31 Days of Blessings

For the month of October, I am going to (attempt to) post every day as part of a “31 Day” challenge hosted by The Nester.

I was trying to decide on a topic for my 31 days.  At first, I was going to go with:

31 Days to Enjoying Homeschooling.


There were a few problems with that one.

1)  That would limit my audience.  Not everyone is as doomed lucky as I am to be a homeschooling marm.

2)  I seriously could not come up with 31 posts on homeschooling.

3)  If I had to write about  “the joys” of homeschooling AND homeschool at the same time, the post series would quickly morph into:

“31 Days of Transitioning your Children into Public School.”

I kid!  I jest!

So, I have realized that I am just tired lately and not finding much joy in life, particularly in my children.  And what is the point of being blessed with having children if you are not enjoying them?

And even though I am sarcastic and joke a lot, I truly do feel blessed by my children.

For reals.  Or realz.  Whichever you prefer.

They are so cute and funny and naughty all wrapped into one.

I was doing Little Dude’s Bible lesson for church with him the other night.  His lesson was on being a good friend.

Me:  Is sharing being a good friend?

LD: Yup.

Me:  Is saying, “I don’t like you anymore being a good friend?”

LD:  Nope.

Me:  Is hitting being a good friend?

LD:  Nope.

Me:  Is saying “You’re nice.” being a good friend?

LD:  Yup.

Me:  Okie dokes.  Looks like you know how to be a good friend.


Seriously.  The boy is always yelling.  We’ll call it a blessing.  He is not shy.  See?  I’m getting the hang of this!  I CAN and will find blessings everyday.

So, in an effort to combat the blues that has so easily entangled me, I shall be finding ONE blessing from each day in October.

This will be interesting.  I am pretty cranky.

But I shall persevere. Who knows?  Perhaps I shall find blessings in those wretched rabbits.

But who are we kidding?

They are awful.

Alright.  Stayed tuned.


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14 Responses to 31 Days of Blessings

  1. Sister Meagan says:

    Your children are and will remain wonderful friends to living and non living people alike.

  2. anna says:

    I understand the challenge of a loud child. And people ask if he has a hearing problem. Nope. He can hear a whisper across the room.

  3. “31 Days of Transitioning your Children into Public School” …. hahahaha! You made me LAUGH OUT LOUD, woman!

    On a more serious note, like you recently I’ve realised that I’m not enjoying my children as I should … the noise, the mess, the chaos … I am praying to embrace it, instead of wincing and counting to 10. I completely identify with your tiredness and lack of joy. I seem to be permanently exasperated, exhausted and longing for their bedtime so I can have some peace and quiet! I’m sure it’s just a season – I sort of mentioned how I was feeling here … http://homeeducationyouhavegottobekidding.blogspot.co.uk/2012/09/seasons.html … but I’m praying that I have a more Godly response to the life I have. When it comes right down to it, I wouldn’t change any little thing. Except perhaps the noise. And the mess. *smile*

  4. A blessing a day; a commendable goal, Taylor. I salute your homeschooling efforts; having such healthy, active, charming children TO homeschool; that is a blessing!

  5. I thought about doing the 31 day challenge and was about to just give myself a pass on it … then I read your blog today. And then I remembered how helpful it was to write down everything I eat, which was a result of your most recent (?) health craze, wherein I realized writing down everything I eat makes my hand cramp from all the writing. It was an eye-opening experience. So I’m thinking I should probably do the 31 day challenge too, because surely it will render even greater revelations … I only did that write down what you eat thing a day or so :o) I’m looking forward to your Days of Blessings!

  6. Gianna says:

    I think this is beautiful.
    I think I want to join up.
    But I’m going to do 31 days of funny moments.
    I haven’t laughed—really LAUGHED–in a very long time, and so I’m thinking this is perfect!

    Thank you!

  7. I am looking forward to you 31 posts. No way am I gonna do it myself though. 🙂

  8. Lisa Buchanan says:

    * This will be fun for us! A Teller post everyday!

    * No one doubts you love your children, my dear, no one.

    * I’ll not join in the blessing thing. No blog. But I probably won’t think them either.

  9. datenut says:

    Aaahhh. You can do it. But I thought we weren’t going to mix kids and logs??? Kids + logs = scary.

  10. Wichiepoo says:

    Oh Teller, I am so happy to see that you will post something EVERY day for at least 31 days! I love reading your stories of your children, you see, I always wanted 3 or 4 kiddos, but it wasn’t meant to be and I had a wonderful boy. Your posts let me kind of live it, without living it. Can’t wait to read you EVERY DAY!!!!

  11. Missy says:

    *Clapping hands like a mad woman* YAY! 31 days of posts, straight. Can. Not. Wait!
    And dern – those rabbits really are downright unlovable looking, even upside down (or on their backs or whatever position that is.).

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