Today, my oldest turns 10. Now how is THAT possible? I must be old.
In honor of this great occasion, I shall write a list. For this pleases me so.
Top Ten Things You Should Know About Sweet Pea:
1. Her name is not really Sweet Pea.
2. She loves dogs. She had a special bond with Miley, who sadly died this summer. We also have a dog named Tank. Tank favors Sweet Pea as she dotes on him and talks to him like he is God’s gift to dog owners.
Sweet Pea and Miley, summer 2012
3. She desperately wants to be a veterinarian. She chose to take an extra science class (Zoology) this year because she is trying to learn all she can about animals.
Sweet Pea holding a baby rabbit
Sweet Pea holding Mr. Poppers, an abandoned kitten we were given.
(Because we needeth more animals. Obviously)
Sweet Pea showing off her homemade bird feeder from Zoology class.
4. She loves American Girl dolls.
Sweet Pea at an American Girl Tea Party
Sweet Pea’s doll modeling an outfit made by her Great-Aunt
Sweet Pea’s doll wearing a dress made by Sweet Pea herself with the help of her Aunt Lisa.
5. She loves to read. For Christmas, she got a Kindle and is really enjoying it.
6. She loves learning about prairie times and has read quite a few of the Little House books.
Sweet Pea wearing a dress made by her Great Aunt.
7. She loves hanging out with family.
Sweet Pea and Uncle Jason, summer 2012
Sweet Pea with myself and Aunt Amy, helping make strawberry jam.
Bike ride adventure with family from both sides.
Sweet Pea fishing with everyone for her brother’s birthday
Sweet Pea and Pop Pop. She tells me she and Pop Pop are, like, identical twins. I explained this was impossible on many levels. She retracted that statement and declared they were actually soul mates. Which is also a little not-so-possible. I think she just means they share many common interests. And she basically says that because they both enjoy reading. So there you go.
On a walk with her Aunt Meagan and siblings.
8. She has a sweet heart. She made many homemade gifts for Christmas. For her dad, she patched a few of his favorite Carhartt sweatshirts and froze cookie dough for him so he could make it whenever he wished. She also made her sister’s doll a dress. She has been surprising me by doing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen for me.
Just a couple of days ago, I was trying to do 18 things at once. I put a load of laundry on the bed to fold, then I went downstairs to load the fire. Then I noticed a mess the boys made, so I went to find them and “inspire” them to clean up their mess. I came back upstairs to start a new wash load and then noticed I needed to wipe off a counter. I went into my room and could not find the laundry I meant to fold. I decided I probably had the laundry basket somewhere and forgot where I left it. I then embarked on a hunt for the missing clean laundry that needed to be folded.
It was nowhere.
Clearly, I am old now and have lost my mind. As I stood muttering in the kitchen, Sweet Pea walked by me and said,
“I just folded and put away a load of laundry.”
Bam! I am not crazy. Phew.
9. She has a big love for God. She was baptized this past year.
She helps David and I teach preschoolers at church. She enjoys leading them in worship and coming up with review games for the kids after the lesson. She also befriends the little ones who are sad when their parents leave.
For her birthday this year, she asked for:
“A Bible. With deaths in it. Black. With my name on it. Not a kid Bible.”
What she wants is a Bible that has a few pages at the beginning to record births, deaths, and marriages. We did get her a Bible, but, sadly, we could not find one to record deaths with.
10. She is very independent. She knows all there is to know already, which makes homeschool interesting. She will not let me touch her hair, nor can I pick out her clothes. She is the child who will go remove a dead chicken for me. She will take her dog on a walk, even if it is raining. She is the only homeschooled child who plays on her basketball team and keeps going, even though no one really talks to her. She used her Bible bucks (pretend money she can earn at church) to buy Christmas gifts for her brothers. She hollers for me when she sees infomercials about losing belly fat, because she has noticed I need some motivation in this area. She most always compliments my cooking.
She is turning into a lovely, young lady, and I am so glad I get to be her mom!
I LOVE THIS LIST! I’m sorry for shouting, but I just really do. Happy birthday, Sweet Pea!
OH, Sweet Pea! You make your mom proud! Reading your list, Taylor, made me proud and I have never personally seen her with my own eyes in real life. I may never be near her, BUT I was so happy for her and for you.
10! You are not old enough to have a 10 year old!
hApPy BiRtHdAy SwEeT pEa!!! Welcome to the double digits =o)
Happy birthday Sweet Pea! What a sweet girl, you nick named her right!
Happy Happy Birthday , Sweet Pea !!!!
You sound like the perfect child……keep it up.
Happy Birthday Sweet Pea! you are amazing!
Such a great list for your sweet girl! Independence is a mostly wonderful trait : ). Happy Birthday Sweet Pea!
What a wonderful person your Sweet Pea is!!! God is growing her into an awesome young woman, and she is going to be a blessing to many more people as her life goes on, just as she is such a blessing to you right now! and on a side note, I am REALLY cranky at those girls who are not being friends with her at basketball!!! Where are their mamas ? Those girls are missing out big time by not becoming good friends with Sweet Pea!
Happy Birthday Sweet Pea!! And Taylor hold on to this list because in a couple of years you wont recognize her anymore lol.
Your daughter and my son are one-in-the-same. Old souls in a new heart. I cherish him as you do your daughter. Their uniqueness is inspirational.
What a thoughtful thing to do, to fold and put away a load of laundry! Happy Birthday Sweet Pea!
By the way, the bibles with pages in them to record births, marriages and deaths are usually about 14 inches tall, 10 inches wide, and about 2-3 inches thick. Not a bible a person can take to church.
What a lovely lady your Sweet Pea is growing up into! You have been blessed!
I think what Sweet Pea is trying to say about her Pop Pop is what Anne of Green Gables always said when she met someone she connected with; Kindred Spirits.
Right? Wasn’t that what Anne’d always say?
Miss T..You have touched my heart with your list…SweetPea is indeed a special young lady. I would agree that she and her Pop Pop are kindred spirits. (I’m 8 yrs older than Pop Pop, and can remember him at her age…well, on my good days I can remember 🙂
How lovely that you take the time to appreciate her wonderful qualities. What a gift for her. (and Christi might be right…better save the list..)
What a sweet girl! I enjoy your stories about her because I have the 7 yr old version of Sweet Pea at my house. Her nickname is Sweets. And I am with Becky about those basketball girls. They could learn something from your sweet girl.
Beautiful description of a beautiful girl. Happy Double Numbers, Sweet Pea!
Aw, happy birthday to your Sweet Pea. (Can we clone her???)