Cat, Cat, Dog

The other day, I was doing school with the girls and I heard Little Dude calling for the dog downstairs.

“Tank!  Tank!  Here boy!”

He continued to call, and I continued to teach.  A little while later, he came upstairs.

He was no longer wearing pants.

Little Dude:  Tank!  Tank!

Me:  Dude.  Where are your pants?

Little Dude:  Moooom!  I need Tank!

Me:  Where are your pants?

Little Dude:  But, Mooooooom!  I NEED Tank!

Me:  You were wearing pants a minute ago.  Where are they now?

Little Dude, exasperated:  Mom.  I had to poop, ok?  Now where is Tank?

Me:  Why did you take your pants off?

Little Dude:  Because!  Now where’s Tank?

Me:  Did you wash your hands?

Little Dude (sighing):  No!

Me:  Go wash your hands and put your pants on.

Little Dude:  Mom!  I am not done pooping yet!

Me:  Then why are you walking around??!!  Go finish up!

Little Dude:  But I NEED Tank!

Me:  You do not need Tank.  Go.

Little Dude (crying and heading back downstairs):  But I NEED to show him something, Mom!  I need to!

This, my friends, is why I am helplessly addicted to coffee.


The children wanted to pick out presents for our pets for Christmas.  True, that could get a bit our of hand at our house, seeing as how our animal count is near the triple digits.  However, we just consider Tank the Dog, Peter the Cat, and Mr. Poppers the Cat our pets.

The pigs, chickens, and rabbits do not have a special place in our hearts.  Sadly.

Handsome Dude was so excited about the presents. He wanted to wrap them quickly before any of the animals saw them.  Because, clearly, animals are aware of Christmas surprises.

He put all three of the gifts in a gift bag himself.

 2012-12-22 10.19.00

He proudly wrote:  “CAT CAT DOG” on the present, because those are words he can spell.

Yes! MY boy!  A speller!

Who knew?!

Is that not precious?  Of course, the girls had a fit when they saw he had used an American Girl store bag.

But what is life without drama?

Happy Saturday!

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12 Responses to Cat, Cat, Dog

  1. I LOVE that! Cat, Cat, Dog! soooo funny 🙂
    Also – the needing to show the dog something while he’s pooping? Classic!!

  2. Angie W. says:

    Love it. My boys just burst into tears on the toilet if their brother doesn’t come see what they want to show him. Thankfully I don’t think they’ve gotten off and walked around. At least that I know about. And I will just consider ignorance bliss in this case. You are entitled to your caffeine. 🙂

  3. Kendra says:

    Any writing is good writing…right?

  4. Joyce says:

    Merry Christmas to all the Lumberjacks and cat cat dog too: )

  5. Pati Gulat says:

    Your blog has enhanced my year, Taylor . A very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you & the Lumberjack, Daisy Mae, Sweet Pea, Handsome Dude and Little Dude !!!!! Love the Cat Cat Dog on the Am. Girl bag !!! LOLOL

  6. Melissa K. says:

    Apparently the star was a little too much bling for cat cat dog gifts.

  7. Love the Cat Cat Dog. We do gifts for our pets too. They now expect it each Christmas and can find their own gifts under the tree even when they aren’t food related haha. they also enjoy the unwrapping process 🙂 It’s really cute to watch.

  8. B says:

    Merry Christmas …….hope all goes as smoothly as it can around your place.

  9. Missy says:

    And, what an awesome speller he is! Merry Merry Christmas!! May the cat, cat, and dog enjoy their presents as much as you enjoy your coffee.

  10. I think it’s a good policy not to give Christmas presents to animals who are potentially Christmas dinner.

  11. Rachel Spin says:

    Wait a minute, I thought the second cat was temporary. Is he a permanent member of the family now? Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

  12. datenut says:

    but what was so important he needed the dog for?

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