Day 2: Homeschool Co-op

Everyday in October,  I will post about one blessing from my day.  Some days might be big blessings, some might be terribly unimportant . . . some might be a bit of a joke.

But my goal is to find joy in everyday life.

I know.  It is technically still October 1st, but we are going to feign that it is October 2nd.  Why?  Because.

Every Monday, we leave the house around 9am.  We gather homework, pack lunches, and grab our piano music.

Also every Monday:  Little Dude cannot find his shoes.




It is my lot in life, my burden to bear.  But I digress.

Getting to our homeschool co-op is no easy feat.  But every week we go, I am happy we made the effort.

Sweet Pea is taking an Apologia Zoology class.  Now, if I were her teacher in Zoology, I would skip over all extra activities and projects.  Because, hello?  I am barely surviving over here.  And I am, most likely, searching for Little Dude’s missing shoe in my spare (ha) time.

But at co-op, she got to make her own bird feeder.

This is just fantastic because it makes me look like I am THAT awesome homeschooling mom, when in fact, I am not.

Oh!  And fun fact.  I am one of the helpers for the Zoology class, so I helped assemble many of these bird feeders today.  So I am a total pro.  If that impresses you.  And I’m sure it doesn’t.

Going to co-op takes a lot of time and effort, and quite a bit of gas, but there are many blessings that come out of it.

* My kids have friends that they look forward to seeing each week.

* My kids are learning to listen and follow directions from teachers other than yours truly.

*  My kids are learning how to act in a classroom environment.

* I am meeting friends.  Turns out moms like friends, too!  Who knew?!

*  I get to see how other people teach and gain insight on homeschooling.


In case you are not in the know, this is how our homeschool co op works.  Parents sign up to teach different classes for different ages.  The kids are offered a few choices for each class hour and they attend that class.  For example, Sweet Pea is taking:  Zoology, Writing, and Around the World.  Around the World is a class that studies one country every two weeks.  Daisy Mae is taking:  Just for Fun (which is aptly named), Writing, and Around the World.  Handsome Dude is taking Kindergarten and Little Dude is taking preschool.  Imagine that.  I teach a 1st-3rd Draw Write Now class, which is awesome because I can’t draw and a preschool class where we are going through the Days of Creation.  But basically, I am just trying to survive that one and keep everyone alive, seeing as how it is the last class of the day and the preschoolers are WIPED.  I have high expectations for life.

After Co-op, the girls get dropped off at piano and I get to run an errand with my boys.  We either do a little shopping, run to the library or hit the park.

And I always, ALWAYS, make sure I stop for coffee.


It just might be the biggest blessing of all.

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15 Responses to Day 2: Homeschool Co-op

  1. Kendra says:

    We are trying apologia also this year.

  2. Rachel Spin says:

    Fun fact: Thomas Jefferson said “Coffee – the favorite drink of the civilized world.”

  3. Gianna says:

    awesome! I love hearing about co-ops!

  4. Joyce says:

    Surviving should not be underrated : )

  5. Some times when I read your posts…especially the ones where you describe your day-to-day activities….. I feel like I’m reading about the life of someone on the other side of the world, or even on another planet! Soooooo different from my life. Yet fascinating.

  6. JoAnn says:

    You are my hero. I think…preschoolers should be happy they survived. And not so picky about knowledge…just glad to have survived the day without anyone going crazy on their irrational tushes.
    Mother of Preschoolers (who are lucky to be alive)

  7. Christina says:

    We go to a weekly class also and it has been good for all of us. 🙂
    I’m glad you got your coffee! And survived!

  8. B says:

    You blogging every day this month is going to be something we are all
    thankful for !!!!! Oh wait, maybe you won’t be thankful for it.
    Thank you .

  9. deb says:

    I wish we had a co-op. That would be so awesome.

    Oh! I was in a little ice cream shop yesterday and saw Moose Tracks ice cream! Alas, I did not get any, but there is always tomorrow.

  10. Katie says:

    I think surviving is all most teachers ask out of the day! And if they managed to learn something, even if it wasn’t what you intended, even better!

  11. Wichiepoo says:

    Hmmm, I think I found the reason why LD can never find his shoes on Monday.
    Wait for it….
    Because…….”Getting to our homeschool co-op is no easy FEET.” 😉
    Ok, I need more coffee, and I too, am thankful for every day from TLJW!

  12. datenut says:

    Don’t know how you have time to blog, but it’s my blessing. Is Around the World like a culture geography type subject? Nice outfit SP, nice birdcage. Wondering what kinds of birds will like to live there.

  13. datenut says:

    No wonder my mom liked school uniforms with seven kids.

  14. Angie says:

    Teller, I just love to read your blog. I get a laugh every day. You tell great stories. I also love your kids….. you make it sound fun to homeschool. I’m in the empty nest syndrome so I think your lucky. Time goes by so fast, enjoy every minute of it.

  15. Missy says:

    Teaching preschoolers at ANY time of day necessitates coffee! 🙂 I love how you get just as excited about the coffee stops as you do about the Homeschooling co-op.

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