The Christmas Happenings

Let us discuss the Christmas happenings, shall we?  We shall.

On Christmas Eve, we went to church and then to my sis in law, Lisa’s house for our usual Maliblahblah side Christmas.  A few years ago, we started a White Elephant gift exchange tradition.

I have known now for awhile what I would be bringing.
Pressure Canned Chicken.  Gross.

Yes, that’s right.  The pressure canned chicken.  You see, dear readers, last summer David got it into his head that we needed to rid ourselves of all hens who were not producing eggs.  Something about it not being cost effective to feed old hens and blah blah blah.  Personally, I was completely fine with running a retirement ranch for geriatric hens.  But David informed me this was not how farm and ranch peoples, such as ourselves, approach life.

So.  He put the hens in separate little stalls and they all had three days to produce an egg.  Or else.  I would visit said hens and beg, nay plead, with them to please, PLEASE, lay an egg.

Alas.  Some hens did not heed my warning that the end was near and, well, the end came.  David and I had a brilliant idea, however.  We decided we would take the meat of the elderly hens, throw it in a mason jar, pressure can it, and call it dinner.

This idea works great if you are not scared to open the jars and eat the meat.

My brother in law, Jack was lucky enough to be stuck blessed with the cute, little jars of meat.
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But, look!  He is full of Christmas joy upon receiving it.  And Lisa said she was totally going to try eating it.

Because she is crazy.  Obviously.

On Christmas Day, my parents and sister came over.  I was to make a turkey dinner for the evening feast, and, well, this might surprise you, but I am afeared of the turkey carcass.  Something about reaching into anything’s cavity and pulling out necks and guts . . . it just gives me the peepee shivers.  Luckily, I managed to con my dad into just doing it for me.


After my dad prepped my turkey for me, we ate some lunch and opened a few presents.  Here are the children.  For I know you are all dying to see pictures of the children.


Sweet Pea, age 9 11/12ths.  Check out her American Girl doll’s outfit.  Auntie Datenut made it!


Could Daisy Mae look any more tired?

No.  No, she could not.

Her doll is also modeling an outfit created by Auntie Datenut.


Handsome Dude and the biggest Nerf gun ever.  Which he most certainly did not sneak up into the loft with while we were eating dinner later on.  And he also would never shoot from the loft and knock over someone’s beverage.  Nope.  Not my son.  Not on Christmas.


Little Dude, AKA Father Christmas.  Everything about Christmas is wee exciting.

Later on, we decided we were feeling a little calorie-laden, so we decided to go on a pre-Turkey dinner walk.

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From left to right:

Little Dude, Sweet Pea, Sister Meagan, Daisy Mae, and Handsome Dude.

Handsome Dude had no less than 18 meltdowns on that blessed walk.  He perked up after he saw some cows, however.  As most people do.

It was a lovely day.  We had a beautiful, white Christmas.


We came inside to finish preparing the feast.  Or, more accurately, my dad got right to carving the turkey and my mother made gravy and a couple of side dishes.

I can’t make gravy!  That is crazy talk!

Oh, sure.  I cooked some of the food.  Just not all of it.  We should not yet trust Taylor with the big Christmas feast.  She is not ready.

For the feast, my uncle and cousin and his wife came to be impressed with Taylor’s Great Christmas Feast.  That Taylor did not prepare all by herself.  And throughout the dinner, my parents kept praising my meal.

Which was good.  Since they basically made it.

Merry Christmas!

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14 Responses to The Christmas Happenings

  1. B says:

    Sounds like a win all around.

  2. Rachel Spin says:

    Scrolling down and seeing those jars made me laugh so hard my boy had to come over and see what the fuss was about. Great idea to give away the nastiness and capture a picture of the joyous receiver. Score! I made the Christmas feast at my parents’ house. I threw a spiral ham into the oven before church and made mashed taters and fresh green beans. Ham is WAY easier than turkey. I did the turkey feast thing for Thanksgiving and was wee exhausted afterwards. Darling clothes by Auntie D.

  3. Melissa says:

    cute pics of the kiddos!!

  4. Kendra says:

    Once again…the doggie made the picture…I think there is at least part of a dog in all of our family pictures.

  5. datenut says:

    Great aim, HD. Yes, your white christmas looks lovely. I can’t believe you treated your readers to yet another photo of the canned chicken in a transparent jar without labels. Weren’t we good this year?

  6. Rachel F. says:

    Do sweet pea’s boots have heels or is she really that tall? Wowsa! 🙂

  7. I love the term “pee pee shivers”. Such a perfect descriptor.

  8. Momma Mindy says:

    i think for vacation i just wanna’ come sit on your couch, drink coffee, and watch your kids spill things, pee on things, break things and fight over things. you have such an exciting life. sigh. makes me wonder why i let my kids grow up.

    seriously, you are a great mom and a fun bloggy friend to have. have a blessed new year.

  9. Christina says:

    Best White Elephant gift EVER. The look on his face is priceless!!
    We have similar stories regarding the turkey. 🙂 I took pictures while my sister-in-law actually dealt with cavities and such. We were also in charge of the mashed potato casserole. It was a little nerve-wracking. But we didn’t mess anything up! 🙂
    Auntie Datenut is very handy! Love the gifts, and your white Christmas. Here in Florida, not so white. 🙂

  10. Joyce says:

    That chicken gives me the peepee shivers too. shudder!!! I’m sure it’s delicious though : )

    Glad you had a merry white Christmas…ours was the same. Happy New Year!

  11. Angie W. says:

    Giving the chicken as a gift. Flat out brilliant. Wish we had some of that white Christmas!

  12. Sunny says:

    Your walls look AWESOME!!! Love the color!

  13. Aunt Shirl says:

    Miss T..I don’t know who cooked what, but I thank you most heartily and with the happiest of Christmas spirits for sending some my way!! It was WEE delicious, every morsel. (and I truly appreciated the paper plates!! If I have to return plates, they stay in my cupboard FOREVER before I get them back to their rightful owners!! 🙂
    Your tree looks beautiful!! Lovely picture..which causes me to wonder… Why do you all go camping?? Your place is a year ’round camp-site!!! All you need to do is dig a big pond for swimming etc.,right?? And then you could get some ducks!! I like it!!
    Happy New Year to you my dear, and to each of the Maliblahblahs :#)

  14. Missy says:

    I’m praying really hard that the rest of your chickens produce for the entirety of 2013. That’ll give us a year, at least, of no Chicken Parts Pictures. Right? I think it’s wonderful that you own up to not being old enough to prepare the Big Meal yet.

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