, more than slightly. Really.)

  2. Sandy says:

    i too have my father’s feet…smell and all =o) i can only use pale, subtle colors on my toe nails so as to not draw attention to them. heaven forbid i use red or some such color…it looks as if i ran over my toes with a lawn mower!

  3. Sister Meagan says:

    Your feet are not man feet. The snow is a nce touch. Perhaps in lieu of knitting you should get an afro wig and learn to paint those landscape paintings with that Bob guy.

    • Taylor says:

      You are just saying that because you did NOT inherit the man toes. Painting does sound relaxing. I need to paint some happy trees. Yes, I do.

  4. Summer says:

    You need to knit! 🙂

  5. Joyce says:

    Chipmunks made a nest in ours…I refuse to open the grill. That now falls entirely into the category of things only the hubs can do.

    Girl drama. There is nothing quite like it : ) Enjoy!

  6. I'm Erin says:

    I don’t like my feet either. And stop calling me a pretend friend. I am real! REAL!
    And I still think that if you finished all 50 before 8am then you aren’t doing them right.

  7. ruth says:

    That picture of Little Dude’s is so vibrant!! I love “all the colors” pictures done by little kids!!
    My youngest daughter would use lots of colors to paint pictures with. They would look so beautiful. Then she would fold the wet paper in half and paint on the back and fold it again and paint and fold and paint until they were just small folded, watercolored chunks. I still have some. A few I got away from her before she folded them, to preserve their beauty. She said they weren’t done, but they didn’t look the same after they were unfolded.

  8. B says:

    Too bad he can’t electrician from home.
    Though, you should remind him if he didn’t have this chicken fetish……..he wouldn’t have to work so much overtime. 🙂

  9. Holly says:

    I yelled pretty loud for David. It woke the dog who ran out the back door barking like a maniac. Which made the other dogs in the neighborhood start barking. I’m pretty sure David heard all that from work. You’re welcome.

  10. Missy says:

    Oh dear, three homeschool-ees at once you say? And I thought the 50 push-ups was inspirational… Your writing is so fun to read! Laughing about the “drama to spare”. Have mercy, I understand. And mine girl is only 4. Mourning indeed. I hope all the yelling that commenced produced a husband right to your doorstep. Your husband, of course. 🙂

  11. datenutloaf says:

    To Holly: Hilarious! LJ, such a good provider. I also love LD’s picture. Such nifty little painting trays. tres chic

  12. Dawn says:

    That’s one of my favorite books too! Have you read “Letters of a Woman Homesteader” by Elinore Pruitt Stewart? It’s free for Kindle. If you don’t have a Kindle, you can download the app to your phone or another device or read it on the computer. It is a true story and terrific! It’ll give you another book to read while waiting for the electrician fairies to hear you!

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