Dried Out Pork and Damaged Beds

Remember Peter the cat?

This is he from the days of yore.

Peter and LD

Methinks that Peter has been jumping directly into the bag of cat food and helping himself to a 24 hour buffet.

He is looking not as svelte as he once did.

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What say you?

Oh, we must do a COW.  Because if I don’t do one at least once every six months, y’all are going to think this whole “Comment of the Week” thing does not exist.  And that would be sad.


This week’s COW goes to JoAnn.

I think maybe Taylor Swift needs to do some serious soul searching. I mean, WHY does she have all this DRAMA? I don’t have any drama. Maybe she should dye her hair, get married, have three kids in rapid succession and move to the suburbs? Then she can write songs that reflect REAL LIFE (in my case) like, “I woke up on Saturday and the cat had pooped in the sink”

I’d buy that CD

And what, pray tell, is with the cats and the poop?  Sure, they lure you in with promises of pooping in the litter and not making messes anywhere else.

But what they forget to mention is that they will get fat:

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and the litter box soon can no longer accommodate their bums and they miss and make the poopoo all over the floor.  Which is disgusting.

Moving on.

I was chatting with some other ladies the other day and I was discussing marriage.  You see, in my opinion, romance changes over time and the things you once thought were romantic, you know, like flowers and a dinner date are completely forgotten about. Romance takes on a whole new meaning.

Before I go on, we must first insert a little story about bunkbeds.  I know.  I am losing you.  But hang on!  The point is coming.

I have wanted bunkbeds for the boys’ room ever since we moved to Ruralville.  We finally were able to purchase some around the beginning of September.  David got busy and was not able to actually go and pick them up.  For like forever.

I asked him if perhaps the $60 delivery fee sounded appealing.  He said no.  I got over my sadness and moved on.

Around the end of October, he picked them and they sat in our basement.  (Hello, hunting season!)  I painted the room (goodbye, peach walls!) and got things all ready for him to set them up.  Meanwhile, the boys have been sleeping on mattresses in the piano room.

And more annoying, this could not be.

Finally, David goes to set up the bunk beds.  And, as luck would have it, they forgot to include screws.  We called and it took about 2 weeks, but they sent us some hardware.

Great!  Fantastic!

However.  They did not send us enough of the hardware.  He was only able to get about halfway through the set up process.

So.  I am upstairs cooking something pork-ish for dinner.  I am not used to cooking pork and my main goal is to not dry it out.  Because, apparently, it is my mission to dry out all meat whilst cooking it.  It is my lot in life, my burden to bear.

He calls me down to ask me to assist with the epic bunkbed setup disaster.  We are trying to get things all sorted out and I look and notice that one of the posts of the bed is damaged pretty bad.  I ran my hand along it.

David:  Yeah, I know.

Me:  What?

David:  The bed is ruined.

Me: How di-

David:  I did it.

And the look he gave me was a look like:

It happened.  Move on.

So, I said no more.

Meanwhile, while I was downstairs not saying anything about the slightly ruined bed and helping figure things out, my epic pork dinner was being over-cooked.


So, we are eating dinner.

Me:  The meat is overcooked.

David:  I think it is fine.

And then he took seconds.


This man does not eat seconds, people.  It was all very exciting.

So, there you have it.

After 12 years of marriage, romance has turned into me not making a fuss over a ruined piece of furniture and him pretending like the meat was full of all sorts of tasty-goodness.  And that is better than flowers.


The kids and I think we are hilarious.

And we are.

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We are wondering how long it will take David to notice.


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18 Responses to Dried Out Pork and Damaged Beds

  1. Anna says:

    I can SO relate to how romance changes over time!!

  2. Katherine says:

    I laughed out loud at Peter! Wow!

  3. Becky Fouts says:

    that cat!!! hahahaha, how much does he weigh??? he is chubby, but he is also a beautiful cat! Love that you and David will let accidents with furniture and pork that might be a little dry turn into ways to show kindness and grace to each other. THAT is romance. and love. and maturity. and a VERY good model for your children.

