Pink! Sparkles! Glitter!

On Saturday, we celebrated David and his dad’s birthday.  David’s sister, Lisa, prepared the beloved huckleberry pie for the occasion.

I don’t know if you can tell, but that’s David’s, “I am so happy and blessed in life!” face.

On Sunday evening, my friend Bimlissa and I were conversing over the Internets and discussing homeschool rooms and organization. She sent me a picture of her daughter’s desk.

Check out the sign above the desk.

Pink!  Sparkles!  Glitter!

Hilarious.  And a fine homeschool motto if there ever was one.

Therefore and henceforth, my girls and I decided to go make some magic in our own homeschool room.  As a result, my girls were certain that homeschool is, and always will be, The Most Awesome Idea Known To Man and begged, nay, pleaded with me to start school early.

Like FIFTEEN days early.

So.  Guess what we did yesterday.

We had ourselves our first day of school.

In August.

It was like a dream come true.  Except it wasn’t.

Things started off promising, but then Sweet Pea, the perfectionist that she is, missed THREE problems on her math assignment, and, well, the world basically ended and life is too hard and she just can’t take it.

Daisy Mae got an A+ for attitude all day and got a 100% on her math.  I wrote, and I quote,

“100% You rock, girl!”

on her paper, so basically, heaven opened up and angels were singing and she proudly displayed her perfect math paper on her desk and showed her father immediately upon his arrival.

Handsome Dude.  You know how I have been dreading the schooling of the boy, right?  Well, he started off full of hope and promise.  He traced all his letters and numbers and did the most beautiful job I have even seen him do.  He did his Bible lesson and he did math, and, of course, got a 100%.

I never doubted him.

But then he had what I would like to call, The Great First Day of School Meltdown 2012 and had to take a nap.

It happens.

For Handsome Dude, I am doing a curriculum called All About Reading.  After his meltown/nap combo, I started his lesson and he immediately looked at me and informed me that he had to use the facilities.  So while he was taking care of business, Little Dude walked over to me and he and I did an All About Reading lesson.  Little Dude breezed through it with flying colors.

Enter Handsome Dude, fresh from the toilet.

“Mom?  This is pwetty twicky.”

So, as he is trying to sound out the word Nap, and throwing in the unnecessary sounds of the letters “t” and “s” and all sorts of fun stuff, Little Dude would come by and say things like:

“Oooh!  Nap!  See, mom?  That says NAP!”


Finally, it was lunch time.  Hallelujah!

Daisy Mae, who had been doing her silent reading, came upstairs sobbing that she did not feel good.  I took her temp and she had a fever!  So, I gave her some Ibuprofin and set her up with a smoothie, hot dog, and American Girl movie.

I was like The Best Mom Ever.  I thought I was off the hook for school, but Daisy Mae made a miraculous recovery and begged, nay pleaded with me to do history.

It was a long, hot school day and we did not finish up until 4:30.  Of course, we did have a movie/fever break, but still.  I am entitled to whine.  It is my right.  I will admit the day completely wore my brain out and I am going to need a lot of coffee and patience to get these kids through school this year.

Pink!  Sparkles!  Glitter!

Today, Daisy Mae has taken a turn for the worse and I am probably going to have to take her to the doctor.

Well, folks.  Country is coming to town today!  I will be driving my husband’s truck and in it will be 2 hens, the Daddy Woo-Ster, and five rabbits.  We are taking ourselves and our livestock to the county fair.  Do y’all remember my last encounter at the fair with Susie Fantastic, Rabbit Expert Extraordinaire?

Yeah.  I am NOT going through that again.  I am making my beloved meet me at the fair to help me.  He can stare at the rabbits’ private areas and genderify them.  Thankyouverymuch.

Random Topic Quick Change!

Little Dude.

He is becoming quite the country boy.  As you can see.

Well, yesterday, the girls found a dead snake.


David came home about an hour after that.

Me:  Boys!  Tell Daddy what you saw today!

Handsome Dude:  A snake!

David:  A snake!  Cool!

Me:  Go show Daddy where it is!

Little Dude:  Oh, I fed it to the trickens.

(That would be “Little Dude” for chickens.  Keep up.)

Me:  What?

Handsome Dude:  Yeah!  He just picked it up and gave it to the trickens!

Me:  Oh.  Did they, um, eat it?

Little Dude:  Yes!  They said yummy yummy!

Me:  Oh.  And you just picked up the snake?

Little Dude:  It was squishy!

Me:  Oh.

Little Dude:  Squishy, Squishy!

Yes.  Be jealous of my life.

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8 Responses to Pink! Sparkles! Glitter!

  1. Melissa says:

    What a day!!! Makes mine seem so much easier, even thoug I was feeling sorry for myself =)
    I hope she feels better soon!!!

  2. GB says:

    The only thing one can be is jealous, what a wonderful life you lead!

  3. Christi says:

    Lol I know how Sweet Pea feels. I took a test for a job once, got called back in, she said you did great, you only missed one question. She was not amused when I asked to retake the test, lol.

  4. Joyce says:

    The younger one is always itching to be the older one. When my oldest was learning her times tables, (which I thought might actually be the death of me), the youngest was around, in the room, coloring, singing, talking, etc., but obviously listening. I tried to make up rhymes to help the oldest but she is an artiste and could not see the point. One day I’m trying to get her to remember 6 x 8 when out of nowhere comes daughter2’s voice saying, ‘Isn’t it great? 6 x 8 is 48!’ At least someone learned their times tables. And actually that was pretty motivating for the older one : ) She may be an artiste but she is more than a little competitive!

    Hope your girl is feeling better for the fair. And you are not asked to id any chicken parts!

  5. Kendra says:

    I’m not brave enough to start science and social studies yet.we started with just the basics.

  6. Lisa Buchanan says:

    I see I’m not the only nuts one in the world! I started school today . . . yes in AUGUST! But, my plan was to start while my teacher-super-smart husband was still home for to help me as I/we decided to switch practically EVERY subject I was familiar with to a new curriculum. Why? I’m not certain. It makes life wee hard. Anyway, he was here to hold my hand and help me figure it out. It was sheer frenzied pandemonium. (Not to be confused with regular pandemonium. Yes, there’s a difference and we produce the frenzied kind.) Teaching 5 children is C.R.A.Z.Y!!!!! And, there’s two more coming up. I may or may not teach them. They might just be for manual labor.

  7. Rachel Spin says:

    My brother killed a rattlesnake in his yard this weekend and then promptly sent me a picture of it with its head and tail cut off. Thankyouverymuch. The said snake had apparently had a very recent last meal because it was sporting a big oblong bulge about the center of its length. Ewwwwwww. He’s 49 and still grossing me out.

  8. Missy says:

    I have decided that I much prefer to read the words on your blog and skip the pictures. And to skip any words that follow potentially horrifying pictures. What an adventure you live!

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