The Fancy Internet Machine

Last night, after dinner, I sat down at the computer to take a looksie at my online college courses.

Are you confused?  Are you wondering why I am taking college courses?

You are not alone.

When I was a young lass out of high school, I was in college full time, as well as working.  I would take 17-21 credits a semester because I was trying to get through college as quickly as I could.  The astute reader might remember that David and I were, at one time, both majoring in elementary education, so it was not uncommon for us to have classes together.

I know.  David in a CLASSROOM and not wearing boots and Carhatts??

It is almost as if we were living in The Twilight Zone.

David and I used to make fun of the “old” people in the class.  Of course, back then, “old” meant anyone over 25.  Oh, they were so annoying, what with their numerous questions, diligent note-taking, and actual reading of all the material.

You may ask, “Taylor!  Are you saying that you did not read all the required material each week in your academic career?”

Nay.  Nay, I did not.

People.  When you are taking that many credits AND working (with a hairnet, I might add) AND being married to stud, such as David, you do not simply have time to read everything.

You learn the art of skimming and searching for the bold-faced words.  Obviously.

So, now, ten years later, I am back to school so I can renew my teacher certification.  The only way this is possible for this season in my life is for me to take online courses.

And last night, as I fired up my Fancy Internet Machine, I realized that I am now THAT old person in school.

I am taking two different courses.  I found the syllabi . . . that’s plural for syllabus.

Look at me with my big-girl-college pants on!

Young-college-Taylor would have scoffed at the syllabi in the past.  But not old-college-Taylor.

She read it word for word.  And was confused the entire time.

My first assignment in each class was to find the “discussions” board and post something about myself.

Sounds simple enough.

I find the Discussions Board, but cannot for the life of me figure out how to actually post something.

I see that other peoples have figured this out and ascertained that it is possible.

I just can’t figure it out myself.

I noticed  David staring at me funny and I realized that I looked like quite the site.  I was all hunched over with my nose about two inches from the computer screen, furrowed eyebrows, and making nonsensical mutterings under my breath.

Imagine my dad trying to figure out the iTunes on his computer.

goober dad

That’s what I looked like.

After, oh, about 20 minutes, I finally figured out how to post a comment.  Everyone else is 18-20, no kids, and working as well as going to school.


“Hi, my name is Taylor and I am 31 years old.  I have been married to David for 12 and 1/2 years.  He is an electrician.  We have four kids ages 4-10 who I stay home and homeschool.  About two years ago, we moved out to the country where we raise chickens, pigs, and rabbits.

I am looking forward to this class!”

Now.  You tell me just how cool those 18 year olds think I am.

I mean, come on!  They are probably drooling over my life.

So.  I posted my required comments, fired down the Fancy Internet Machine, and opened the textbook to read my required reading.

As I was reading every required page, including the introduction, I put my book down and had an epiphany.

I am totally an old fart now.



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15 Responses to The Fancy Internet Machine

  1. I teach such classes in America both online and in a traditional classroom. We rather love our old people students. When I started teaching some of my students were forty years older than me.

  2. Suzanne says:

    As I was reading my required text last night I was thinking the exact same thing. I’m 30 now and in my younger years I would have never read the required text. This morning a lady at work says to me “Suzanne, you look really tired, is it too late to get your money back from school?” LOL! I guess I’m not handling this full-time work/school sitch too well! Please keep us up to date on school so that I can feel better about my going back to school in my 30’s 🙂

  3. Kendra says:

    Welcome to old fart-Dom.

  4. Debbie says:

    I am 54 and just started my college career a couple of years ago. I too am taking online classes because I now work full-time after many years as a stay at home mom. My boss cannot understand why I only take one or two classes a semester when he completed his Master’s in about 15 months. But I have a husband, a home and grandchildren in addition to work and church while he is a man and his day ends when he leaves work. Also I think I need to do better with my prioritizing!

  5. Gianna says:

    You may be an old fart now, but at least moms don’t poop!

  6. JoAnn says:

    BAHAHAH Gianna!

    I have nothing to add.

  7. Holly says:

    I’m happy you came to visit me and leave a comment on my blog but isn’t this study time for you? I love my Hokey Pokey sign too. Now stop dilly dallying and open a book.

  8. Nathalie says:

    I have to tell you that I think that your return to college is FABULOUS!!!

    I quit college to have my babies. I tried to go to night school while I was pregnant with my first but just couldn’t do more than two semesters before hanging up my notebooks and completely giving myself over to working mother of two.

    I kept putting off my return to school until my children were in middle school and busy with traveling sports. At the same time, I decided to go back to school…but online was the ONLY way I could fit it into my schedule.

    Like you, I was among the oldest with a well-established family too.

    Didn’t matter.

    It turned out that I was among the most studious and actually contributed a few intelligent things to those “discussion” boards.

    Turns out age = life experience, which those young whipper snappers don’t have yet.

    I’m very impressed with you. Keep up the hard work and don’t be afraid to use Google or Youtube if you can’t figure out how to do some of the techie stuff.

  9. Karen Hunt says:

    Things are relative…you are a “young mother.” If you were an “old fart” I would be a “senior citizen” and I am so not ready for that. Don’t blink cause cause you will be grandma and I will be dead. 🙂

  10. Joyce says:

    If you’re an old fart I must be ancient. Probably not even a word for me.

    Good luck with this…it kinda stressed me out just reading it. I loved school but am happy I got it all out of the way pre-kids!

  11. christine c says:

    Oh NO! Your turning into your parents with your mad computer skills! Although, the fact that you can post in this here blog of yours without too much assistance on proves your skills!

    I would imagine that the teachers enjoy teaching those old students who actually put thought into their studies. Way to go!

  12. Jill says:

    In spite of our great grasp of fancy internet machines, every once in a while something reminds me of how old I really am.

    I hate that.

  13. I distinctly remember a woman sitting in the front row of one of my lecture classes. She was ancient – at least 36 – and SO ANNOYING. She wanted to have discussions and ask questions and had the nerve to complain when class was cancelled because she had “paid good money” for the class.

    It is the memory of that woman that keeps me from ever, ever going back to college because I would surely be her now.


    I fear being assigned to a group project with a bunch of 19 year olds who want to meet at a coffee house at 10:00 p.m. which is when I want to be in bed.

  14. Missy says:

    I love your writing! Keep your nose to the grindstone with the studying. Just don’t forget to continue to post updates about it here so we can laugh about it with you.

    And be glad that we don’t have to fire up a discussion board or fire down an Internet.

  15. I was going to say, in good old English vernacular, ‘Old Fart my foot’, but decided that sounded a little … odd.

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