Day 3: Found Kittens, Little Prizes, and Missing Teeth

Everyday in October,  I will post about one blessing from my day.  Some days might be big blessings, some might be terribly unimportant . . . some might be a bit of a joke.

But my goal is to find joy in everyday life.

Mr. Poppers, our foster kitten went missing today.  It was tragic and annoying all at the same time.  Handsome Dude has taken it upon himself to be Mr. Poppers parental guardian, so he was basically a wreck.

We searched the house, and during our search, I realized how awful our house was.  This is not rare, and yet, it surprised me.  So I, too, became a wreck.

I had an awful feeling that Mr. Poppers may have climbed into the freezer while the kids were helping themselves to ice cream.

Yes.  The kids were helping themselves to ice cream.  It was THAT sort of day. The kind of day where you have completely given up and when the kids say:

“Hey, Mom?  Can we have ice cream?!?”

You say:  “Sure, whatever.  Just get it yourself.”

And they rise and call you blessed and you are just happy to have an extra ten minutes to fold laundry.  As if your life could not be any more exciting.

And its not.

I checked the freezer.  No Poppers.  I checked the fridge.  No Poppers.  With much dread and fear, I checked all three toilets.

No Poppers.

Finally, Daisy Mae was getting a roll of toilet paper out of the cabinet in the bathroom and out popped Mr. Poppers.

Oh, it was a blessed moment.

Soon after, David walked in the door.  He came bearing Sweet Pea’s book report gift.  If a child does a book report for David, he will bring them home a prize.  He owed Sweet Pea for two reports, so her prize was a bit bigger than normal.

She got a book light (cheapie from Walmart), candy, gum, and a drink.  She shared the candy with her siblings.  For she is a gem.

Daisy Mae had been complaining of a loose tooth all the livelong day.  It hurt her to do her math.  It hurt her to eat her lunch.  It hurt her to brush her teeth.  It hurt her to redo all the problems she missed on her math.  Finally, I looked at her and said:

“Will you please just go yank it out?”

And she did!

Today’s blessings:

A kitten was found and not forever frozen in time.

A dad who makes reading books exciting.

A child who LOVES to read.

A girl who was brave enough to pull out her own tooth so her wimpy mother did not have to.




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13 Responses to Day 3: Found Kittens, Little Prizes, and Missing Teeth

  1. Amy says:

    I too think pulling teeth, wiggly teeth, teeth hanging from strings of whatever it is that attaches the tooth to the mouth, and other such teeth problems to be DISGUSTING. This is the main reason I don’t teach primary aged children. By 5th grade if a tooth is falling out, they manage that themselves. Yay for the little blessings in life!

  2. Christina says:

    Four blessings! Yay!!
    I am so glad your cat was found!
    I have to go help Mike figure out how to take apart our dishwasher…see? You’re not the only one who has so much fun! 🙂

  3. Gianna says:

    Yes, it is a day to be praised! Well, not the day more like the day maker.

  4. Kendra says:

    I hate it when my kids loose teeth. It creeps me out. I am the worlds worst tooth fairy. My oldest figured it out when I left her a note, and I am afraid I just gave up…on her first tooth.

  5. Melissa K. says:

    1. That David is no dummy in figuring out how to elicit the dreaded book report from a child.
    2. Daisy Mae’s tooth reminds me that we haven’t had a tooth pulled in our house in ages. We’re due.
    2. This posting of Day 1 on actual Day 0, Day 2 on actual Day 1, and Day 3 on actual Day 2 is totally messing with my OCD. I think you’re doing it on purpose to kill me dead.

  6. GB says:

    Mr. Poppers may be down to 8 lives after yesterday.

  7. Joyce says:

    I’m glad the kitten was found alive and well! Glad you are finding joy in the small things and one day you’ll be glad you wrote them all down. Enjoy your day!

  8. Rachel says:

    We are supposed to pull their teeth. This I did not know. I am on my third child of tooth losing age and have NEVER pulled a tooth. Nor will I. I had to leave the dentist office when they pulled out a needle to numb a childs mouth to shave teeth… I don’t DO teeth, or needles.

  9. Shannon says:

    The worst place ever to loose a kitten is in the dryer. I’m soo glad you found your kitten and it made it to your list of blessings.

    May your list of blessings become too long that you can’t write it all down.

  10. datenut says:

    What an sweet uplifting post.

  11. Lisa Buchanan says:

    Do you see the humor in your day . . . even after the fact? Yes? No? Because we sure do! The tooth thing totally sounded familiar! By the way, are you taking a major dose of B and D vitamins? They help. Truly.

  12. B says:

    I think you may be able to incorporate David’s rewards into you everyday school
    You do go to town once a week…… about a treat if they do well for the week and
    withholding if they don’t co operate.
    Glad you found the kitty alive and well.

  13. Missy says:

    Yay for kids that pull their own teeth. And Amen! I’m thrilled to read that Mr. Poppers was only in a closet. Though I do not homeschool, I am totally stealing the idea of having daddy bring home a treat for book reports. Maybe that will inspire more enthusiasm for the dreaded things.

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