Well. I am a college chick again. Starting today. Because I have time to take 6 credits, obviously.
You see, dear readers, once upon a time, Taylor and David had a plan. They got married at the ripe ol’ age of 19 and were in school together to BOTH become teachers.
Oh, it was going to be grand! They would teach at the same school and go out to dinner after school together and discuss their days and go shopping at malls and live the high life in a town with a population exceeding 300 people.
Yes. We were reaching for the stars back then.
David had a complete personality transplant and decided to become an electrician whilst Taylor finished up her schooling to become an elementary teacher.
Shoot. Taylor switched this post to third person and regrets it. Let’s go back, shall we?
I did graduate, but have never actually taught, seeing as how I became pregnant (surprise!) with Sweet Pea during my senior year.
In order to keep my certification current, I must take 6 college credits every 5 years. So, this is my second time renewing my certification and I have never actually taught in a classroom. To tell you the truth, I am having a hard time ever seeing myself actually GOING to work as a teacher, seeing as how I am The Susie Homemaker now. But it seems silly to let it go. You never know what will happen in life, and if I do need to go to work, it would be best to go into education and have similar hours as my children.
So, there you have it. And my classes start today!
I would like to thank the World Wide Web for making Internet classes possible. Because there is no way I could actually GO to school.
Handsome Dude started basketball practice last week. Whenever he would make a basket, the champ that he clearly is, he would take the ball and run over to me and shout:
“Mom! Did you see me? Did you see me make it in the hoops?!”
All while the rest of the team was waiting for Mr. Champ to return with the ball. And each time I would tell him he could not come and talk to me, yet as soon as that boy made a basket, he would forget my words of wisdom and come tell me of his good fortune.
He would then run back in a great big swooping circle, do some sort of jump-flip-turn in mid-air and fancily pass the ball to the next teammate . . . who would have to run and chase after it.
Because Mr. Champ doesn’t really know what he is doing and can’t pass worth beans.
The coach had them play a 3 on 3 game. Handsome Dude had the ball and was ready for his moment of glory. Another boy had the audacity to guard him and try to take the ball from him.
Handsome Dude grabbed the ball back and furiously shouted:
The other boy did not listen. When Handsome Dude tried to take a second shot, the other boy stole the ball.
Handsome Dude, in all his 5 year old wisdom, ran up to the couch to tattle.
“That boy! That boy! That boy! I told him to stop it and he didn’t!”
Little Dude thinks that anytime someone kisses, they get married.
If he sees David kiss me, he groans:
“Oh, no! Don’t get married AGAIN!”
If I try to kiss him:
“Mom! You can’t marry me!”
This might work out well when the lad is in high school. Perhaps he will fear that every girl he kisses will become his wife and, henceforth, he might not ever smooch in his teen years.
Here’s to hoping!
Well, I better sign off. I have a full day of being a college chick, taking my kids to co op, taking kids to basketball practice, cooking dinner, and trying to squeeze in laundry.
I am, most assuredly, not meeting my fellow-teacher-husband for dinner after work and hitting the mall for some cute, new duds.
Oh, well.
Ohhhh how life changes, right?! I’m going back to school as well and started last week. It was a rough one…I’m hoping it gets better this week because I’m starting to regret my awesome “go back to school for masters” idea.
What do you call what you do every day with your kids? TEACH! YOU ARE A TEACHER! And trust me, it is much harder to teach 4 of your own children than it is to teach a classroom of 30, of someone else’s kids!
Kids are hilarious when they start playing sports!
My life is definitely different than I thought it would be when CH & I got married. Oh, well!
Welcome back into the ranks of college mamas. Or ‘crazy people.’ Take your pick. I’ve been working on my masters, but actually, I’m loving it. It can be stressful sometimes, but we make it work. And, just think, you could get a job teaching and then you would have a great excuse to drive the kids into town for school. Because, let’s be honest, teaching our own kids is sometimes so much harder than teaching someone else’s. In one fell swoop you could wash your hands of homeschool and spend time outside of ruralville. I’m dreaming big, I know. 😉 Except then you might have to hire a ranch hand for the animals…
Oh, if you were trying to live on a teacher’s salary you couldn’t buy the cute duds anyway.
I taught for years before my daughter was born. It is highly over rated.
Color me impressed! You really are Superwoman. And, quite frankly, I think HD is on to something with all that circling back to point out his growing skillz.
When you get old and grey…..in another 40 years……you will look back at these posts
and your busy life and wonder how you did it all ,at all. 🙂
Sorry, Kendra, but I respectfully disagree with you. Teaching is not “highly overrated.” I am a teacher and have poured my heart and soul into other people’s children for the last 19 years. I love my job more now than I did when I started. It takes a special kind of person to be a teacher and the biggest problem we have is children and parents who think that just anybody can do this job.
Taylor–congratulations on the online classes! Even if you never teach in an actual classroom, you ARE a teacher to those four beautiful children and the knowledge that you receive in your classes will, I am sure, help you as you continue to home school. 🙂