Day 4: The Spelling Fail

Yesterday was a tough day.  Homeschooling wise.  It all started with this:

That last sentence?  That is SUPPOSED to say:

She is wrapping a present.

But it does not.  Nay.  It most certainly does not.


I promise to you, the people, that I make a great effort to teach these children.  Truly, I do.  Yet, here they are.  Raping presents and all sorts of other inappropriate things.

Let’s discuss some blessings, shall we?  Even if it kills us.

Handsome Dude accidentally let some hens out, as he is wont to do.  Thankfully, he got right to work fixing his mistake.

All hens were recovered and brought back to safety.

Daisy Mae wrote a letter to her Great Aunt.

“We have a big dog named Tank.  He eats our chikens (spelling fail.  grrrrrr) and rabbits.  He is very bad.”

“We homeschool.  I like homeschool.”

Well.  At least somebody like homeschool.

I kid!  I jest!

This morning when I came to the school room, this is what I found:’

Handsome Dude had already gotten out his workbook and started working on his assignment.

Hold the phone! My son?  Doing schoolwork?

And doing it . . . . correctly?!


For the purposes of my mental sanity, let us all pretend that the bookcase in the above photo is organized nicely and aesthetically pleasing.

Thank you.

Today’s blessings:

*Being able to overcome the feelings of failure as a teacher and see the humor in a spelling error.

*A daughter who writes a nice letter to her aunt and even says she enjoys homeschooling.  This is encouraging, seeing as how homeschooling takes up my ENTIRE existence.  Basically.

*A son who is willing to go catch hens so they don’t become Tank-food.

*A son who is improving in Kindergarten.

*A book case that gets used by children who enjoy reading.

Happy Day Four!

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17 Responses to Day 4: The Spelling Fail

  1. diana at home says:

    (musical theme swells)
    “count your blessings, name them one by one,
    count your blessings, see what God has done…”

    thank you for the inspiration, Teller. and thank you for showing us how a bookcase SHOULD look, if it is being used by young children who are developing that all important love of reading.

  2. deb says:

    The worksheet says “Super Teacher” right on it, Taylor, so everything is fine.

    The other day, my son came to me all happy and excited and said, “guess what mom! I figured out the the Great Lakes are full of water!”

    He is seven.


  3. Joyce says:

    That picture at the desk is too cute! When you feel discouraged look at this photo : )

  4. ruth says:

    Ditto what the other commentors said!!

  5. Kendra says:

    Go little man. The other day I got up from my nap and the kids were all doing their school. I about fell over. That is the first and only time I have seen them do school without arguing.

  6. Christina says:

    I may write a post dedicated to you tonight. Your homeschool efforts are far FAR from a fail. 🙂

  7. Gianna says:

    PERFECT! Nice work, Teller! Those are great blessings!

  8. Sandy says:

    *teaching moment*…have the kids put those books in alphabetical order by authors last name. tell them they are playing library, but you will know it is actually spelling!

    this reader admires your dedication and fortitude in homeschooling…gardening/weeding…chicken rearing…rabbit raising…shall i go on?

  9. datenut says:

    She was “sounding it out.”

  10. Sandy says:

    oh, forgot…a friend told me once that her son was writing a short story (elementary school) and in that story he wrote that his older sister could never have enough pen’s but his apostrophe looked like an i…needless to say, a parent teacher conference ensued!

  11. * A house large enough to include a dedicated school room. Trust me. I’m jealous!

  12. Libby says:

    Look at HD, wearing his fully-intact glasses! I bet the optical shop people miss you.

  13. Lisa Buchanan says:

    Have you heard of Shepperd Software? It’s a beautiful way to “take a day” when you need a break. My people have actually enjoyed the adjective game and “shooting fruit” whilst learning math facts. This has allowed me to switch my children’s closets from summer to winter or they would have been wearing shorts and tanks all. winter. long.

  14. Missy says:

    This post made me giggle. The net that Handsome Dude is using to catch the escapees looks like the Lobstering Net we used to use to corral lobsters. We use the same children’s dictionary! A holdover from 2nd grade teaching days – and totally HOLLA that he’s working. Unprompted. WOOT!

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