  4. Jessy says:

    OK, the whole deer head thing is hilarious! Is there an electrical outlet nearby? Because I’m totally thinking he needs some flashing Christmas lights wrapped around his antlers 😉

  5. Oh. My. Goodness.
    Are you sure that is the same cat?
    I think he may have thyroid issues. 🙂

    Good job finding romance where you can and appreciating the little things. It’ll keep you afloat.

  6. Kendra says:

    I must say, I laughed at poor Peter. Goodness, he is one big boy.

    As for pork. Have you ever tried crock pot pulled pork. It is really simple and only needs three ingredients. I am all about my crock pot lately because it allow me to make meals for my family.

  7. Marian says:

    Oh hilarious!!!
    Peter the overweight cat is funny…
    but that decked out deer is the best!!
    You and the kids ARE funny…keep it up!

  8. Joyce says:

    That cat is a boy, right? Just making sure. I love the festive antlers!

    I posted a video on my blog today-you should check it out. Pretty sure it will make you smile and think of your parents : )

  9. Vicki B says:

    That happened to my cats and after I changed their dry food to Organix brand it all came off. Costs more but it’s worth it. They are healthy and don’t have kidney issue which cats can be prone to.

  10. That sounds beautiful and romantic to me. And now I want some pork.

  11. Debra D. says:

    Gee, Peter needs to either become acquianted to Jenny Craig or take up P90X. We also have a large cat so I can tell you from experience that you need to NIP IT, I say, NIP IT IN THE BUD because if he is missing the litter box now, just wait until he develops feline diabetes and has to pee ALL. THE. TIME. and continues to miss and is now 17 years old and you begin to count the days until the Feline Grim Reaper visits but he never does and then you start to wonder if the cat will outlive you and who will take care of him then??? It’s a vicious, vicious cycle.

  12. Suzanne says:

    YAY for romance! 🙂

    Now, for the cat sitch…the litter box in particular. I’ve had similar issues with my cat, Mark but for peeing outside of the box. SO, my husband made a litter box that he cannot do such things outside of it. It’s all enclosed and keeps the nastiness in. Go here:

    Or just google “DIY litter box” and you can make one. It’s very simple and just requires you buy a large (we got a 31 gallon) rubbermaid container and cut out part of the front so they can get through but make sure it’s not cut so low that they’ll hang their rear over it.

  13. Gianna says:

    You ARE funny!
    And I totally get the whole seconds thing. I feel like Chris loves me (truly loves me) if he is willing to do more than scoff at the dinner being placed in front of him!

  14. JoAnn says:

    It’s my life goal to win the COW, so thanks. Now I can move on to…winning the COW AGAIN!!!!! YES!!! I’m totally not a sharer.
    That deer head is classic. Pretty much the best thing ever. And I have kicked my own cat outside, with her litter box in the garage. I just. couldn’t. take. it.
    She’s inside right now of course. She’s a cat. She doesn’t listen to me.

  15. Christina says:

    Yes, you are so funny!
    I love your story about the bed and the pork. (If someone were reading that out of context, it would make no sense at all.)

  16. Peter is a porker. That is too funny. He needs to go on your Fat Tuesday plan.

    Mature romance is what keeps the marriage going and going and going.

    I second the lights on the deer head idea.

  17. B says:

    A Puma box…………goodness that cat has grown………Puma , I say !

  18. Christi says:

    Try having a cat that is not only huge, but absolutely refuses to get into a litter box. He balances on the edge, all four feet tucked together, rocking back and forth trying not to fall, doing his business. He thinks the litter box is icky, hes right lol. So we cant get one with a lid, we took him to my moms and thats what her cat has, you should have seen him trying to back into it so he would have to step on the litter and then balance in that little hole lmbo.

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